Sunday 22 February 2009

Sarah Palin's pregnancy photos

6 1/2 months, 6 march

7 months, mid to end March

7/8 months, 10 April - 7/8 months, early April

7/8 months, 26 March - 8 months, 13 april

8 months, first pregnancy (Track)

Do these photos make sense to you?


  1. ...never have...never will...

    SP depends on everyone giving her the benefit of the doubt RE: these pictures, after all they're just that - pictures.

    MSM prob' just waiting till there is a more telling break before they move to actually reporting...but don't think that they don't want to do so.

    I think that as more come out about SP, the truth of this particular issue will be usual, it all ties together when it comes to SP.

  2. I just put the photos up to keep the subject alive. I didn't even bother to write anything about them, they speak for themselves.

    Sarah Palin seems to dodge everything that comes up against her and spin it in her favour.

    But if we all keep bringing things up and refreshing the stories, one day the penny will drop somewhere and bingo, her house of cards will collapse.

    Hopefully... soon!

  3. This is why I wish someone could get and republish the pictures from the web site that was shut down. SO MUCH GOOD info in them. Any chance you could make contact with the lady and use them?

  4. I don't know her at all... However, Palin's Deceptions have very good analysis of the photos and the facts surrounding the whole fiasco. The discussions get very interesting on the comments section!

    The photos I put up are the obvious ones, and I wanted to send a reminder to everybody that Babygate is not going away, Tripp or no Tripp...

  5. Check out . You can do the same and ask your own OBGYN...

  6. Babygate will be her downfall....
    You mentioned in a previous blog, that one of the persons she ran against actually had to produce his marriage cert.? Well why doesn't she produce Trigs? Yeah, b/c she is not the mother.
    And there is a deep dark secret behind that.....Wasilla who wants to make buku bucks?????

  7. Here is a link to Sarah Palin showing all the photos that we have recovered and or found pregnant and following the sequence of events:

    The other night I saw Tina Fey and I just wished I knew her number. I have a great new snl script for her.

    Stuff various sizes of pillows or an empathy pads under her shirt standing in front of a mirror... and "try" to show how Sarah stomach size could change so often.

    It would be quite funny I think! I can see her perplexed face now...trying to match all the mis-shaped and various sizes Sarah protrayed.
