Sunday 23 August 2009

Sarah Palin's makeover

Nobody seems to know where Sarah Palin is at the moment. Some speculate that she's recovering from a facelift. One thing appears to be certain: she had some work done on her teeth. The picture on the left is from the vice presidemtial campaign, the one on the right was taken at the Anchorage quitter picnic.

Her teeth used to be straight and square, but in the new pic the incisors are more rounded and longer...

If she really had more stuff done, we're all waiting to see the results. Whatever happened, I hope she stayed clear of Jocelyn Wildenstein's plastic surgeon...

It's a pity there's no procedure to give Sarah Palin's heart and brains a makeover. She could then boast a prettier conscience and be able to write her own Facebook notes, but with compassion and understanding instead of the vitriolic bullshit her ghostwriters are spewing at the moment.

Alas, that's not going to happen...


  1. When Greta Van Susteren moved from CNN to Fox in 2002, she requested 6 weeks to herself before she started the new job. Greta was a smart lawyer who discussed the legal aspects of different cases on CNN, but, to be honest, she was not a raving beauty.

    When she finally debuted on Fox, she was the "new improved" Greta. People gossiped that she had plastic surgery. For a lawyer who ought to know the perils of misstating the actual facts, Greta only admitted to a simple eye-tuck to get rid of a few pesky wrinkles. If you want to see what I am writing about, just google "Greta Van Susteren before and after," and you can see for yourself.

    So, Sarah's disappearance has everyone buzzing. Can The Globe really be true, and the pressure of divorce and everything else has resulted in a breakdown?

    Or, is there a secret Fox deal in the works just in time for the new fall schedule? In Greta's case, they announced her new Fox show, then she disappeared. Maybe they changed the routine so we wouldn't notice any sudden changes in Sarah's appearance?

    The thing is that if Sarah has disappeared just for a little Greta-style eye-tuck, why isn't she twittering away? She promised that stuff would be flying from her fingertips, and not having anything worthwhile to say before never stopped her. The mystery continues.

  2. Maybe she is getting all fixed up in preparation for the big book tour. Oh yeah, first she has to write that book. Could she be furiously writing to meet some kind of deadline?

  3. She may indeed be hiding but it could be from those dreaded Feds she referred to so often. There is a posting on Daily Kos ( under the heading "New Abramoff Indictment: Aide to Dick Armey, Sweatship Protector, Beck Defender'. In the article the name of HORACE COOPER is highlighted. Click on that name and you will be taken to the federal DOJ website press release. The comparison of the Cooper indictment and that which Palin has been accused of is strikingly similar. Enjoy, great reading. Perhaps maybe a glimpse of what someone else may be in for.

  4. $P needs a brain and heart transplant to be a real human.
    That woman lived 4 blocks from me in NYC. Thank goodness I never saw her on the street, because she made herself look like a freak.

  5. She cannot transform. Her pathology will be more defined and she will continue her downward spiral.

    She has been challenged. As an NPD, that is not acceptable, allowed or tolerated. No one is capable or competent to challenge her.

    She is probably also in a depressive phase of her illness. As she ages (heh heh), her illness will define her behavior more and more.

    I know we all laugh and call her a loon, but she is one very very sick puppy.

  6. I don't know how you are anyone else could take you seriously. I mean, c'mon.....commenting on Sarah's teeth? Is it possible you're just a little bitter and hateful?

  7. i had read an article on the joyce lady..and it's actually pretty sad
    She brought that horrid face on herself but her husband had the wandering eye.. so she got a little work done and he was like wow! .. things were good
    Then he wandered his eyes again.. and she knew he was obsessed with his lions (real ones!) ..loved the big feline
    So one last attempt she went to her ps and asked to be transformed into a cat
    slanted cat eyes.. all that
    When he saw her after the big surgery he screamed in horror
    So she went back..
    and continues to do so

    SP's face looks awful thin in the right foto she should of kept a little fat on her.. once you are over 40.. you may get a tight bod losing a bunch of weight but your face looks gaunt and tired

  8. Hey Anon@22:35,

    Did you read the end of the post? The point of it is not the teeth or anything else. Sarah Palin doesn't have a conscience.

    Lighten up or learn to read.

  9. anon@22:35 has a BIG problem. His idol Palin has vanished, probably into the nearest institution.

    Hey trolls, a quick question: since most of you probably already know deep down inside that Sarah isn't writing her own Facebook, who is it you REALLY worship? A "fake" Sarah? Someone who is pretending to be her?

    I realize it's difficult when you have one functioning neuron, but how do you honestly intelligently read "her" words knowing it isn't her writing, her speech, and definitely not her I.Q.?

    Is it fun living in Wonderland? Worshipping someone who has basically vanished for a month and has someone pretending to be her?

    Are you really honestly and truly that incredibly STUPID?

  10. i think when she returns to the scene all pulled and cut and re-youthed it will be to hold onto Todd.. he's quite the looker and she's quite the witchy woman whose looks are starting to match her persona

    She's gonna come out wearing pigtails and pink high tops.. suckin on a lolipop

  11. @1:40, there's nothing more repulsive than a middle-aged woman trying to look juvenile for male approval. What a sad thought--even for someone as hateful as Sarah Palin.

  12. Oh, Todd Palin isn't all that much a "looker". He's really rather scrawny in the muscle department considering his hobby, snowmobile racing.

    Take a look at him standing in his polo short shirt sleeves alongside SP on that stage at the Autism Walk rally in New York state -- he looks like a wimpy accountant.

    My husband was more muscular in the chest and arms even at 75 years old from a lifetime of athletics and jack-of-all-trades hobbies and staying active (he's still "with us"; just not mentally what he used to be, thus not motivated to stay active).

    Maybe that's Todd Palin's "problem", he's only half my husband's age... :)

  13. KaJo,

    Todd has a squeaky voice as well...

  14. Regina, yes!! His voice is a total turnoff ... as if his being dumb wasn't enough.


  15. Anon@1:40: Knowing SP, I'd think she'd do that AFTER she divorced Todd.

  16. Even if X-GINO is off getting a little nip and tuck, it cannot hide the ugliness underneath. We all can see it so clearly now. I find it so hilarious that her sheeple over at the goofy website with Man-Sewer, actually believe she is doing the writing on her FaceBook page! Give me a break people.....just look at her previous writings.....not even remotely close to what has come out these last couple of weeks. Give it up...she is a fake.

  17. Palin is a beautiful woman. She is not lacking in outside beauty but is an empty suit when it comes to her heart and brain. All the plastic surgery in the world cannot add brain cells to this idiot.

  18. anon@16:19 - Palin WAS an attractive woman until she opened her mouth.

    She is living proof that beauty is more than skin deep.

    The ugliness that is inside of her is visible to all of us. You cannot be attractive outside, and vile and filled with hatred inside.

    The ugliness comes out and in Sarah's case, that's all there is.

  19. crystalwolf aka caligrl25 August 2009 at 14:23

    Sarah had nice teeth before...(did she get veneers as a beauty queen?)
    but her "new" teeth look totally fake,too white...phony like her.
    Can wait to see the rest of her wig, face done by Greta's Doc...
