Wednesday 13 May 2009

Sarah Palin's book

Gov. Sarah Palin has signed a book deal with HarperCollins Publishers for what is described as her memoir.
Palin and HarperCollins would not say how much she was being paid.

"The idea is to focus on the content of the book and what's coming in terms of me being able to tell my story unrestrained and unfiltered," Palin said.

The book is to be published sometime in spring 2010. Palin will have a collaborator, who is expected to be chosen soon. The governor said she wants to do a lot of the writing herself, and that it will be her story and her words.

"It will be nice to put my journalism degree to work on this and get to tell my story, Alaska's story."

She said she won't work on the book during state time and will be jotting down her thoughts "after hours." Palin said journals she's kept through much of her life will be used for the book.

"My journaling really ramped up when I found out that I was pregnant with Trig and then Track was going off to war and I found out Bristol was pregnant," Palin said. "When we had those episodes in our lives come to the surface, it was very therapeutic for me."

What can I say? The comments on ADN are not very flattering...

"I will look for the book in the fiction section of the bookstore."

"She should change her name to $arah Palin."

"Oh, I am sure she will make everything better in her fictional story. Those bad bad people for saying such horrible things about her, HA HA. You tell your story, Sarah, I will be sure to buy a copy to start my wood stove with."

"Silence of the Turkeys"

"Maybe we can have a book burning party or have the book removed from the library for material unfit for reading."

"She wants to speak truthfully about who Alaskans are and what we stand for...where do I get one of those pink bumper stickers that says "She Doesn't Speak for Me!"??"

"The last thing I want is "her" to speak out on what Alaska is about... not on my behalf.
Not now, not ever... If I could take my vote back.. I would."

The Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act states:

Sec. 39.52.170.

(c) The head of a principal executive department of the state may not accept employment for compensation outside the agency that the executive head serves.

Is Sarah Palin going to resign???

Full report: ADN


  1. Very nice use of a "word salad" image.

  2. "She said she won't work on the book during state time and will be jotting down her thoughts "after hours."
    I thought her job was 24/7.

  3. Palin's "unrestrained and unfiltered" mantra always vaguely reminds me of a pornography ad or old cooking grease.

  4. I really just can't stand the woman. Sometimes I question why and try to back off from following her and then I see sometimg like this. What has this woman really accomplished that she deserves millions of dollars to tell everyone even more lies! Let's all hope the book is a huge bust. I have no desire to read it and I can't imagine it will be a best seller!

    My guess is that she is not going to run again for governor but will run for president. Yes she is that sure if herself!
    Does any Alaskan know the deadline date for when she has to say whether she will or won't run for governor?

    How can we bring this woman down. Maybe she is untouchable and that is depressing!

  5. Did she really just say she journaled "when she found out [she] was pregnant with Trig?"

    Now THAT'S the part *I* want to read. I want to see how she tries to "truth up" the fiction piece.

    Can't anyone just. make. it. stop?

  6. "My journaling really ramped up when I found out that I was pregnant with Trig and then Track was going off to war and I found out Bristol was pregnant," Palin said. "When we had those episodes in our lives come to the surface, it was very therapeutic for me."

    How much did she pay for someone to write her ramped up journal fantasies?

  7. Word salad, nice, you forgot the fecal dressing.

  8. She sent a tweet today that another ethics complaint was dismissed. She called them malicious! I find that very annoying! She doesn't take any if them seriously and refuses to self-analyze or ask herself if maybe she is doing something wrong. It's all poor me.
    Regina, you must read her tweets if you are not already. They are very telling. She dies have a narcisstic personality disorder like people write about! Another fun fact-she only has 18000 followers. That is nothing. Megan Mccain has 3x that amount!

  9. As I read it, the Act States "outside the agency that the executive head serves". Since the ONLY person/agency SP ever "SERVES" is TAHD, seems like that rule doesn't apply to her.

    oh god why do they do this to themselves? Will it be filed under Humor or Science Fiction?

  10. Please join me in a "book turning" campaign. Here's how it works. If, in 2010, you see a copy of Palin's book in any bookstore, turn it around, so that the back cover is visible, not the front.

    That way, less people buy it as it attracts less attention. You do this "book turning" in a subtle fashion, while browsing.

    I do it all the time with Ann Coulter books, and hey, guess what? Her sales have gone down. :-)

    (Apologies in advance to bookstore workers...)

  11. I think I'll wait for the movie
    "Forgetting Sarah Palin".

  12. OMG - hands over my eyes shaking my head. why can't she just go away. Sometimes I think if we all just ignore her, she might go away. But then again she has her "bots" and her narcissistic personality. Plus she's far too dangerous to ignore. Female Hitler who has to be stopped.

  13. Palin said. "When we had those episodes in our lives come to the surface, it was very therapeutic for me."

    WTH??? I guess ANOTHER one of her word salads...

    Ano @08:59 : I would suggest instead of turning the book over - which might attract more attention, since it shows the back cover, while all the others show the front - just put a different book in front of hers, or put hers at the very back of others... I will definitely do that!

    I wonder how much up-front $$$ people get when they write books - especially since she is a total moron when it comes to writing/speaking coherently. I understand that (M)Ann Coulter's book(s) is only on the bestselling list because some right wingers bought it in bulk and then gave it away if you subscribed to their website - otherwise, it would have been a complete flop...

  14. Would someone please step forward and tell the truth about housegate.

    Then Sarah will be able to write the book while serving jail time.

    Maybe the Alaska Fund Trust is to get money to fight housegate.

  15. crystalwolf aka caligrl13 May 2009 at 18:34

    ♥ the "Word Salad" lol!
    From Alaska Standard:
    Rumor Central: Big story still heading towards the S.S. Palin
    A deal-breaker is heading toward the Palins. Can it be stopped? I don't think so. Will it topple the house of cards, all signs say yes. Stay tuned..</b

  16. Maybe I'm picking nits here, but if you are Governor 24/7 as Bill McAllister (sp) is so fond of telling us, when exactly is "after hours" that she will be working on this literary masterpiece?

  17. I am joinin the book turning campaign, also, also, I will buy the book and return it the next day citing, there was no story just a pile of horse crap and lies. If you have a reciept book stores will take it back. Tell them a friend gave it as a gift and you already had one.

  18. Head on over to Mudflats and post your title, Sarah is going to need help with step one, I'm sure, also too.

  19. Giving salad a bad name, on top of everything else (and that's a big damn pile)! Shame on GINO!

  20. lol, I can handle turning a few backwards, or casually moving the somewhere else maybe?
    What I simply can't do, is attempt to read it. That would make my brain revolt!
