Tuesday 19 May 2009

Sarah Palin's amazing pregnancy

The photos above were taken on the following dates:

1. December 14, 2007
2. February 6, 2008 -
3. February 25, 2008
4. March 1, 2008
5. March 14, 2008
6. March 26, 2008
7. May 22, 2008

Have you noticed the amazing changes Sarah Palin's body went through during pregnancy?

Me neither.

Have you noticed how she looks as pregnant as ever 34 days after giving birth?

I have.

Sarah Palin gave an interview to Christian Living and repeated the assertion that she learned about Trig having Down's Syndrome at 13 weeks: "But at age 43, pregnant and at 13 weeks along learning that the baby would be born with Down syndrome..."

According to Trailblazer, she got the test results in early December, 2007. I did the maths and placed her first week of pregnancy on the first week in September, so the baby would have been due in the second week of June. Trig was born five weeks early on April 18. The due date would have been during the third week in May. Whaaaat???

Have you noticed how none of the dates offered by Sarah Palin make any sense?

Have you noticed how she had her hair dyed throughout her pregnancy?

Now, here's a photo of Sarah Palin actually pregnant:

Click on each photo to enlarge.


  1. I don't know if the baby was Bristol's, or someone else's, but what I'm pretty certain of is that Sarah wasn't the mother of Trig. Not in the biological sense, anyway. I read that one of the bloggers over at HuffPo is doing a book on Sarah, and I doubt it's going to be a flattering little puff piece. If anyone started poking around up in Wasilla I think a lot of skeletons would start bursting out of closets absolutely stuffed with them. What was interesting about the dingbat's first little turn on the national stage was how totally unprepared she was for the scrutiny. She absolutely expected to say anything that came into her empty little head and have it believed. Clearly she's gotten away with a lot of that in Alaska. The pregnancy story is transparent self-mythologizing and absolutely outrageous. Nevertheless she expected everyone to swallow it without one single critical thought. Amazing.

  2. The above comment is referring to Geoffrey Dunn, who is working on a book to be released next year about her political career. Mr. Dunn has been an outstanding contributor to Huffington Post, and his articles about the Lying Witch of Wasilla have always been on the money, BUT his upcoming book is supposed to be about her political career, not her actual family secrets. Until cable news reaches a point at which the exposure of the family secrets is worth more to them in actual cash than the promotion of her as a controversial public figure, we shall have to endure this abomination.

  3. The whole timetable of the Trig pregnancy doesn't make any sense, and we know from pictures that she could not been carrying a 6+ pound baby. As a mother, the whole Trig pregnancy and delivery story does not add up, and never will. I gave birth two weeks early, my son weighed a little over six pounds (he was my second), and there was no mistaking that I was pregnant.

    Her lies will be exposed soon....

  4. Sarah Palin is a FRAUD.

    There's NO WAY she was pregnant in 2008.

    It's the EASIEST THING IN THE WORLD to prove that a woman was pregnant and gave birth to a child. Palin HAS NEVER done so for the 2008 "pregnancy."

  5. Janet in Texas19 May 2009 at 23:05

    WHY is this big lie of the witch's so difficult to prove? Surely there are people who KNOW who Trig really belongs to or at least KNOW that Palin did NOT give birth to him. I sincerely want this to come out very soon. I honestly believe that Palin has no chance of ever getting near the White House but I still want this big lie of hers to be exposed. On many, many levels.

  6. Regina, it would have been funny to see that phony pict stuck in the middle, between March & May...you know the one , the fake one - where GiNO is wearing this really big belly thingy...I think April 17th was the date...

  7. Teal, that was April 13, 2008 -- so it'd be the next to last picture in the group of 7.

    Oh, and one other thing, Regina: the very first picture in the array of 7 should be dated December 14, 2007 (not 2008).

  8. You don't know the result of the amnio test at 13 weeks.

    a CVS test can be done 11-13, then amnio later and it takes a week or two for results.

    so her dates never make sense and neither do her facts

  9. I wouldn't care about a lie to cover a pregnancy crisis, but NOT when someone then uses that child to create a myth of super wonderful pro-life woman. If she had not hawked him as her claim to fundie fame, we might have all just let it go at some point.

  10. Well, she is on record saying that she 'never really showed' with this 'pregnancy'.

    I am still waiting for some reporter to confront her with her fake belly picture that showed up in August 2008, supposedly taken on April 13, and ask her how she would explain this picture - especially since she said the above statement in relation to her flight improbable and the fact that Alaska Airlines attendants did not notice her stage of pregnancy...

  11. Queen Palin thinks we are all so stupid that we do not remember what she says...on record. There is no way a flight attendant would have stated that they did not notice any state of pregnancy on Palin. If Palin was on that Alaska Airlines flight looking like she was "portayed" in the Andrea Gusty photo, trust me...anyone around her would have noticed the size of the belly. And for Palin to say she never really showed? Give me a break....she can't have it both ways. I can guarantee that she only looked that pregnant for one posed photo....AFTER she supposedly delivered Trig. (In an attempt to stop the Trig rumors) It really is hard to keep all the lies straight. One of these days, the truth is coming out........

  12. Regina, not only is that a fab post, but I don't believe anyone else so far has raised the point about SP coloring her hair throughout her "pregnancy"!

  13. I think I've heard once about the haircolor, but people don't seem to realize that you're not supposed to color your hair while pregnant, ESPECIALLY during a high-risk pregnancy. I just do not get why it is so difficult for people to believe there is something wrong here. Unless, at this point the MSM will look so foolish when the truth comes out, they're more invested in it not coming out, as well as the GOP, etc.
