Thursday 14 May 2009

Useful links

As the ethics complaints against Sarah Palin are dismissed one after the other as expected, people feel despondent and long to take some other action.

There are other avenues to report Sarah Palin's conduct, the Personnel Board is a dead end.

Here are three useful links that can be used by non-Alaskans as well:

CREW - Citizens for ethics - there's a tipline button on their website

Alaska FBI - It contains "how contact us" details

US Department of Justice - Contact details

I'm going to post these links permanently on the sidebar, together with the Recall procedure.

Another useful contact, regarding state and religion: Americans United

Details about Religiongate can be found here.


  1. crystalwolf aka caligrl14 May 2009 at 14:15

    Thanks, so many people asking, filing ethics complaints is a dead end in Alaska.
    I've been sending my concern's to the above ever since Doogan & Dyson said they will not pursue troopergate! These federal agencies will not be swayed by her bs!

  2. Regina add the Federal Attorney Generals office ,

    Arent they ultimately above all of the state attorney generals?

  3. crystalwolf, has anyone ever answered you when you have written there?

  4. You are Terrific! to post the contact info/links. No excuses now to not send concerns with specific and pertinent informtion about the governing grifter. Thank You!

  5. You are doing an amazing job. Thank you!
