Saturday 25 July 2009

$arah Palin and the military

August 2008:

When John McCain announced Sarah Palin as his running mate, the campaign immediately began touting her experience, both foreign and domestic, as "commander-in-chief" of the Alaska National Guard.

In an interview with The Associated Press (Aug 31, 2008), Maj. Gen. Craig Campbell said he and Palin play no role in national defense activities, even when they involve the Alaska National Guard. The entire operation is under federal control, and the governor is not briefed on situations.

But suddenly - and strangely - the commander of the Alaska National Guard, Major General Campbell, changed his story. By the end of the convention, he was praising Palin's experience, talking on TV about how she had taken control of Alaska's National Guard operations and how she was a "great" leader.

Interestingly enough, Palin promoted him to the rank of Lieutenant General... only three days later.

Fast forward to July 3, 2009, the last bits of $arah Palin's resignation speech:

"Remember Alaska... America is now, more than ever, looking North to the Future. It'll be good. So God bless you, and from me and my family - to ALL Alaska - you have my heart.

And we will be in the capable hands of our Lieutenant Governor, Sean Parnell. And Lieutenant General Craig Campbell will assume the role of Lieutenant Governor. And it is my promise to you that I will always be standing by, ready to assist. We have a good, positive agenda for Alaska.

In the words of General MacArthur said, "We are not retreating. We are advancing in another direction."

Yesterday, at the Wasilla picnic, $arah went all military in her speech:

I thank everyone for coming out today on this beautiful Alaskan day. Thank you for celebrating the military, celebrating Alaska with us and our fiftieth anniversary of the state.
And I wish that some of the media would keep things like that in perspective, what is really important in our country and what is important is our freedom, America’s security, our liberties, and it is you who are protecting our freedoms and God bless you and thank you.
Now, one thing that Alaska is known for is our patriotic people who do support our military, and I think I have received no greater compliment than hearing from our troops who are stationed up here in Alaska saying they’re so thankful to be in communities throughout Alaska who truly love and appreciate our country and our United States military defending our country. No greater compliment have I received, so that goes back to the military. I thank them so much for all that they are doing and today as we get to present the blue stars to the families who are supporting their loved ones in the line of duty, we get to appreciate them too.
My family and I, we join you in honoring the heroic effort of our service men and women, and Todd and I we do proudly display our blue star banner in our home and I wear my pin to show my support for not just my son, but for all who are serving today and have served this great country. I urge you to do the same. Continue to draw together to offer community support to our courageous military and their families.

So, the commander-in-chief (not) was contradicted by Major General Craig Campbell, he backpedalled, was promoted to Lieutenant General three days later, then promoted to lieutenant governor a few months later?

$arah went to Kosovo with Campbell and has been twitting non-stop about warriors, soldiers, never misses an opportunity to smuggle a reference to the brave men and women who fight for the freedoms we enjoy and how they protect the rights of the frivolous complainants under the First Amendment, blah blah blah.

$arah Palin is military deranged!


  1. Look, I give her credit for one thing. She has a son - serving, and for that alone, she can speak as a mom.

    Other than that - she is using the military just like Trigger ... a photo op and something to "squeal" about.

    She doesn't care about the military, our security, or the government.

    She cares about $arah and $arah's MONEY MONEY MONEY.

    She has a list - it states, "Security", "jobs", "trade" and "the military". I seriously doubt that she understands any of these words even have a meaning.

    She is probably the STUPIDEST women on earth - clever, but stupid.

  2. This story about Campbell is unreal. Sarah is always talking about corruption and finding those entrenced in Wasington. I can't stand her shallow buzzwords that she repeats over and over. She is the most obviously corrupt politician I have ever seen. The way she lies outright over and over while smiling-she is a sociopath!

    She's always talking ablout the military fighting for our liberties and freedoms. Is that what they are doing in Afghanistan and Iraq now? The woman is so stupid she probably doesn't even understand why we are there. Her focus on the military is a bit odd. She certainly thinks it's far more important then getting a great education or doing for others. Her values do not seem Christian to me at all.

    Sorry to rant. I am sick of her manipulating others and lying nonstop! I have a pet peeve about liars.
