Wednesday 10 November 2010

Sarah Palin aims to sabotage children's future health - UPDATE

By Regina

Sarah Palin's tweets about taking cookies to students in Pennsylvania irritated me very much and I was moved to write this post.

In an article on the CNN ticker, Sarah Palin is quoted:

Palin also denounced government intervention, bringing up a local example that she said caught her attention.

"I heard that there's a debate going on in Pennsylvania over whether public schools were going to ban sweets," Palin said.

So, Palin said, she decided to "shake things up," by bringing cookies to the school when she met with Plumstead students early in the day.

"I wanted these kids to bring home the idea to their parents for discussion. Who should be deciding what I eat? Should it be government or should it be parents? It should be the parents," Palin said to a cheering audience.

Palin has also been vocal on Twitter about her opposition to the proposed ban on sugary foods.

In one of her tweets she referenced this article from the Pittsburgh Review.

Sarah Palin's attitude is very irresponsible. Obesity is a fast growing problem in the US and elsewhere (American fast food franchises may be found all over the world)

More statistics may be found HERE.

Pennsylvania appears to have a particular problem:

Obesity starts in childhood and causes several related diseases later in life:

In terms of costs, a language that Sarah Palin would understand better than the advantages of healthy eating, these are the facts:

As the prevalence of overweight and obesity has increased in the United States, so have related health care costs. The statistics presented below represent the economic cost of obesity in the United States in 2006, updated to 2008 dollars.

Q: What is the cost of obesity?

A: On average, people who are considered obese pay $1,429 (42 percent) more in health care costs than normal-weight individuals.

Q: What is the cost of obesity by insurance status?

A: For each obese beneficiary:

Medicare pays $1,723 more than it pays for normal-weight beneficiaries.

Medicaid pays $1,021 more than it pays for normal-weight beneficiaries.

Private insurers pay $1,140 more than they pay for normal-weight beneficiaries.

Q: What is the cost of obesity by the type of service provided?

A: For each obese patient:

Medicare pays $95 more for an inpatient service, $693 more for a non-inpatient service, and $608 more for prescription drugs in comparison with normal-weight patients.

Medicaid pays $213 more for an inpatient service,$175 more for a non-inpatient service, and $230 more for prescription drugs in comparison with normal-weight patients.

Private insurers pay $443 more for an inpatient service, $398 more for a non-inpatient service, and $284 more for prescription drugs in comparison with normal-weight patients.

A treat is a treat, but it would be irresponsible for schools to advocate a free-for-all when the children's future health is at stake. The Pennsylvania State Board of Education has produced a factsheet for parents regarding their wellness policy:

As illustrated above, policy is developed with the participation of parents who wish to be involved, it's not a case of "nanny state run amok."

Sarah Palin, take your cookies and laissez-faire back to Alaska. Please stop meddling in affairs that don't concern you, sabotaging good initiatives and setting children a bad example.


Sondra Tompkins remembered another example of Sarah Palin "being for it before she was against it," and hoped we could find something about it.

Kathleen found an article on ADN, dated December 5, 2008. This is a snippet:

Gov. Sarah Palin is calling for more state spending on children's health insurance, preschool and other programs, even as Alaska oil prices and state revenues plunge.

Cash flow into the state is shrinking as oil prices drop below $40 a barrel, the lowest level in nearly four years. Most state general fund money comes from taxes and royalties the state makes from oil. But Palin said the state can afford more than $5 million in new spending on areas like Head Start, obesity prevention, a test program of half-day preschool, and expanded Denali KidCare insurance.

The article also shows that Sarah Palin had different views regarding healthcare. Fascinating stuff!


Palinized and Pallottine found the text of Sarah Palin's 2009 State of the State Address, which includes the following passage:

We have alarming levels of heart disease, diabetes, childhood obesity – and all of these maladies are on the rise. Now, I won’t stand here and lecture – for very long – but health care reform on an individual basis is often just this simple: we could save a lot of money, and a lot of grief, by making smarter choices.

It starts by ending destructive habits, and beginning healthy habits in eating and exercise. In my case, it’s hard to slack when you have the ever-present example of an Iron Dogger nearby. But many of us could use a little more time in our great outdoors – and when you live in the Great Land, there’s no excuse.

Protecting good health is largely a matter of personal responsibility, but government policy can help. Our new Alaska Health Care Commission will recommend changes that affect the well-being of Alaskans far into the future.

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