Tuesday 2 June 2009


Our sons posing for a catalogue. Paul is on the right

The previous post about education brought back memories...

My husband and I started remembering our boys schooldays and a lovely story took centre stage. It's a little classic.

Our youngest son was seven years old and the homework was to write sentences using words finishing in -ight.

His teacher, good old Mrs Allen, wrote: "Paul, you make me smile." We think she was rolling on the floor laughing. This is what Paul wrote:

"My mum and dad never fight."

"My mum is always right."

From the mouths of babes...

( My husband CAN see the funny side.)


  1. Ooooh, they're adorable! What good looking kids you have, Regina.

    "My mum is always right." LOL

  2. Gifted in words AND looks, your family!

  3. Kids are so funny! Well done Regina, good contribution to the gene pool.

  4. That is a great story! And your sons are adorable!!

  5. Loved the "ight" story! BTW, I have bought many of the books in the series that they are representing in that catalog. I used them all of the time in my classroom.:)

    As for your website, it is a true gem.

  6. You have very handsome boys Regina.
    I remember being at a friend's house one night for a dinner party, and the little one piped up, "my mummy has no life." :)

  7. crystalwolf aka caligrl3 June 2009 at 01:17

    Cute Boys Reg! :)
    A good memento for you, to have your Sons in a catalog!

  8. I don't know about your kids, but mine had a reading list that existed outside of homework. The reading list was all classics. My son still calls me (he's 21) for his reading. Lately I've given him English romantic poets. He calls. We discuss. BTW, I'm a PNW native, and my background's a bit more working class than dummy's. Why people love ignorance is beyond me.
