Sunday 11 April 2010

Open thread - PayPal is back!

El Cielo de Avinyo by Ramon Lombarte

On this sunny Sunday afternoon, I would like to share a picture I have in my house. It's very peaceful, I like it very much. If you like Lombarte's style, clicking on his name will take you to a poster shop where you'll find more of his pictures.

Changing the subject, there are some good news. PayPal is back, yeah, yeah, yeah! They wanted a lot of information, from our blood types to the names of our pets (joking) and we were happy to send them everything they wanted, so all is well again.

Click here:

We're looking into the possibility of having a PO Box in the US for readers who dislike online transactions. We'll keep you posted.

The other bit of good news is that my sister is coming for a visit. We haven't seen each other since 2004, so I won't be able to blog for two weeks starting on Wednesday (April 14). Good job I can count on Patrick, Kathleen and our fantastic readers to keep things going... I'll be far too busy catching up on six years of all the family stuff, like weddings, births and general gossip!

That's all for now, folks. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.


We can't have an open thread without some Sarah Palin gossip.

GLOBAL WARMING? . . . A Juneau earwig reports Gov. Parnell is getting
the Governor's Mansion air-conditioned. It was apparently too hot last
summer. And in case you wondered what happened to Sarah's tanning bed,
the one the mansion had to be rewired to accommodate, Ear is told she
took it with her. Thank goodness.

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