Saturday 5 February 2011

Special open thread - Sarah Palin on Reagan's 100th Anniversary - Live feed

I found a livestream embed of the Sarah/Ronnie lovefest on a very right wing website. Here it is. I hope it works because I'm going to be fast asleep when this thing starts. If it doesn't work, forget about it, go back to the proper (nice) open thread or follow the proceedings somewhere else... Ennealogic will be live blogging it on Politicalgates.

If it's not live when you come to the post, keep checking. I put the post up one hour before the official start, just in case...

(H/T to Trigmund Freud for suggesting it, so people would have a place to vent in real time!)

Would anybody mind terribly if I deleted the post and the thread after the event? Do we really want our collective spleen to be archived forever? Let me know, yes?


I read the comments on this thread and they seemed fairly ok. It's very tempting to dump it, but I susbtituted the live feed and now we have a video of the actual speech. I'll let the thread stay, it will soon fade into oblivion. Perhaps Sarah Palin will be forgotten even faster, fingers crossed!

Ronald Reagan Jr, who may know a thing or two about his own father, doesn't hold Sarah Palin in very high esteem. I expect Ronnie Jr has his fingers crossed as well and can't wait for Sarah Palin to walk into the sunset and stop exploiting his father's image for her own ends.

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