Tuesday 11 August 2009

Sarah Palin, "private" citizen

This week hasn't started very well for $arah Palin.

- Keith Olbermann was very vocal about her "death panel" claims and how she incites hatred. He didn't buy her backtracking.

- Levi talked about the Palins marital problems. Will there be a backlash?

- The Alaska Legislature voted to override her veto of the energy stimulus funds. They couldn't see the strings turning into ropes.

Next week will start with the deadline to comply with APOC's requests regarding full disclosure of Arctic Cat deals and gifts received in 2008.

I keep hoping something really big would hit her. The bribery angle in the Juneteenth lawsuit looks promising, but it would be poetic justice if someone actually launched a legal challenge to her slush fund.

Watching her making a spectacle of herself on Facebook as a "private" citizen is tedious and profoundly irritating. Her profile photo changes on a daily basis to reflect her mood, I suppose.

Somehow I don't think she will post the one photo I long to see: the quitter governor sporting an orange jumpsuit, no make-up, no hair extensions, with only matching silver bracelets as adornments.

The other garment perfect for Sarah Palin would be the customized Team Arctic jacket...

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  1. Do you suppose her mug shot would look similar to this:



  2. After Obama's "death panel" is going to kill my defective baby, where can she go next?

    Maybe she is going to post that Obama's "wildlife panel" is going to feed the dead carcass of my baby to hungry wolves and coyotes in Yellowstone park.

    How much more political milk can she squeeze out of poor Trig?

  3. I cannot find info on the status of the Tennessee case of David Kernell and if the judge has decided what discovery documents must be produced by Sarah Palin. Does anyone know the status?

  4. As we've seen in the past, Sarah does not handle bad weeks well. This should be interesting.

  5. A comment about Sarah's Death Panel statement: She wrote that Trig and her parents would appear before the (non-existent) Death Panel to be judged on whether they were productive members of society.

    She devalues both her parents and Trig by even imagining them there. I notice that she doesn't appear before the Death Panel. Trig can be trained to be a useful member of society. Her parents should be making meaningful contributions to society, too, also but instead we have Dad Heath shooting his mouth off on every occasion. Maybe this is Sarah's subconscious telling us that she would secretly like to get rid of them...otherwise, why even make the statement and imagine them (parents and Trig) having judgment passed on them.

    (It also sounds like those horrible Nazi concentration camps where people were dividing into two groups, life and death, by such a judgmental panel. When Sarah- or her ghost writer- choose images, they produce the worst of humanity, not the best).

  6. When I was growing up a regular saying of my father was "engage brain before putting mouth in gear".
    Sarah obviously never heard this or is missing one of the parts (hint...it is not her mouth)

  7. And I'm just about to cross the pond with all this going on!! Tee hee ...

    I think what I'll do is keep visualizing her in the orange jumpsuit with matching silver cuffs.

    I do hope to discover upon my return next week that the orange jumpsuit starts looking more likely.

    And a wonderful week to all ...

  8. She sure showed her true feelings regarding her respect for our brave men and women in the Military by quitting "making things up"

    That's one thing she will never get accused of.

    That and being a Grifter!

  9. Check out Levi's appearance on Larry King with Kathy Griffin. It is hilarious and will drive Palin up the wall.
    Levi says he will not be living in the same house with Palin, he has had enough of the family.
    Go Levi!!!

  10. Hey everyone - yay Shannyn - KeithO carried the Medicaid Death of 227 citizens story FINALLY. Everything came out including the fact that the agency requested additional funding and she turned then down.

    Shannyn Moore rocks.

  11. Hey everyone - yay Shannyn - KeithO carried the Medicaid Death of 227 citizens story FINALLY. Everything came out including the fact that the agency requested additional funding and she turned then down.

    Shannyn Moore rocks.

  12. In Alaska felons wear baby shit yellow. I would love to see her in prison. But her buddy Schmidt would make sure she would get health care and not be tortured. The prisons in Alaska are horrendous. The ACLU is writing a report about the conditions, but you can bet they will not file a class action suit.
