Friday 31 July 2009

Open thread

It's Friday, we have a dinner party to attend and our son is arriving from the UK tomorrow, so I'll leave you with an open thread and some lovely photos of the villages in our neck of the woods.

Our son being silly in Uzerche last year. This particular dungeon dates back to the 10th century.

This is Uzerche, a lovely medieval village. The steep hilly streets are a bit hard on our legs...

Masseret. Beautiful tower and a fantastic restaurant nearby, perfect day out!

Another tower, this time in Turenne. More hills, more aching calves, but the views are breathtaking, as you can see below.



  1. What beautiful villages!

    Have a lovely dinner party and enjoy the time with your son...


  2. Certainly makes me want to visit the beautiful villages of France and ont une belle soirée.

  3. Beautiful, oh to visit some villages like these someday!

  4. I'm tired of the rich who have overtaken our country, and the rich religious cults like $Ps who are already in power and trying to have complete dominion. France is looking very good. Our family may just move there. If the likes of Palin ever got elected for sure. It would be hell on earth if she were VP or POTUS. I will keep praying she stays out of any office, thanking God for President Obama, and the republicans to be over ruled since they could care less about us. People please starting next year vote out these low lives. I know John McCain and Jon Kyl days should be numbered.

  5. Regina it's so beautiful! Have a wonderful weekend.
    Jo I second and 3rd what you wrote! What we need are term limits for senators. Kyl and McCain and many others on both sides ate totally out of touch. I am sure they have never worried about healthcare. So far in 2010 there isn't a Democrat that I know of (yet) running against McCain..only someone nuttier and far out there. Kyl isn't up for reelection in 2010. They are like outdated white marble statues with nothing new to offer. They are terrible for our country like the others who think healthcare reform is not important. They have voted for some things that make my skin crawl.

  6. Thanks for the beautiful pictures. I love Lille, too.

  7. Very interesting post over Gryphen's site! He says his source is impeccable. Looks like things are getting interesting again.

  8. Regina, love the pictures! We would love a personal post describing adventures/misadventures of retiring and living in France, with photos.

    A few years ago, we spent time south of you, near Agen. The concierge at our hotel suggested visiting some of the well preserved bastide towns of SW France. Each was different, charming and a slice of history.

    (The bastide towns were fortified villages built around 12-14 centuries. They were planned and funded both as defensive settlements and market centers, and were examples of urban planning. Craftsmen were encouraged to settle there, and sell their wares in the market place. Each town also had plots of land devoted to farming. The idea of the planned marketplace was to expand the economy; you can only tax people just so much. Visiting them was a rewarding and unexpected surprise).

  9. Gryphen has a VERY interesting post:

    Regina, hope you are having a great time. Everything seems to hit the fan when you take a well-deserved break - first Sarah quits, now splits?

  10. Regina, email for you!!!

  11. I don't think that Gryphens revelations should be considered as "confirmed" information at this point. Please keep in mind that it's possible that bloggers who are known to be working on "big sensitive stories" such as babygate could be being deliberately misled. If Gryphen is wrong here, which I don't hope, then his credibility will be seriously damaged. Everybody calm down until these news are officially confirmed.



  13. Gryphen has updated to include this:

    "After swearing in the new governor, Palin made a quick exit with daughter Piper and son Trigg in tow. She jumped in a Chevy Silverado twin cab driven by her security detail.

    Todd Palin followed just seconds behind, and was left struggling to avoid a phalanx of cameras. The problem: His family had already left."

    Norah, it is spelled "Trig" not Trigg. "Tripp" is the second grandson.

  14. +++NEWS+++

    Meg Stapleton denies that the Palin's are going to divorce:

  15. I swear, I think Meg works for Romney.

    All Meg and Sarah have to do is ignore the rumor, make Sarah put her wedding ring back on, and trot out Todd for some event with Sarah. Pose for a kiss, like the Gores in 2000 at the convention in L.A. END OF STORY.

    But instead, this will go viral now as Meg issues a denial, making it sound TOTALLY TRUE.

  16. Thanks for sharing these nice pics

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