Sunday 22 March 2009

Sarah Palin's offensive behaviour

Which is worse, president Obama making a self-deprecating remark about the Special Olympics and apologizing before the program was aired (and not attempting to have the remark supressed, by the way) or this?


  1. Wow, this is my first read on that radio talk incident. I hope this woman (SP) never has to go through an illness (cancer), God forbid, like that, and have someone giggle on radio, while a dj is calling her horrible names. Where is the christian in Sarah? Family values, while her own kids hear this? What motherly example is she showing? Integrity? Thank the Lord that doors were closed on Nov. 4th.

  2. Yes, Anonymous, it's a very horrible way to behave. The doors to the VP job may have closed on Nov 4th, but she has her eye on the BIG job in 2012 and the poor Alaskans still have to put up with her for at least another two years!


  3. OMG! What a POS!!! And who are those ASSHATS she is talking with? What Asskissers.
    This was before the campaign? And she laughs, just like she didn't do anything about people yelling "kill him" at her rallies...
    And attacking someone about their weight? How juvenile is that?
    Like grade school?
    Please FBI take her down. I would like to hear her giggle then....

  4. Crystalwolf,

    This little example of "good" behaviour was before the campaign, but it can't be that old, she's only been governor since Dec 2006...

    I nearly gave up the whole thing this morning, I felt sick to my stomach just to think about this woman, but I plodded on. Then I went to Celtic Diva and she said such nice stuff about me in a post that I felt re-invigorated!


  5. Regina,
    We can't give up!!! Not until the FEDS come and slap those matching bracelets on her!!!
    Do you see what the rethugs are doing to this country? They are not co-operating with PO in spite of all he has done to "reach across the table" to them. Judas McCain also.
    They are the "American Taliban" and Barbie is one. We can not give up.

  6. I hadn't heard about that incident before. How disgusting!

    May the Feds catch up with her SOON!

  7. Wow! I Forgot all ABOUT this!!!

    Hypocrisy...her picture is next to the word in the encyclopedea.
    I'm not sure how i've missed this blog all along! Woman, you're prolific!!!Glad I found it!

  8. It happened on January 15, 2008, Regina.

    Check this story out (and some of the links, too)

  9. I have slow dial-up, so I can't watch video but I've heard about this incident. Thanks for putting it on your blog to remind people of the arrant hypocrisy of Palin.

    I hope you don't give up! Your blog is so well-researched and written!!

  10. I wonder why the networks or major shows haven't played this one? Her lack of character shines through--again.

    Thought-provoking post!

  11. Don't give up Regina - we need you and everyone else with the cojones to stand up to Sarah Solipsist.

  12. I love your writing! Very clear and detailed. Great resarch skills Regina. Your a roll model of a class act, and a very intelligent blogger. I check your blog before mudflats....... just some time really, but you are next all the time....(-:

    Smart minds like to clear there head by the sea, or on a boat sailing to a distance lands You have earned a trip to the MED., to the beach, to renew...... Here is to you my dear...... A big hug! We love you in Alaska!

  13. I had heard about this radio show before the whole Palin Vice Presidential run, but I never believed it. I just thought the story was coming from people who had it against Palin (I thought Andrew Halcro was just a sore loser at that point too). After the presidential race, it became quite clear that Sarah Palin really is a scary beast. But now I hear this interview, realize it was true... and I am more flabbergasted than ever that this person could have risen to the ranks she has. I can't believe this! I think she has "succeeded" on nothing but "good" looks and high energy and ambition. I can't believe that we have a political system that is so patient and forbearing. This woman needs to go.

  14. Thanks for sharing...and keep up the good work!!

  15. Regina - your blog and research are outstanding! You DO help! I know, SP makes me sick to my stomach, too and she's my governor. Your work is important!

  16. She is the biggest list and hypcrite I have ever seen in politics. It is because she is dense as well and had zero ability to self analyze like most narcissistd. She is simply never wrong and blamed everyone else! I can't stand her for these reasons plus her far right nutcake beliefs

  17. Palin's response was cruel and juvenile. How anyone could admire this woman is beyond credulity.

    Love your blog, Regina. We need your strong, intelligent voice in the discussion of the travesty that is Palin.

  18. How could anyone admire her? I can only assume they fell for her cute smile and empty promises of reform, government transparency, and Christian values, and they cannot admit they were wrong.

    One detail from a caption in the video I'm wondering about: Are the Alaskan secessionists really linked to any Muslim terror groups? Because if so, we can quite legitimately say that Palin "pals around with terrorists". Even if not, consider this lovely quote from the founder of the Alaskan Independence Party: "The fires of hell are frozen glaciers compared to my hatred for the American government, and I won't be buried under their damn flag." So much for "Country First".

  19. When did we think that this woman had any maturity, any class, any touch with the way people think and operate? She made campaign props of her kids, continues to use and humiliate her oldest daughter, put her hand in the big fat cookie jar when it came to paying herself for travel, eating and staying in her own house, used the power of her office to try to fire her ex brother-in-law, and cries when she has to defend herself against these charges, called Obama the worst sort of names,inciting the crowd to anger and shouts of "Kill him!" The list of "gates" goes on. This video, and the other nasty things she said and did before being nominated were fair warning; it's just that few people were looking then. Someplace in her sister's divorce proceedings, the judge had to admonish Sarah & Todd that their statements were very harmful to the kids (nieces and nephews)involved. She has no idea where the boundary markers are in life, what with all that pushing through doors on her way to stardom and fame.

  20. Emily, we can honestly say Palin pals around with terrorist, the AIP would be considered "domestic" terrorists.
    Did you happen to notice on the campaign trail she would wear a "polar bear" pin? We all know that she is suing the US gov. to delist the polar bear from endangered she can "drill, baby,drill" so why would she wear a polar bear pin? Could it be b/c the polar bear is the symbol for the AIP?
    You betcha! (wink,wink)
    And this video needs to go viral! All her minions complaining about PO's gaffe and her she is laughing about a woman who is a cancer survivor! GINO is one BITCH!

  21. I always thought of Palin's polar-bear pin as a kind of non-verbal lie to make it seem that she does care about polar bears, although the secessionist connection is interesting. Consider also her Alaska-shaped gold earrings(I actually faked up a pair from gold foil for my Halloween costume).

  22. Emily, FWIW, Palin is a lot more AIP than GOP. Look at all of her actions through that AIP/Rapture lens and suddenly, her apocalyptic "Christianist" wacko-ness has a pattern to it....including her new SarahPAC.

    Hey, Regina. PLEASE keep up your blog. I am in the lower 48, but I definitely catch it from time to time and am always impressed when I do. (I used to have a blog, so I know how hard it is to do;) You are very talented, so I hope can keep it going!

  23. REGINA...I'm glad you're staying...RIGHT? always I enjoy your point of view, it would be missed, so pls, don't let us have to miss ya...

  24. I would like to thank you all for the support.

    Sometimes I feel such disgust about this woman's behaviour and attitude that I find difficult to research and write.

    It's very nice of you to let me know that I can make a difference. I hope so, she can't continue to hurt the people of Alaska.

    I'll keep digging. Keep your fingers crossed, I might hit a juicy, dirty "gate" one of these days and who knows, it might be the one that brings her down!



  25. Teal,

    I'm not going anywhere! What made you think I would stop?

    No, I'm staying until SHE goes.



  26. I haven't read all the comments yet, but I would say: It is time that we stop this monster!

    If Alaskans do not have the gumption to impeach/recall her, then the rest of us PJ-clad bloggers have to take things into our own little hands, and innundate the IRS on their whistleblower program about her grifting issues. Mention her house, her per diems, anything and everything you can think of (Regina, do you by chance have a listing of all these issues somewhere?)
    If the IRS is getting enough whistleblower reports, just MAYYYYBE they will start an investigation, and hopefully an investigation that she cannot shake off with her high-powered attourneys!

  27. Did Sarah ever apologize for her actions?

    It is really funny how she was so shocked at Obama's gaffe yet she has this floating around.

  28. What radio show was this from? Thanks!

  29. Anonymous@22:12,

    Earlier in January 2008, Palin had been involved in a mild controversy in an appearance on the KWHL radio program "The Bob and Mark Show." During the show, Palin and host Bob Lester repeatedly criticized Green, accused her of being jealous of Palin's success, and mocked Green's weight. Lester went on to call Green a "cancer" and a "bitch," to which Palin laughed several times. Green is a cancer survivor. Several days later, Palin's office addressed the controversy, stating that she was "caught off guard" by Lester's

  30. Heh, with all of these complaints about Sarah Palin, I wonder what you folks think about the actions of our new President? After all, in the first two months of his presidency he's: Attempted to quadruple the national debt, made blunder after blunder on the international stage with foreign dignitaries, apologized to the world for America feeling like we're the best country in the world, worked fast to alienate our allies in Israel, and MADE FUN OF THE SPECIAL OLYMPICS AND THE PARTICIPANTS
