Saturday 21 February 2009

Sarah Palin, an artist's subject?

Childhood friend shows photos of Alaska governor in Rome

(ANSA) - Rome, February 20 - One of Alaska governor Sarah Palin's closest childhood friends and her semi-official photographer is pretty certain that the former vice-presidential hopeful will run for president in 2012.

In Rome to present an exhibition dedicated to Palin, Judy Patrick said she was sure the governor would win.

A show presenting photographs of Palin taken by Patrick opened on Friday at Rome's Villa Borghese Gallery.

Thirty snaps of the former beauty queen will share space with the museum's legendary art collection, which includes works by Caravaggio, Raphael, Canova and Bernini.

Words fail me!


  1. What's next, The Louvre? The Prado? The Tate? The Met? Let's just skip the small stuff and hang those portraits in Capitol already! And, pray tell, where is the Mother Love in those pictures? I think that we're going to need a little more substance than a "pretty face" in 2012. Thanks, Regina, I can't wait to see The Wink next to The Mona Lisa.

  2. I just went to the Official Website for the Borghese Gallery. They list all of their exhibits, and this one doesn't appear to be listed-- not in the Italian nor in the English versions. I know that there are a few Google articles, but I can't find a verification for the exhibit.

  3. Maybe it's another fib to get publicity...

  4. Before I followed up on who Judy Patrick is, I thought these pictures were anti-Palin. They show such contrast between mother love and Palin prop.

    sandra in oregon

  5. Sandra,

    I chose the Palin photos to show the contrast.I don't know which pics will be in the exhibition... If it's really on at the gallery mentioned in the article.

    She always carries Trig like a sack of potatoes. Not very Madonna and child...

  6. Be sure to check out Judy Patrick's website. She's the one who produced the Sarah Palin Calendar, only $15.95 made and produced in the USA. She also loves to take pictues of Big Oil and large scale industrial, think Alaska Development, projects. So what kind of Big Money could buy her way into that prestigious gallery for a show (if it's really true?) I can only hope they put the one of Sarah Palin with the rifle broken over her shoulder next to some peaceful Madonna picture. Or maybe Sarah is reading up on the Borgia family.

  7. WHA... WTF??? I hope this is never coming true and is just one of those 'publicity balloons' they raise once in a while.
    I can't believe that ANYONE in their right mind would even CONSIDER something as outlandish and outrageous as what you say!
    SHE who holds her Trig like a sack of potatoes, who holds him w/o much support so that, if he were to wriggle a little bit, he would slip out of her arms!
    This woman is the epitome of uncaring mother - and to compare her to the HOLY mother... My chin is still on the floor.

  8. Those two pictures of Palin with Trig show a lot more to me than "carrying like a sack of potatoes".

    I've never even BEEN a mother, but I know enough to not carry a child 4-6 months old like a shield in front of me, with him facing the world instead of facing me, his comfort and safe harbor.

    The poor baby -- who seemed large for his stated age -- was far too young to be treated like a questing toddler of of 1 year to 18 months -- add to that his neediness as a DS infant.

    Seriously, I shudder at her mothering skills. They just aren't there. Not with this child, anyway.

  9. Piper appears to be a favourite.
    When she interacts with Piper, she seems almost human.

    As far as she's concerned, Trig might as well be a sack of potatoes...

  10. What????? She's a bad mother because of how she carries her child??? I have a 4yr son with DS---that is EXACTLY how I carried him. Why? Because they don't have normal muscle tone or control of their head/neck/trunk. You can't carry them on your hip like a normal kiddo of the same age.
