Wednesday 25 February 2009

Sarah Palin gets a (pretend) slap on the wrist

Sarah Palin has agreed to reimburse the state for the costs of nine trips for her children. An agreement announced today settles an ethics complaint filed in October.

The settlement was signed by Palin and Anchorage lawyer Tim Petumenos, who was hired by the state Personnel Board to investigate the complaint.

The settlement doesn't specify how much Palin will repay the state, but Petumenos said he was given an estimate from the governor's staff of about $7,000.

The vast majority of trips that included the Palin children appeared appropriate, Petumenos said. He said he examined more than 40 trips.

When Alaska reporters began asking for the records, before she joined McCain's ticket, Palin had her staff amend records to state clearly that the first family had been invited.

When Petumenos was asked to examine the complaint in October, he was also investigating "Troopergate". Petumenos found that Palin didn't violate the law or abuse her power in that case.

Sarah Palin received reimbursements totaling $43,500 for travel and lodging for her family in connection with state business. Of that total, around $22,000 was for her children’s travel and the rest was for her husband Todd.

What a lovely and generous gesture in the part of our Sarah!

This time Petumenos was cautious enough to find a little bit wrong and they settled at $7,000.

Otherwise people might start thinking that Petumenos and the Personnel Board are in Sarah Palin's pocket...

Full report: ADN


  1. Hmmmm....very interesting that the personnel board might be in Sarah's pocket and thereby accept less that would otherwise be fair. I was hoping for further investigations and along with per diemgate, reimbursement gate that housegate might be looked at again. If they are in her pocket and this is what they came up with, what do the BIG secrets hold that should would agree to reimburse anything at all. Needs further investigation and, Regina, you're the person to do that.

  2. The Personnel Board is appointed by Sarah. They depend on her for their jobs...

    That's why she filed an ethics complaint against herself on the Troopergate thing.

    Guaranteed "Not guilty".

  3. Just like Sarah said a long time ago: "I'll do what I want until the court tells me I can't."

    That's her philosophy in a nutshell. Screw transparency, honesty, integrity, and ethics.

  4. Thanks, the private sector, she would have had to pay all back that did not pertain to the company's business. How a politican can charge $60 per diem for a home phone call is beyond me, in the age of the cell phone.
