Wednesday 15 April 2009

W.A.R.: what's legal or illegal?

State Senate Democrats are refusing to vote on the three names that Gov. Sarah Palin forwarded as appointees for the open Senate seat. They obtained a legal opinion this morning saying it is illegal for Palin to submit more than one name.

“There is nothing for us to vote on, there is no appointment,” said Senate Judiciary Chairman Hollis French, an Anchorage Democrat. “The governor has taken an unusual course which is outside the law and leaves us no choice but to ignore what she‘s done.”

The governor’s attorney general appointee, Wayne Anthony Ross, said in response that he needs to review the legal opinion by Pam Finley, revisor of statutes.

"It seems to me the most important thing that can be done by the Senate is not argue with legal or illegal but to appoint somebody to represent Juneau," said Ross.

WAR's approach to the whole thing is absolutely inane. A wannabe Attorney General advising Senators to ignore the law?

It was clear from the start that Sarah Palin appointed WAR for one reason: he would give her permission to break the law and make it look "legal"...

Report on ADN


  1. I believe he thinks that "illegal" vs "legal" is not an issue.
    That's his firm legal opinion.


  2. Love the picture.

    Sarah wants the big lawyer to "protect" her from her "enemies" (people who follow the law)!
