Sunday 10 May 2009

Sarah's housegate returns

I'm reposting this because a number of comments on a more recent blog have revived interest in this story. The other Housegate posts can be found

A fellow blogger has put a together a meaningful collection of photos of Sarah's house and the Wasilla sports complex. I raised the same points in Housegate - questions, but didn't have such good photos to support my arguments. The new photos show the glass balustrade and railings in their full glory!

Now we need some photos of the kitchens for comparison... Many people remarked on the similarities between Sarah's kitchen and the one she had installed in the sports complex.

Knowing what we know about Sarah Palin's inclination to take advantage of her position, both as mayor and as governor, for personal gain, it strikes me that these little bits and pieces either amount to an enormous coincidence or to something very fishy indeed...

Link to photos: click here


  1. Is there a link where we can see the pictures?

  2. Yes, the word "blogger" in the opening sentence is a link to the photos.

  3. We need some brave Wassila soul to sneak in the sport complex and take pics so we can compare, to interviews GVS, etc.
    Any taker?
    Regina LOVE the picture!!!!
    You find the most awesome pics for your blog!!!

  4. I think the palinteam covered all their bases on housegate. What happened with the church fire? Was the ATF or FBI brought in?

  5. Great Pic Regina!

    Don't forget, there was a lien put on the house until supplies were paid for. I think it was very temporary, but I can't remember exactly who lodged it.

  6. the lien was help by Spenard building supply. the same folks who built the sports shrine.

  7. I live in Wasilla. I'll go take pics.

    Who do I send them to?

  8. Hello Visitor,

    You can send them to me:



  9. crystalwolf aka califgrl11 May 2009 at 14:35

    check out Gryphen post today...among other things he says there are people in Wasilla mad enough to talk to the FBI about "housegate"!!!!
    This is great news!

  10. ennealogic has a few pictures of the sports facility on her website. She wrote a post on this subject:

  11. Thank you visitor for stepping up to the plate! I wish everyone in Wasilla would. It is time for everyone to stop this woman.

    What worries me the most are her children. There is something very sick about using children politically the way she does. Bristol did not exactly look happy on TV. And Trig? He should be having major early childhood intervention right now-PT,OT,speech and more. Maybe he is, it would be good to find out. It seems like he is treated more like a prop or sack of potatoes. Even if it was a loving gesture for her to adopt Trig, it is wrong to use him for political reasons.

  12. is exactly the same glass paneled railing. I remember seeing another blog that posted pictures of the exterior windows of the Sports complex, and also the exterioir rear windows of the Palin home overlooking the lake...they also are identical. Windows like that could only be installed with industrial cranes and equipment by licensed contracts and operators, not Todd and a couple of buddies...what a load of horsesh1t

  13. Has anyone thought to check material lists for the complex (Iwould think that would be public domain)For instance how many windows were ordered and used.Etc.Etc.

  14. FW, I have been posting about those 2 details for months!! Windows and railings.. right on the $$$!

  15. OK, so it was your blog I saw it on, I could not remember who posted should send Regina the link.

  16. FW, I dont blog, I just post on a few. Regina has it covered!
