Monday 7 December 2009

Andree McLeod files new ethics complaint regarding Sarah Palin's "Alaska Fund Trust"

The news came in just a few minutes ago! Andree McLeod has filed a new ethics complaint, and this time the topic is particularly delicate: She challenges Sarah Palin's legal defense fund, the so-called "Alaska Fund Trust" (we call it "slush-fund").

This brings back fond memories of the most devastating ethics complaint against Sarah Palin to date, in which earlier this year State Personnel Board investigator Thomas Daniel found there is probable cause to believe Palin used or attempted to use her official position for personal gain (see HERE and HERE). It has even been speculated that this ethics complaint, which was filed by Kim Chatman, could have contributed to Sarah Palin quitting her job as Governor - just today for example by Andrew Sullivan on the Daily Dish!


Download of Andree McLeod's ethics complaint: Here is the new download link!

The press release by Andree McLeod reads:

Anchorage, Alaska : An ethics complaint has been filed with the attorney general’s office by Alaska resident and registered Republican Andrée McLeod charging ex-governor Sarah Palin with continued violations of the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act.

The attached complaint relates to Palin’s already established unethical legal defense fund. A July 21, 2009 independent investigation report that relates to this same fund already found probable cause that Palin violated the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act while she abused her position for personal gain and secured unwarranted benefits for herself, her family and other undisclosed public officials.

“Palin continues to compromise the integrity of our Governor’s Office,” Andrée McLeod says. “She continues to misuse her official position even though she was told it is wrong to do.”

The Alaska Fund Trust website, which still accepts contributions, describes her as the current governor of Alaska , even though Palin quit last July.

McLeod continued, “What we have is the epitome of a culture of corruption. Why do public officials permit Palin to get away with bad behavior? Why does justice not prevail on the side of the people in the follow through of what has already been established as an unscrupulous pot of money? We still don’t know how much has been collected during her term and whose been paid from the fund? Why does the administration continue to protect and defend Sarah Palin, even when she’s caught, red-handed, selling out the Office of the Governor?”

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