Saturday 14 February 2009

Thank you Sarah!

I received a brilliant comment from Wolfram Von Palin on "Valentine". So good in fact, that I had to make it into a post. Over to you, Wolfram:

"Ok folks, here is a fun activity for those of you who want to release a little pent up activist energy.

It's time again to leverage Sarah Palin's greatest redeeming quality - her ability to raise money for the causes that oppose her philosophies. She is the ultimate Anti-Brand in the Political Blogosphere and here is the pattern of self-destruction she wreaks whenever she opens her pie hole.

First, Sarah joined McCain on the RNC ticket and threw the election to Obama.

Next, she espoused her ultra-conservative views regarding women's rights to make personal decisions during pregnancy and Planned Parenthood raised $1,000,000 in her name - and got all those "Thank You!" cards delivered to her!

And now, we have the Adopt a Wolf in Sarah Palin's Name Campaign via the World Wildlife Fund!

It's very simple. First, go to the WWW site.

Please have a look at the options for your donation and decide whether and what you are willing to give. I chose one with a Wolf Plush Toy and a Birthday Gift Bag! Happy Birthday Sister Sarah!

If you choose to give, you can make the donation in Sarah Palin's name and send her the Wolf Adoption Kit containing a Letter of Appreciation/Certificate of Adoption/Wolf Photo for each donation!!!!

Have a look at a sample letter that will go to her when you make an adoption/donation.

Follow this quick how-to so you can make sure your gift in Sarah Palin's name gets booked properly, and her Notificaton Letter, Certificate of Adoption, and Adopted Wolf Photo get sent properly to her home.

1) Add your selection to the Shopping Cart

2) You will be asked to provide your own billing info and shipping info - IMPORTANT - use the name that you wish to appear as the person making the donation on behalf of Sarah in the Letter of Appreciation that will be sent. If you do not want to share your personal information, simply fill in bogus info - I gave the address of a small casino in Vegas!

3) Select the box that says "This gift is for someone else"

4) Fill in the following shipping information:

Sarah Palin
1140 W Parks Hwy
Wasilla AK 99654

5) There is a bonus item offered when you make a donation as a gift in someone's name - an e-mail "thank you" letter can be sent to them if you simply provide an e-mail address! However, instead of sending that e-mail to Sarah, I had it sent to Alaskans for Truth to make sure they were aware of the WWF and its request for donations!

6) Use your credit card to make payment.

After you finish the sequence above, the following will appear:
Your donation information appears below:
Donor: BigSlick Anonymous-Blogger
Order ID:
Amount: $50
Itemization: Gray Wolf Adoption ($50) --- A gift for: Sarah Palin

Return to the Gift Center

It's that easy.

And it fulfills the pattern. It's time to complete the Hat Trick.

Please make a donation and adopt a wolf in Sarah Palin's name! Why not send her a bunch of Wolf Plush Toys for her kids to play with and to remind her that wolves should be cared for and not gunned down in cold blood!"

Thank you Wolfram!

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