Friday 30 April 2010

Fox News reports about David Kernell's trial: The fair and balanced Trig Truthers - what the fox? - Bristol Palin's testimony - UPDATE!

The jurors in David Kernell's trial have finished their deliberations, and the situation, according to knoxnews, looks as follows:
KNOXVILLE — A federal jury this afternoon convicted Sarah Palin e-mail intruder David C. Kernell of felony destruction of records to hamper a federal investigation and misdemeanor unlawfully obtaining information from a protected computer.

The jury acquitted Kernell, 22, of felony wire fraud.

U.S. District Judge Thomas W. Phillips declared a mistrial on the fourth charge, felony identity theft, after the jurors said they were hopelessly deadlocked.

The records charge carries a maximum 20-year prison sentence, while the misdemeanor maximum sentence is one year.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Greg Weddle said federal prosecutors would decide next week if they would retry the former University of Tennessee economics major on that charge.

Phillips said he would set a sentencing date after prosecutors make that decision.

Therefore, we have to wait and see what happens next. Of course is a positive development that David Kernell was only found guilty on one of the felony charges, but it's too early yet for a final assessment.

Fox News is also on the case. This is an excerpt from their current report:

Fox News - Bristol testimony 3

Bristol testimony - 4

OK - a report like all the others, isn't it?

Wait, let's take a closer look:

Fox News - Bristol testimony 2

"Bristol Palin said she was distressed to find pictures of her newborn son in the public eye after he mother's e-mail was hacked."

Wait a moment! What the fox...?

Did she REALLY say that?

Or is it just a "gaffe" by Fox News, a misinterpretation, a false report?

When Sarah Palin's yahoo account was illegally accessed by David Kernell on September 15, 2008, the only baby that had been born recently was - Trig.

Tripp, Bristol Palin's "publicly acknowledged son", was born on December 27, 2008.

The two pictures from this yahoo-account which afterwards were leaked to the public also show Trig.

Picture 1 from the yahoo-account:


Large version of this picture HERE.

Picture 2 from the yahoo account:


All available screenshots from Sarah's yahoo account have been published by Gawker HERE.

So what happened regarding this Fox News report? Could it be possible that Bristol made a slip?

Remember, Palinbots: Fox News always speaks the truth! ;-)

Funnily, we just published a shiny new post about the "mysterious" parentage of Trig a few days ago. It's still not too late for the Palinbots to educate themselves!

(huge h/t to yellowgirl!)

In case this report on Fox News is changed, I saved a PDF-copy of it HERE.



Our brilliant reader "mrsgunka" has just sent us an amazing PDF-document with a detailed hypothesis regarding the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig accident in the Gulf of Mexico, together with shocking pictures! You HAVE to see this:

Download HERE.

In case this link doesn't work, there is an alternative link HERE. But please try the other link first.



Thanks to the efforts of our brilliant Palingater ella, we now have access to all documents which have been filed about the David Kernell trial in the Tennessee court database.

Therefore I started rummaging through the documents and made some interesting discoveries. I was looking in the first place for the transcripts of the Sarah and Bristol Palin's testimonies, and I found out that it may take several months before they will be published. However, the good news is that we will definitely receive in the near future PRECISE word-for-word transcripts of the proceedings and the testimonies. And there is not one darn thing Sarah can do about it.

There are some very interesting documents for everybody who wants to start digging deeper into the trial. I have collected them all in THIS FOLDER and they are ready for download.

Some of the most interesting documents:

Here we have some brand-new items:

The verdict of the jury is incredibly interesting, because what I hadn't realized so far that the jury had the CHOICE regarding charge 3 between a more severe and a lesser charge - and the jury opted for the lesser charge!

David Kernell Jury Verdict 30 April 2010 - page 1

David Kernell Jury Verdict 30 April 2010 - page 2

Also, there is a very exciting affidavit in the documents by David T. Jones, Senior Assistant General Attorney of Alaska (download here).

From this affidavit we learn that we will receive thousands and thousands of more emails from Sarah Palin's administration in the near future! I would call this very good news. :-)


David Kernell Trial - Affidavit Ass Att General AK David Jones - page 1

David Kernell Trial - Affidavit Ass Att General AK Davd T Jones - page 2

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