Saturday 22 May 2010

Sarah Palin and her "borrowed clothes" in Idaho - Just like on the VP trail? - Open Thread

When Sarah Palin campaigned for Vaughn Ward yesterday in Boise, Idaho, the airline lost her luggage. A great opportunity for folksy Sarah to get sympathy from the crowd:
"We flew through the night and this morning my luggage didn't arrive," she said. "So about an hour ago, I was sitting backstage in sweats and tennis shoes and man, this is just so me! I am in borrowed clothes. Again! Anyone followed the VP trail? Yup!"
See the video about her appearance from about 3:00 - the video also includes how she was "ambushed" by a reporter at the airport in Boise:

Just like on the VP trail?

We should take this opportunity to revisit the story from 2008 campaign about her infamous shopping spree. Our reader Finny found an video which was posted by Newsweek already in 2008, but didn't get the attention yet it truly deserves. It's a very detailed description of her "shopping raid". Sarah Palin had no hesitation to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars of somebody else's money for her and her family and then needed 13 suitcases to carry all the clothes around:

Susan Eisenhower, granddaughter of the former President, had harsh words for Sarah Palin's behavior - another video which didn't get the attention it deserves:

Note from Regina:

Patrick put this open thread together before taking a break to attend to some real life issues. He and Kathleen have worked very hard over the past few weeks and we're all grateful for it. But life is relentless and some things need attention, away from the blog. They should be back by Monday, May 31.

In the meantime, enjoy these two videos and I'll hold the fort the best I can...


On a completely different note, please support Colour of Change petition:

John Stossel, a Fox News contributor and business anchor, said Thursday that a central piece of the Civil Rights Act should be repealed — the part that says businesses that serve the public can't discriminate on the basis of race.

GOP Senate candidate Rand Paul has made similar comments, but Stossel took things a step further and suggested we do away with legislation that ensures that segregation is outlawed in all areas of public life. Voters can opt against Rand Paul on Election Day, but Stossel's backwards and hateful ideas have the support of a supposed news network.

Please join us in holding Fox and News Corporation accountable, and demanding that they oust John Stossel.

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