Wednesday 6 May 2009

Levi, sex and reality (updated)

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UPDATE: I have Bristol's interview now.

Levi appears to be more in touch with reality than Bristol, but then he has his own script and is not pushing somebody else's agenda.

I can't stand Todd's squeaky voice!

Providing proper sex education for young people would achieve a lot more in reducing teenage pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases than simply saying "Don't do it". Here's an interesting article about how ignorance can be dangerous.

Bristol on Good Morning America.


  1. As for Levi's saying that in the past couple days things have been better with Bristol(and he doesn't know why)....gee does anyone think maybe that could be due to the fact that Levi and the Johnstons were talking going to court to get visitation rights? I still hope they do, and think they should, because you never know if these good feelings will last on the Palin's part. Ya know?

    I don't find Todd's voice nearly as squeaky as his nails on chalkboard wife's.

  2. Saw Bristol's clip this morning. She is certainly pushing Sarah's agenda and not her own. But Candie's!!!! The hypocrisy of both Sarah and that particular business is stunning.

  3. Molly,

    Actually, they all have squeaky voices, inducing different degrees of irritation.

    Todd's voice doesn't go with his image, Iron Dogger and all that.

    It's the same with David Beckham...



  4. What is it with Palin women and their disregard for their young sons? Palin shows up in April and says she "fleetingly" considered aborting Trig. Now Bristol shows up on TV implying Tripp was a mistake!

    Why don't they care enough about their children to be quiet? We are witnessing the Palins' commodification of the birth process, to the detriment of their children's psyches.

  5. You know, simply saying "Don't do it" doesn't work, as SP well knows. She is punishing Bristol who appears to have less brain power than the average avocado.
    Bristol needs to grow a pair and tell her mom to take it and shove it (yes, probably the avocado)!!
    Oh yeah - like anyone with BRAINS would allow their daughter within a mile of that soft porn exploitation outfit.
    Everyone uses Palin - obviously - all of them. She's up for sale and when she can't sell herself, she sells her daughter.
    Disgusting excuses for human beings.

  6. Interesting situation for Levi. How much does he want to escalate the battle with GINO.

    Levi writing a tell all book would be equal to dropping an atom bomb on Sarah... both sides would be destroyed in the war it would start.

    I wonder how much his silence is worth to Sarah and her career aspirations.

    A good lawyer may be able to get Levi more (job, money etc.) from backers of Palin than he may make in writing a book.

    A good lawyer could work both sides to get Levi the best deal.

  7. I am just starting to realize how much Sarah Palin hates men. She will "arouse" them only to use them. Now we see Bristol with the same attitude.

  8. Sarah wants some new shoes! Probably working out a deal right now with Candies...

    Bristol is just another conduit for Sarah's obsession with control, power, and notoriety--no matter what the cost--regardless of who she can use to feed her cold, cold heart.

    Is there a Narcissists Anonymous meeting out there?


  9. crystalwolf aka caligrl6 May 2009 at 17:42

    have to agree with you, Levi is much more realistic and truthful than Bristol.
    They way she was talking on there " makin' bottles and changin' diapers" I thought she was octomom for a min. We are talking about one 4 mos. old baby here.
    basheert said...

    You know, simply saying "Don't do it" doesn't work, as SP well knows. She is punishing Bristol who appears to have less brain power than the average avocado.
    Bristol needs to grow a pair and tell her mom to take it and shove it (yes, probably the avocado)!!
    Yes! YES! you hit the nail on the head!
    Bristol is a horrible advocate for anything! She is more of a avocado than a advocate!!!!
    If anyone hasn't seen Gryphen's post this morning...there is no doubt something big about to happen!!!!!

  10. Does any of this tabloid stuff make Sarah look like a serious presidential candidate for 2012? Look how well the tabloid thing is working for John Edwards! She will do any shameless thing just to keep her name in the media-- good news, bad news, as long as you spell the name correctly.

  11. Regina, here is the info about being a blogger at Huffington Post:

  12. It is very possible that in SP's neuron challenged braincase, she believes that any type of publicity is good for her. It keeps her name and face out there for her adoring fans.

    Exploit your kids? Sure - hey what the heck.

    Lie to everyone? Why not? She's the Queen - off with their heads.

    Oh please please please let her be a candidate!! It will show everyone just how popular she is when she gets that 20% vote that is her base.

    The Indies and Dems won't touch her. She is radioactive and she's done it all herself.

    She's a loser - always has been and always will be.

  13. This is the perfect thing for Bristol to be doing. It fits with the overall hypocrisy of the Palin family.

    Mom ran on an Ethics platform, then used the Mayor's office and assets for her campaign for Lt Gov.

    Bristol shills for an abstinence group that sells Hooker clothes and shoes.

    Like I said, perfect choice.

  14. crystalwolf, we are talking about TWO babies. If Trig is not Bristol's she is still the main care giver, so they are taking care of TWO babies.

  15. Why do these Palin women think we are in any way interested in what they think about having babies, or not having babies? Is this, like (to quote Bristol), the only facet of a woman's life that has any meaning? With their stunning lack of brain power and ethical standards, why should the Palin women's "thoughts" on anything be of interest to anyone?

    Seriously, these guys come across as dumb, dumber, and dumbest, with Levi being dumbest--if at least marginally more honest.

    The only thing I want to know is, which one of these two uteruses produced Trig? That, and how much is Bristol being paid to act as these shysters' "ambassador".

  16. crystalwolf 06 May 2009 17:42:"If anyone hasn't seen Gryphen's post this morning...there is no doubt something big about to happen!!!!!"

    I am not so sure after seeing Levi (IN SEATTLE???), saying that things seem to be working out in the last couple of days (I seem to remember Rex Butler saying that Levi had access to Trip the other day for 4 hours or so...).
    I believe the Palins are stringing Levi and the Johnstons along, until they think it is safe to drop them again, and the Johnstons might be falling for it...

    As to the interview with Bristol, holding Trip: Does anyone else think it is unnatural for a baby that is not drugged to be so totally oblivious to hair tickling its face? He does not twitch or react at all!

    LOL! My wv is 'whorized' ...

  17. Oh, one other thing: Bristol is being PAID:

    (or, full link: )

  18. @midnight cajun: Giving birth is the only talent the Palin women seem to have. At least, that's what they make $$ doing (SP makes money for talking about birthing Trig, Bristol now makes $$ talking about birthing Tripp).

    Hey ladies, any of you ever make a dime talking about giving birth to your kids?

  19. Oh, one other thing: Bristol is being PAID:

    (or, full link: )

  20. Thanks, Regina!

    midnightcajun at 18:35

    Totally agree...I guess the Plains (new name) think they are the center of the universe. And it seems like Levi's visitation was extended just in time for the scheduled interviews. Wow...

    Oh, and I guess ol' grandma Plain was tickled their family issues were on two, two networks this morning. Wow, again. I am beginning to believe that the Johnstons are ol' Plain's manipulative pawns as well.

    And Fedup @ 18:42...I noticed the baby out cold as well. And it was sad to hear ol' Plain Dude say Bristol made a mistake.

    Methinks the kids' interviews are basically a waste of air time. And I think little Tripp has become a prop, too!

  21. "Lilybart said...

    crystalwolf, we are talking about TWO babies. If Trig is not Bristol's she is still the main care giver, so they are taking care of TWO babies."

    Well the whole point of her being there is teen advocate not to get preggers and she having a hard time with Trip. I mean Trip is her baby, so I'm guessing she is talking about him not Trig, well unless Trig is hers also??? She didn't say "oh and I have to take care of my brother too"?
    The way she make it sound Trip needs his diaper and bottles made on the hour or something??? Lies, Lies!
    She is just like her mom a liar. Grifter.
    Sorry, but she is 18 now going out blabbing BS to teenagers!

  22. crystalwolf aka caligrl6 May 2009 at 19:37

    Sorry anon responding to lilybart is me :)

  23. It seems very odd that these interviews never talk about Trig. It seems like such a natural, what with two babies in the household. Clearly, that was one of the "don't-ask-these-questions" that was agreed to before going on the show.

    Also, I smirked when Todd repeated Tripp's name, as to make sure he got the right one!

  24. Remember when the Palins bashed Levi for appearing on TV?

    "Bristol did not even know Levi was going on the show. We're disappointed that Levi and his family, in a quest for fame, attention, and fortune, are engaging in flat-out lies, gross exaggeration, and even distortion of their relationship," says the statement from the Palin family rep, Meghan Stapleton.

    So now it's okay for Bristol to seek attention, fame and fortune giving stilted interviews that follow her mother's script?

    Hmm, what a turn of events!

  25. Regina, I just realized what has been bothering me so much about the commodification of birthing that the Palin women are doing.

    It ties back into THE HANDMAID'S TALE again by Margaret Atwood. I know there was a lot of discussion on various blogs last fall about that book and how Atwood so brilliantly "forecast" Sarah Palin's Christianist arrival.

    In that book, the women are "breeders" for the Christian army. This willingness to make $$ while discussing giving birth ("glorification of birth," "commodification of birth" "prizing of birth as #1 feature for women") that the Palins exhibit soooo reminds me once again of Atwood's genius.

  26. Regina, I agree about Todd's voice. I know he can't help how he sounds, it's just that the high voice doesn't match his rugged tough-guy looks and persona. By the way, boxer Mike Tyson, a real tough guy, has an equally high voice. What's really sad is that they can't figure out why Bristol-clearly-loving-her-baby is the wrong message for teen abstinence. And she won't talk about her personal life? This whole thing is about as personal as you can get.

  27. Hmmm... It just hit me: Bristol is not able to sleep at night, because she has to 'make bottles and change diapers all the time'... because she has to take care of her TWO babies, not just take care of Tripp! (Besides, whatever happened to breast feeding? That would have been so much more convenient (and healthier for the baby, too!)

  28. And for what it is worth, I, too, am a grandmother and when my grandchild was about 8 years old, I walked in on her sobbing. I asked her what was wrong and she told me she was a mistake because her father did not marry her mother. So, she was a mistake, her father did not love her mother, he married someone else and had another child, so she was a mistake. My heart fell to the floor. I told her all families were different, not all looked the same. Her mother and father both love her very much. And that God knew I didn't have a grandchild and that I wanted a granddaughter, so He sent her here for me, she was no mistake. And I have had to reiterate that more than once since that time.

    I think that the Plains' choice to continue talking about unwanted pregnancy will do more harm to the children of this world than good they perceive.

  29. Jeez...collectively the Palin family has the IQ of a box of rocks. One sounds dumber than the next. My dog (a chocolate lab) is smarter than Bristol. The makin' bottles and changin' diapers does get exhausting when you are doing it all day for two babies, one being special needs. Intersting that they did not mention Trig.

    To go on TV and tell everyone your baby is a mistake is me in a small town like Wasilla someone is bound to mention it to little Tripp by the time he's in third grade. Say unplanned, unexpected, whatever. Again, Bristol advocating abstinence is like a blind person teaching drivers ed. Is she going to remain abstinent until she gets married? WTF? The jig is up Bristol...Sarah has thrown her daughter under the bus again for her own gain.

  30. Viewer comments on CNN are ripping Bristol up one side and down the other.

    Sarah may find out this was not a good political move to put her daughter out as a spokesperson for abstinence.

    Bristol does sound totally DUMB and lies like her mother (taken out of context is a LIE Bristol)

  31. It's been awhile since I've been around babies, I suppose there are times their mouths gape like that. How normal is that for a healthy active baby? It was a similar story when Bristol did the Greta interview.

  32. So now she is saying abstinence IS realistic.

    How, exactly, would she know?

    My 87 year old maiden (as in virgin) aunt should have this gig - not Bristol Palin.

  33. Bristol was on ABC with Neil Cole of Candies. Does anyone has the video? He was as pathetic and dumb as she is.

    I am wondering if the foundation came about after his ethics problem with the law? They sometimes make deals.
    wv: bighooks

  34. Lisan, GOOD CATCH!!

    And Bristol IS being paid for this.

  35. "Hey ladies, any of you ever make a dime talking about giving birth to your kids?"

    Ahem, I did. I was 45 when I finally had my daughter after 3 failed IVFs and miscarriages. I wrote an article for Bazaar Magazine and made enough money to buy new dining chairs!!

    But I wasn't being a hypocrite like Bristol. I wasn't advocating against IVF or anything!!

  36. There are enough tapes of Palin babies having no response when a normal baby would be reacting. Isn't there a lawyer or doctor that sees that and has concern for those children? Where is Gloria Allred when she's needed? She has been there for Michael Jackson and Nadya Suleman kids. Why is no one is filing a legitimate complaint to child protection? Someone needs to monitor what is going on with the Palin's recurring anomaly.

    And Bristol IS being paid for this.

  37. I hope Levi's attorney is on top of this. Did you notice that on ABC Bristol said "I want him (Levi) to be involved" and on MSNBC she said "he IS involved"

    I think Levi is saying things have changed in the past couple of days just to keep Sarah from going off again and doing something to hurt his mom again.

    Don't the Palin's know that many of the high-level politicians have voice coaches? they can actually learn how to talk correctly. I don't think they have the self-awareness to realize how they come off.

    But, this is classic narcissism and borderline personality disorder. People who live with a narcissist (but more especially borderline) learn very early to tiptoe - grudges are deep and lifelong. Children of narcissists especially are often very afraid of abandonment and develop strong survival skills, such as acting.

  38. Bristol appears she could have some form of Stockholm syndrome. Nothing at all looks natural in Bristol's media hyped events.

  39. What exactly is wrong with this baby? At 4 months, this little one should be wiggling and reaching for things..smiling...cooing...

    Unless SP can figure out some way to crown herself Queen of England, this horse is on the way out the door.

    Why should anyone care what these imbeciles think about anything? So we can BE like them? Useless, stupid breeding machines?

    SP would use and sacrifice anyone and anything to get whatever she thinks she wants. Bristol's life is effectively over because BIG MAMA says so.

    These people are simply disgusting, low life trailer trash. They aren't even interesting - all they do is babble worthless useless nonsense and pop out babies like a sow.

  40. I just watched the ABC interview. I found it interesting that as Bristol was making pro-abstinence statements she was actually shaking her head "No".

    Body language - that old 'gotcha' human trait.

  41. Regina--check this out; the contrast would make a good post:

    Last fall, Candies Foundation placed full page PSA ads in the New York Times and New York Post featuring a picture of Bristol and Levi as examples of the “epidemic” of teen pregnancies today.

    But NOW, after being their “Exhibit A” of a teen pregnancy, Bristol is advocating for the group.

    On the webpage below, if you click on the small poster with Bristol and Levi’s picture, it will enlarge. (looks like a "Wanted" poster)

    So Candies thought Bristol was a bad example and then brought her on board as a "good" example. WT??

  42. ...SEX...
    ...& PALINGATES...

    way to go Regina!

  43. She also shakes her head no when first asked about Levi, then asked the same question later, it is as if she is cued to nod up and down. I like to "listen" to liars with the sound off the first time to get a feel, then listen to the words. Levi especially in his first interviews, in the truck, Good Morning America, is not aware at all of his body language. On Larry King and Tyra he is visibly trying to will his mother and sister with his eyes.

  44. Teen sex, teen pregnancy and unwed teen motherhood are now ways to make a living.

    Maria Dolgetta, a spokeswoman for the Candie's foundation, said Bristol Palin will be paid for her appearance at the Town Hall but declined to disclose how much.
    – AP report 5-5-09

  45. So what's the latest pool say about Willow's first baby due date?

    Or Piper's?

  46. What in the world is wrong with SP, why in the world is she making her daughter do this, when she has enough to deal with with the structure of her life? SP has no answers to the questions people are really dealing with today, like health care, jobs and the economy. She has nothing to offer, but wasteful spending, so I'll just run on old polarizing social issues. Don't address the obvious, that our systems are failing, bad strategy.

  47. The same day all these interviews are taking place the NYT has an Op-ed piece as well. It is 'NOT' flattering either. GINO would be pissed.

    I liked these quotes...
    "But when a teenager goes out on this kind of mission, you have to wonder where her parents’ heads were. What does this say about Sarah Palin’s judgment?"

    "Although we’ve sort of answered that question before."

  48. Do you think Todd was referring to Trigg when he said the mistake she had here over a year ago?

  49. Jo: Yes, it sure sounds like that to me! Because he said the mistake she HAD, not the mistake she MADE!
    Poor Trig...

  50. These babies ... this lying slack, mouths agape and barely responsive.

    A little Benadryl? Or perhaps, something else?

    And Bristol? Look at her. She is miserable. She's on display - she's a teenager who is up in front of the country saying "I HAD SEX" - how embarrassing for her.

    Then again, Mom did it so it had to be good.

    SP - example of a woman prostituting her daughter for money.

  51. I don't know where I read this (was it here?) but a commenter said he/she saw a clip from *before* the show, and Tripp was active and lively, and then *on* the show, he is literally unresponsive (almost comatose IMHO!). I still can't believe a NONdrugged baby would not react if someones hair was tickling his/her face! I know *our* kids ALWAYS would at least twitch their nose, or pull a face - even in the deepest of their sleeps!

  52. My guess as to why Sarah pushed Bristol into this awful spotlight is simple: the family needs money. There are at least a dozen ethics complaints filed against the governor. Her state paycheck isn't enough for her lifestyle. Her Sarahpac and legal funds have been put on the legal hotseat. Bristol may be the only member of the family who can still rake in big bucks and not cause more Alaskan ethics complaints. grammy
