Thursday 12 March 2009

"Sarah Palin guilty!" Music to our ears...

Former Senate candidate Ray Metcalfe is collecting signatures from Alaskans to put the following proposition on the ballot.

Anyone found using their public office to enrich themselves, their relatives, close friends, business associates; past, present, or anticipated employers or contributors, is guilty of a class A felony. Anyone found securing enrichment by inducing public officials to violate this statute is guilty of bribery, a class A felony.

The wording needs some fine tuning so it can stand in a court of law, but I like the general tone of his proposal.

If it goes ahead and becomes statute, we may hear the words "Guilty as charged on all counts" at the end of Sarah Palin's trial!

Class A felony = 20 years in prison.

That's plenty of time to contract MRSA. Oh, Karma!

Full details of story and petition: Mudflats


  1. Ray Metcalfe says he'll be at Cafe Del Mundo on E. Benson (in Anchorage) at noon on Monday the 16th, for those Alaskans who want to sign this petition. I know I'll be there!

  2. Lord make a way, make a way, to send her to prison. Here is something to think about, when she fired all those government employees, it probably cost the tax payers of AK hundreds of thousands of dollars in unpaid vacation and sick leave due to them at termination.

  3. I hope they will make the law RETRO-ACTIVE!!! Because otherwise, GINO will find a way to weasel out of it...
