Monday 1 March 2010

Open thread - Sarah Palin goes to church - UPDATE

I found this nice little video of Sarah Palin addressing a church event (with Trig and Piper) in June 2008. I don't know if I heard it correctly, but @2:43 and 2:56 did she chromo-zone? Watch out for her sense of humour. Enjoy!

Sarah Palin at One Lord Sunday from Elizabeth Gilroy on Vimeo.



The video was shot on June 8, 2008. The One Lord Sunday was an event held at The Wasilla Sports Complex. Twenty churches from the Mat-Su valley cancelled their normal Sunday services and met at the sports complex, where Rev Ed Kalnins gave a blessing to Sarah Palin, Sean Parnell and Lisa Murkowski.

One Lord Sunday event, Wasilla Sports Complex, June 8, 2008

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