Wednesday 9 June 2010

Oh no! Sarah Palin broke Twitter! - Open Thread

Please continue the present discussions on this new, shiny open thread. Patrick and Kathleen had guests today, while I worked on a big post that's not ready to be published just yet. We didn't want to post something on a serious subject without giving it all our attention and the usual in-depth research and analysis.

Thankfully, Twitter never fails to provide some comic relief...

Here are some interesting links:

* Sarah Palin Breast Implants?
* Memo to Sarah Palin: A President (or Governor) Is Not a CEO
* Who Is Writing Sarah Palin’s Facebook Notes?



Carly Fiorina provides quality entertainment!

We want more! ;-)

Via Think Progress:

Fiorina criticized her friend Meg Whitman, the GOP gubernatorial candidate in California, for agreeing to go on Sean Hannity’s show the day after the primary elections.

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