Thursday 23 July 2009

$arah Palin's handwriting UPDATED

Update: The top and the bottom signatures are by the real $arah Palin. The middle one is from a thank you note.

$arah Palin's fans will be sooo disappointed to learn that their icon has not signed the handwritten thank you notes personally...

As a matter of fact, it appears she has not written them either.

Sarah Palin's handwriting above.

Click on each picture to enlarge

First two notes don't appear to be in $P's handwriting. The third looks iffy...

Any graphologists in our midst?

Somebody must have wrriten and signed the notes on $arah Palin's behalf, to thank the kind people who donated to that fund that has nothing to do with her, as the very first conversation between the fund's trustee and the governor happened only a couple of days ago...

More miscellaneous handwriting here. This form was filled in by at least 3 people...


  1. Notice on the real Palin signature, she does not lift her pen between the "H" in Sarah and the "P" in Palin? t In the thank you notes the "P" is totally different. I am convinced it is Bristol who has been writing the notes.

  2. Glad you pointed that out. I was about to. No, I'm only an amateur graphologist, but none of the handwriting on the various notes matches, nor do the signatures.

  3. Maybe I am missing the post but "i think" it means all the signatures are Sarah P's but is the sarcasm.. how could she personally of signed any of the thank you notes given she isn't aware of any silly Alaska Trust Fund

    Saying the handwriting at the beginning of the post is indeed hers.. and the thank you note signatures match.. which means some stranger had to of forged her name on the notes.. why of course.. because.. snark.. she wouldnt be thanking anyone for something she wasnt aware of

  4. They don't match because Sarah's different personalities wrote them. They all have different handwriting.

  5. HA! HA! My word verification: bibles
    "I swear on a stack of bibles, I had NO IDEA about the legal fund", said Sarah

  6. Great follow-up to your previous post.
    Keep up the good work. I'm sure I'll come up with a song to this stuff.

  7. I just included a Palin Christmas Card from 2008 in my flickr-collection for further handwriting comparisons:

  8. we can check the disclosure form too, Regina has that around here. I kinda remember it looking weird, imature like.

  9. I have just posted the link to the APOC pdf. There's a lot of assorted handwriting there, also, too.

  10. Sarah really should be thanking you for bringing it to her attention that several people have been forging her name. How outrageous!!

  11. She could claim that Bristol is writing the notes, she knows nothing about it and the thank you notes do not say, thanks for the donation to my legal defense, so she could pretend she thought they were thank you notes for baby gifts.

  12. Question: Re the "Thank you for Trig's... and Piper's..." note. Gifts which were declared or not declared??? We're opening some packages and not others? Are these declared on a list somewhere?

    (And if Bristol is NOT Trig's mother, why would she have led with her name? A big sister would simply have signed 'The Palin Family")

    Curioser and curioser...

  13. Regina,
    Here is my opinion about the Thank You notes (as posted on Mudflats )and a possible connection to Bristol. I think Bristol WAS writing them and maybe the reason she is no longer as well. ( just my opinion )Does it seem to make sense..?

    #118 honestyinGov Says: July 23rd, 2009 at 10:47 AM

    The Thank you cards seem to prove without a doubt that $arah was involved and had a connection to the AFT. No denying that. And on last nights thread on the AFT ( around post # 371) someone had looked at and compared the handwriting to Bristol.
    In between naps with Trig and Tripp it makes sense that $arah would be telling Bristol she needs to sign these cards so the money keeps coming in. She saw how the Palin-bots just fawned all over the very first ones she sent out and the Beg-a Thon site even did stories about the ‘ Fans ‘ receiving them. The fans LOVED them.
    Textbook ” Grifter 101″ work… once you identify the ‘ Mark ‘… keep them on the hook and keep reeling in the dough.
    I have no doubt that $arah pulled Bristol into the game here. And maybe the fight that Gryphen referred to about a week before the quit speech between $arah and Bristol was related to this. Maybe Bristol might have a conscience and said no more. Especially if she was reading some of these donation letters with money from little old ladies giving them Her last $5. I don’t think Bristol has as cold a heart like $arah. Don’t you think she would be touched..? You would had to have read the stories so you would know the names of the people so you could personalize it… Right?

    Maybe Gryphen knows more about the ‘ fight ‘ now from his source and knows if this is part of the story.

  14. Regina,

    This is slightly OT, but has anyone else noticed anything weird about the STRANGE picture graphic here of Trig Paxson VAN PALIN? He seems to have a nazi like halo around his head with the initials VP. What is with the emphasis on VAN PALIN all about? I'd like to hear Leah's take on this since so much has been coming out about the 7 mountain crew's admiration of Hitler. Questions, more and more questions.

    Thanks for all you do for us Regina.

  15. Khaki Salmon Palin23 July 2009 at 22:23

    It's a play on a van halen logo...

    My, she's a clever one!

  16. PalingWithHalenVanPalin:

    Now she's palling around with aging rock stars?

    Shame on the dimwit.

  17. If someone signed Sarah's name without her knowledge or permission, it's Sarah's responsibility to prove forgery, or someone must confess to forgery. Otherwise, we can only assume she signed the notes herself and thus knew about the Alaska Fund Trust.

  18. Please think for a minute. Only one note has a date on it, and it says nothing about money. Isn't it possible that the other notes are from earlier campaigns? I really don't think this is "proof" that she was using the fund.

    As far as different writing what if people helped her write thank you notes, which is speculation anyway. People do it all the time. Most politicians send a form letter since they don't have time to personally write a note to every letter they get. Don't get yourselves worked up...

  19. Whoever signed the thank-you note to "Mark" and the one to "Ron" has had a lot of practice writing Palin's signature -- they nearly got both the S and the P right, but they got the R and the H wrong.

    It's certainly someone who's practiced a lot, but isn't a true forger (who would not have missed the "wrong" details).

    The chances that the thank you notes to Ron and Mark were written by someone not-Sarah-Palin seem pretty high to me.

    However, I think Sarah Palin wrote all of the OTHER messages above including the "Dear Elizabeth" note, too -- even though it says "Bristol & the Palin Family". (hint: exclamation point, capitals)

  20. Here's the thing ... even the notes she may not have written (and I too think someone else did the writing of the note itself (Bristol probably, maybe Willow, but I think Sarah probably signed some of them and besides, they are going out "under her signature" - she probably is aware of the notes. So she is implicit in the act and knowing and approving of the fund. Too, I have two P's in my name. About 80% of the time, when I sign my name, the two P's are formed differently, one (the first) with a big loop and some flourish, the second, a small loop and very plain. But, 20% of the time, the P's will be identical in formation. It is uncanny. To me the signatures of Sarah Palin are very similar, such that she may have signed more of the documents than you think.

  21. Anon@23:17 - Oh, I don't think WE'RE the ones worked up about this....We're not the ones holding bizarre press conferences...

  22. It is hysterical how you are all dissecting the P's and I's...kind of like all the discussion about "look, here she doesn't look pregnant and then here there is a small bulge..."

    A good laugh, thanks.

  23. Anon 7/24/09 @07:12, are you referring to the square patch in the 3/26/08 picture or the square bulge in the Elan Frank pictures? Please share with us which pregnant picture you believe proves Sarah was pregnant with Trig. Perhaps you have a favorite scarf picture.
    Square patch 3/26/08:

    Square bulge 4/3/08:

    Favorite scarf 4-8-08:

  24. Like I

  25. Anon @ 7:12 & 9:03, that's all you can come up with?? Blind faith is not always a good thing. You might find yourself leaping off the cliff like the other lemmings, just following your "Supreme Leader".
