Wednesday 20 October 2010

Revealed: Joe Miller hired security company whose owner is local commander and supplier of extreme Alaska militia, led by AIP-member Norm Olson

Investigating Joe Miller turns out to be a lot of fun. The skeletons in his closet ALMOST match those of Sarah Palin. However, Sarah is still the Queen of the closet and will probably never be beaten.

I would like to thank our readers Cheeriogirl and BanditBasheert for discovering another scandal which shows again how utterly unsuitable Joe Miller is for any kind of higher office.

Just two days ago, the security company "Dropzone Security Services", owned by William F. Fulton, came into the national headlines after their members detained AK journalist Tony Hopfinger at a town hall campaign event for Joe Miller. "Dropzone Security Services" were hired as private security for Joe Miller, and they failed to catch the hearts and minds of the nation after embarrassing footage of the "arrest" of Tony Hopfinger surfaced. They came across as unprofessional "goons", and the overzealous actions of William F. Fulton and his team did more harm then "good":

William F

William F. Fulton aka "Dropzone Bill": Overzealous and not very bright

There is more. "Dropzone Security Services" is not just a company run by people who are not very clever, but the company is also right at the heart of the "Alaska Citizens Militia" - a group commanded by Norm Olson, who once rose to "fame" as the founder of the Michigan militia. Part of Norm Olson's history are also contacts to Oklahoma bombers Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols, who trained with the Michigian Militia in the past (see here, here and here).

From the very beginning, Norman E. Olson was a radical among radicals. After starting the Michigan Militia in April 1994 as one of the first major militia groups, Olson helped make his home state one of the leading spots for Patriot activity.

He drew widespread attention after reporting Oklahoma City conspirator Terry Nichols had attended one of the meetings of the Michigan Militia, which he claimed counted 12,000 members.

But Olson, a Baptist preacher who spends time in his Alanson gun store wearing a camouflage military outfit, alienated his colleagues after Oklahoma by offering reporters an incredible theory: The Japanese government had bombed the federal building there as a return favor for the sarin gas subway attack that he said the U.S. government carried out in Tokyo.

Unceremoniously booted out by his comrades-in-arms, Olson started another group, the Northern Michigan Regional Militia, while attacking his former friends as "too moderate." In the run-up to the millennial date change, Olson predicted government collapse and worse as a result of the "y2k" computer bug — a collapse he welcomed.

"We're itching for a standoff someplace," he told The Washington Post in late 1999. "Any movement needs a good and noble rallying point, an Alamo or a 'Remember the Maine,' and this could be it."
Norm Olson pic with emblem
Norm Olson,
commander of "Alaska Citizens Militia"

Norm Olson's was in the end thrown out of the Michigan Militia for being too extreme and for being too enthusiastic about conspiracy theories. From Wikipedia:

"(Olson) also claimed that the (Oklahoma) bombing was carried out by the government of Japan in retaliation for a sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway, which Olson claimed was perpetrated by the United States. The conspiracy theory was deemed so extreme by fellow militiamen that he was expelled from the Michigan Militia after losing four elections for commander."

A few years ago, Norm Olson and Michigan Militia co-founder Ray Southwell "resurfaced" in Alaska - from a report in 2009:

"A key figure of the 1990s antigovernment “Patriot” movement who largely dropped from public view in 2002 has resurfaced in Alaska, where he’s recruiting for his newly formed Alaska Militia.

Norm Olson, who founded the Michigan Militia in 1994, held an organizational meeting last Thursday at a community center in Nikiski, a small town in the Kenai Peninsula region about 170 road miles from Anchorage.

Olson’s message: “Something very evil this way comes.”

“We’re looking at catastrophe just a couple months away — economic collapse, food shortages around the world, prices in stores are gonna go skyrocketing with this inflation,” Olson told the roughly 20 attendees, according to The Redoubt Reporter, a Kenai Peninsula newspaper.

“I’m convinced that times are coming when we are going to have to repel federal aggression, tyrannical oppressive federal aggression. They’re going to want to quell any kind of uprising, because it’s bad for politics,” Olson was quoted as saying.

Presiding over the meeting alongside Olson was Michigan Militia co-founder Ray Southwell. In the 1990s Olson and Southwell together made the Michigan Militia one of the first major antigovernment Patriot groups in the country and helped transform their former home state into a hotbed of Patriot activity."

See also the AP report in the Juneau Empire here and the report from MSNBC.

The Redoubt Reporter published on September 9, 2010 an extensive article about the fact that both Norm Colson and Ray Southwell are members of the notorious Alaska Independence Party (AIP). For a short while, Norm Olson was also to be destined to become the AIP's candidate for Lt. Governor, but the decision was quickly reversed. In a campaign email, Norm Olson was as outspoken as ever:

“… I want your vote, yes! But beyond that, I want your pledge and your sovereign vow to support me as I stand against the Federal Government’s long reach into the private lives of REAL ALASKANS. Our ‘Lexington Green’ is coming soon. You must make your decision to take your stand as INDEPENDENT SOVEREIGN ALASKANS or continue to suck on the tit of the federal sow! What’s it going to be?

“I’m not playing political games here, folks. I’m saying that together with Don Wright, the AIP candidate for Governor, that I will work to mobilize the ENTIRE ALASKA MILITIA, MADE UP OF ALL ALASKANS, to stand against the rape and pillage of the federal government of this God-Given blessed gift called Alaska.”

Norm Olson - Ray Southwell
Ray Southwell and Norm Olson

After establishing the general background, it's time to meet "Dropzone Bill!"

"Dropzone Bill" is the "nickname" of none other than William F. Fulton, the owner of "Dropzone Security Services", who came across as an unprofessional "goon" during the "arrest" of Tony Hopfinger.

He uses this nickname for his postings on the google-message board of the "Alaska Citizens Militia", which conveniently is public, for everyone to see.

From the postings, several facts can be established: Fulton's "Dropzone" military surplus shop in Anchorage which he owns together with his (currently unlicensed) security company, is a regular meeting point for the members of the militia and appears also to be their main supplier, according to the messages on the website. In addition, Fulton aka "Dropzone Bill" is a local commander of the militia.

These are the people who Joe Miller employed as security. Needless to say that they are very fond of him, as is also apparent from the message board.

Let's take a closer look at some of the postings:

Swift & Deadly response Sept 29 - small

No cozy handshakes, but the blood of tyrants - you get the picture:

Growl into camera 2

William F. Fulton aka "Dropzone Bill" is quite active on the message board...

Dropzone Bill - profile

...and seems to expect the big final fight as well...but that's probably why they have started this militia in the first place:

Dropzone Bill 1 - NEW

Dropzone Bill 2 - new

"All groups prepare in different ways and depending on what happens some will be better off than others those that rant as prepared will not just come and hand us there guns and then die they will find a way to survive, make no mistake as society brakes down the standard human being will revert quicker than you'll believe back to an animal some already have look at the inner city.
when theres nothing to loose then that person becomes more dangerous than you've ever imagined

Dropzone Bill 3 - new

The premises of Dropzone in Anchorage...

Dropzone in Anchorage

...are a regular meeting point for the militia:

Did you make it to dropzone

See you all on Sunday

Dropzone 1200

Dropzone - can we get store address

Dropzone also appears to be the main supplier for the militia - "Dropzone Bill" has several posts about offers from his shop on the message board. But the main confirmation comes from Norm Olson himself - William F. Fulton is the "Supply Sergeant for many units":

Dropzone - please buy there

Bill - supply sergeant

On September 7, 2010, we have a "curiosity" on the message board, as "Dropzone Bill" enters into an argument with former AIP chairman Mark Chryson (who is still an AIP official). It seems that Mark Chryson is too moderate for William F. Fulton:

Argument with Mark Cryson

Mark Chryson himself rose to fame in 2008 after it was revealed by Max Blumenthal and David Neiwert in Salon that Chryson was instrumental in starting Sarah Palin's political career in 1996, when he was AIP chairman.

Norm Olson himself has also some encouraging words for "Dropzone Bill":

Norm Olson - we will lock & load

"We will fight in the political arena, and if that fails,
we will lock and load."

Let's summarize:

Joe Miller chose a security firm for his campaign event which is not only unlicensed, but also right at the heart of an extreme militia group, with the owner of the security firm being a local commander of the militia and also the main supplier. This Alaskan militia is headed by the notorious Norm Olson, who played a major role in the radical militia movement in the 1990's in Michigan, a movement which is at least partly to blame for the Oklahoma bombing.

Joe, do you think the citizens of Alaska will vote for you?

I doubt it very much.

William F. Fulton aka "Dropzone Bill" already knew right after the Joe Miller's event with the "arrest" of Tony Hopfinger last Sunday that he had messed up:

Looks bad for us

Joe, your friend has a point there.



I have uploaded some copies of the Alaska Citizens Militia google message board HERE, in case they delete it.



BanditBasheert alerted me to an incredibly important item at the google message board of the Alaska Citizens Militia. In this thread, the members discuss Joe Miller, his personlity, his policies and his chances of success. Norm Olson's buddy Ray Southwell writes about a meeting with Joe Miller:

Ray Southwell - meeting with Joe Miller

"Over the last several months I have been politically active in my run for State House. I first met Joe Miller at a small meeting at Fred Struman’s building in Soldotna. (where the militia has met) He was asked tough questions. I told him, I wished he had run for an elected state position. We need leaders here to stand against the feds.
I asked him how he was going to change Washington D.C. He believes there is going to be a large change in Senators in November. He also believes change will occur with the new group of Senators.
I have been in three parades this summer. In two of those parades, Joe miller was in position just in front of my wife and I. Faith and I have met and spoken to his father and wife. His father is a retired farmer from the lower 48. No arrogance, just like the rest of us. His wife is the mother of their 8 children 4 boys and 4 girls. Our wife’s seemed comfortable talking to each other."

Therefore it's proven that Joe Miller is palling around with the extreme militia for a long time already. The hiring of "Dropzone Bill" as head of his security team was no "accident." Also very enlightening the remark: "He also believes change will occur with the new group of Senators." Thankfully, it seems more and more unlikely that Miller will be a part of this group.


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