Wednesday 18 February 2009


Look at these pictures of ANWR, then read about it.

"The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge has been providing for the physical and emotional well-being of humans for many thousands of years. It remains an important resource to help sustain local Native cultures. The Refuge continues to be valued, even by those who never travel within it's borders, as a symbol of America's vast and remote wilderness - a place of inspiration and beauty - a promise for the future for all Americans.

The Refuge, a vast and beautiful wilderness, is an intact continuum of six different ecological zones spanning some 200 miles north to south. Such a diverse spectrum of habitats and associated fish and wildlife populations within a single conservation area is unparalleled in the circumpolar north.

The area is home to some of the most diverse and spectacular wildlife in the arctic. The Refuge's rich pageant of wildlife includes 36 fish species, 36 land mammals, nine marine mammals, and more than 160 migratory and resident bird species.

It contains remote, complete, and undisturbed lands across five different ecological regions: lagoons, beaches and saltmarshes of coastal marine areas; coastal plain tundra; alpine tundra of the Brooks Range; the forest-tundra transition south of the mountains; and tall spruce, birch, and aspen of the boreal forest."

This is how Sarah Palin sees ANWR:

VAN SUSTEREN: All right, when are you going to take me to the North Slope?

SARAH PALIN: Oh, we need to get up there because you need to see it, also. You need to see ANWR. In fact, I appreciate, Greta, that your understanding also the potential that our states have to contribute towards energy independence in our nation.

Now you know a bit more about ANWR and what it looks like.

Would you say it's a good place to drill for oil?

Source: ANWR


  1. People seem to be having trouble posting comments. If you're experiencing difficulties, drop me an e-mail, please...


  2. How's this for today's ADN headlines(in exactly this order):

    Murkowski proposes directional drilling in ANWR

    U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski told the Legislature in Juneau today she will introduce legislation to allow directional drilling in oil reserves under ANWR from outside its boundaries. 1:48 PM

    BP reports spill at Prudhoe Bay; 11 wells offline

    An unknown amount of oil, natural gas and produced water spilled from a Prudhoe Bay pipeline onto a gravel pad Wednesday in an incident under investigation by state regulators. 1:37 PM

    BP to pay almost $180 million in pollution case 2:13 PM

    If drilling is done in or next to ANWR, at some point the headlines will be about Exxon, BP, or Tesoro, etc. explaining away their spill. Sound good for the people, animals and vegetation of Alaska?

  3. It's just too much! My blood pressure is going up by the minute.

    I don't know how much more I can take of all this blah blah blah about responsible drilling in ANWR.

    They're all in the pockets of Big Oil, all of them! The big oil companies gladly pay their taxes to the state, which make these politicians look good, but in return they have to remove all obstacles to drilling wherever they want!

    Oil was the worst thing that ever happened to Alaska.
