Tuesday 3 August 2010

Sarah Palin's book "America By Heart" - Parody book cover competition! - Bonus: Hilarious videos!

Let's have a light hearted, funny start into the week! :-)

Last week I asked our readers to take part in a parody cover competition for Sarah Palin's new opus "America By Heart", which of course comes with "100% ghostwriting guarantee", because Sarah's imagination doesn't stretch much further than "Who's your daddy" and "look at my palm prompter."

Today we proudly present the submissions of our readers!

As a reminder - this is the real cover:

America by Heart - Sarah Palin - book cover

So let's have a look at the submissions! Each cover has a number, and I will also name the reader who created it.

Cover 1 (disqusux):

"America Buy It" - hopes Sarah Palin!

Cover 2 (saskcat):


Cover 3 (flyinureye):


Cover 4 (disqusux):

discusux 1

Cover 5 (Ennealogic):

ennealogic new

Cover 6 (BabyLooey):


Cover 7 (BabyLooey):


Cover 8 (BabyLooey):


Cover 9 (NoMoosestew):


Cover 10 (disqusux):


Cover 11 (disqusux):


Cover 12 (disqusux):


Cover 13 (disqusux):


Cover 14 (text by krbmjb05, artwork by BabyLooey):

everything I know

Cover 15 (text by sunnyjane, artwork by BabyLooey):

america by jet

Everyone has three votes! Please note your three favorites in the comments!

The three winners will receive a prize from us. :-)

EDIT: The competition is now closed!


Apart from that, I would like to try a little experiment!

I know that we have so many incredibly creative people here, and we would love to see more of your creativity!

Many of you will have seen a few days ago that I created a little parody video - Sarah Palin talking to Larry King about her private scandals:

This clip was created with free software provided by the website "xtranormal.com."

You have two options: You can download the software or create the clip online.

I downloaded the software ("download state"), installed it and then chose the Sarah Palin/Larry King setup as a free template from the so called "marketplace."

The software is easy to use, and you can figure most of it out by yourself. However, there is also a page with tutorials.

In addition, it's explained here how you upload the clips from xtranormal to youtube.

So why not create more funny clips with our "favorite" politician? :-)

I am sure that many of you will have some great ideas! Go for it, and we will publish the results.


Update Palingates Moneyblast:

We are incredibly happy and grateful that our readers continue to support the moneyblast! We have now reached the sum of $ 1846 !

Thank you so much for your support! We will continue to publish a daily update until next Monday. Your support is needed and greatly appreciated.



Our reader Finny started with the "xtranormal" business and made this clip - enjoy:

Yeah! Our reader Tom also made a very funny clip - short and to the point:

OMG, and now a brilliant submission by Buffalogal, pure genius! Deserves a prize on it's own!

"The Queen Hears Sarah Wants to Meet Baroness Thatcher"


Here we finally have the "Cajones, You Betcha!", thanks to one of our great readers!

Cajones 2.


We have two more submissions with "xtranormal" videos, created by our readers.

"Can I call you Larry" asks GermanGoodness.

Sarah's Solo Interview - "Her answer to the Lamestream Media" by Tyroanee.

I will also add another clip in a few minutes, as the last act for today. ;-)



Here is now my own contribution for today to our "xtranormal" video fun fest - Sarah Palin endorses Carly Fiorina on Larry King:

However, this clip is only half the fun if you haven't seen the original:


Good night, and good luck!

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