Sunday 22 November 2009

MAD Magazine: Sarah Palin - "Blunder Woman"

When we walk daily in Sarah Palin's mud of scandals, propaganda, hypocrisy and dirty secrets, we are always happy to get hold of some fun stuff.

I have fond memories of MAD magazine from my childhood. I had "tons" of issues of MAD magazine (and still must have some somwhere...) and I can say that the hard-hitting satire in MAD had a great early influence in shaping my views from an early age.

Now MAD strikes again - and the target is Sarah Palin, which is more than appropriate. According to MAD, Sarah is the "Blunder Woman" (click to enlarge):

This parody also caught the eye of the satire department of the "Anchorage Daily News (ADN)" - they write:

NOT QUITE AS CHEAP a shot as the Newsweek cover, but maybe a contender. The current issue of Mad Magazine lists Sarah Palin as "Blunder Woman," the 18th "stupidest person in America." Since Ear personally knows 23 stupider people, it's not a true fact. But at least she looks better as a drawing in tights than in those running shorts. And, because No. 1 on the Mad list is Michael Jackson, taste obviously weighed lightly in the selection. But isn't that what we love about Mad?

Well -I don't agree that the Newsweek cover was a "cheap shot", because Sarah Palin proudly posed for the picture herself. However, I admire the fact that the ADN were able to locate 23 people who are stupider than Sarah Palin. This is quite an achievement. ;-)

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  1. As cool as the Mad cover is, it is even better that ADN is reporting on it...touche!

  2. To show how uninformed people are, a friend who is a loyal Obama fan, and anti-Palin, told me she thought the bottom part of the Newsweek picture was probably a photoshot...see most people, unless they are active around here, did not see the Runner Mag's pictures and have not a clue that she actually posed for them in HER shorts and nylons! No wonder there are so many mixed up people...

  3. Alfred E. Neuman is better looking than Sarah Palin.

  4. Saw this in Bree's comments:

    A deal-breaker is heading toward the Palins. Can it be stopped? I don't think so. Will it topple the house of cards, all signs say yes.

    From The Alaska Report Rumor Central

  5. Would an iceberg be something headed toward the Palins? Sarah talked about marriage being a business deal.

  6. Anon 23:56

    I think that's old (from the time before her resignation).

    It's not on the current page:

    However, I think this statement might have been true - an indication for the truth is the fact that Palin is not Governor any more...and we still don't know the reason why.

  7. I have ALWAYS loved Mad Magazine. "Blunder Woman" is perfect; I'm kicking myself for not having originated that meme.

  8. Video Proof that Palin fans are not only in love with her and can give no reasonable explanation as to why, but that at least this guy, named "The Palin Man", equates her with "Queen Ester" who has come to save people.

    You Won't Believe Your Eyes aka The Palin Man

    This guy got his book signed two days ago, but drove to this book signing for pure enjoyment! :D

  9. Truly Madly Deeply23 November 2009 at 00:38

    Piper is signing autographs again?

    WTF is wrong with Palin? Piper should be at home, in school, with her friends. She is not a celebrity. She is a little girl.

  10. Here is Christopher Buckley's own index for the Palin book. Pretty funny, especially coming from such a prominent conservative.

  11. New from Andrew Sullivan:

  12. Here from People magazine:,,20320464,00.html

    Another slur against Levi, and saying Bristol has Tripp all the time (except she also says she is going to college; presumably Tripp is not with her then).

  13. She should be flattered, as they got J. Scott Campbell to draw it rather than a typical Mad artist. Campbell is top mainstream superhero artist (known for his character Danger Girl) who specializes in drawing sexy heroines.

    I wish they had one of their "usual gang of idiots" draw her instead.

  14. Another link from Andrew Sullivan about Sarah still trashing Levi. Probably a good thing he was a bit discrete in his photo shoot. He doesn't look all that different from Sarah in her beauty pageant days. If she calls that porn, I wonder what she calls what her friend Carrie is doing on the infamous tapes.

  15. Sarah keeps taunting Levi and he isn't doing anything. I wonder why? I think she's getting braver and braver and he could probably sue her for libel.
    You'd think if Levi knew a huge secret now would be the time and Sarah is bitch (sorry if I offend anyone) but he is the father of her grandchild. Smashing him in the press is stupid. If there is a court case, she liikgeww

  16. She would LOSE I meant say!

  17. MAD magazine has thrown down the gauntlet !
    Nice timing, too, and also.

    And miss sarah can't complain 'cause they did a cover of Obama smoking about 100 cigarettes shortly after he took office.

    What IS the 'eskimo word for dangerously deluded political hack' ? Surely we can come up with one !

  18. Lisabeth: IF Levi 'has something on Sarah' . and that is a big IF ... he would be very foolish to reveal it before custody issues are settled.

    However, I don't think Levi HAS anything that big, he is just milking this for as long as possible.

    When he says: I know of something she lied about that she didn't do when she was governor ...

    We all think: AHA! She didn't have Tigg-Prop ... but I bet it's just 'she didn't read those books she said she did' ..

    Good Luck to Levi, but I doubt he has anything all that revealing to talk about. Even if he did, it's NOT to his advantage to reveal it, and I am sure his lawyer has told him that.

  19. Rex Butler did say at one point that what levi knew would prove to be a game changer if she tried to run again for office.

    I'd say that indicates something at least pretty spectacular even if it is not about Trig.

  20. Anon 1:44

    I hope he's right .. but watching and listening to the Palinbots, he could prove she was Tim McVeigh's co-conspirator (for example) and I doubt they would change their 'minds' ... they are all in a trance!

    Don't get me wrong, I am hoping for the best for Levi, and that baby ... I just don't see anything BIG coming from him. He has too much to lose and nothing to gain from bringing her down.

    Bringing down Sarah wouldn't help Levi in a custody battle with Bristol, but it could make Levi look bad.

    But, hey .. I don't know anything more than anyone else, it's just my take on it. I hope I'm wrong too!

  21. Is Levi sure he is the father of Tripp?? Remember Audrey said there was something strange about Bristol's pregnancy. Especially the size of her belly. I also remember the "other" Morgan's website...right before she got shut down with personal threats, she had posted close up pictures of Bristol during the convention. I wonder if Levi has done a DNA test?

  22. Levi wants to believe. He may have DNA tests or not. He may feel bonded regardless. The birth certificate is what matters if no one brings up DNA.

    The Johnstons and Chandlers are close, Johnny Boy is a town drunk type. Levi might want to step up for his old friend. That happens. Trig or Tripp might not learn real parents. It will be good if DNA clears speculation.

    If Johnstons take Tripp to meet relatives in Canada they need birth certificate. Could be a prob for Sarah.

  23. GinaM @5:14

    There was a picture of Bristol taken on 07-19-08 dated by one of the newspapers in Alaska. She has a tight fitting brown jacket on. On the 09-01-08, she looks 5 months pregnant, in less than 6 weeks. I am sure Patrick has that photo in the brown jacket on flickr. And there was another picture taken backstage a few days later which showed Bristol somewhat smaller than on 09-01-08. I have not been able to locate that photo yet. All strange to me, that's for sure!

  24. I know a baby whose father was hospitalized and had little contact with baby after they had bonded. I was surprised how hurt and frustrated a young baby was. What Bristol and Sarah are doing is severely damaging to Tripp. I can't believe they get by with that child abuse.
