Sunday 29 March 2009

Sarah Alaska or SarahPac?

There seems to be a problem between Sarah Palin's people in Alaska and her national SarahPac. Nobody in one team appears to know anything about what the other is doing.

Bill McAllister speaks for one camp, Meg Stapleton for the other. Don't they ever speak to each other?

Doesn't anybody at SarahPac speak to Meg Stapleton before accepting invitations to Republican national events?

Too many people are giving advice to the Governor, none of it any good.

"Too many cooks spoil the broth."

Article from Politico


  1. I'm thinking that 'too many cooks' wanna be the boss, as there is not a 'real' leader in the bunch.

    It sems that there is some overlap between SarahPACK and the Gov's office. It would be interesting to follow the moiney...

  2. You know, Regina, on the front page looking at all the 'gates' listed, it really amazes me that not only does GINO still have a keys to the door, but that she even got that far to begin with.

    I appreciate your great work!!

  3. I guess that's what happens if you choose FIVE people to be your spokesperson(s), and you yourself have NO INKLING of what you are doing/are supposed to be doing...

  4. While that may very well be true, perhaps it is simply just another indication of how disorganized and dysfunctional anyone associated with her actually is.

  5. Between hanging out with Fred Malek the Jew Counter and John Coale, Scientology, Sinister Sarah's base should dump her. What a conflict, her religion and John Coale's religion, both want to take over the world. In 1986 Coale suggested a PAC as a way to further their agenda. Check this out:

    How can one person create so much havoc?

  6. Regina after I posted I went back and read some of your older post, I see you already knew about this. You are so on top of this, thank you very much. You may just save the world, because if that nut case had that much power and she got pissed she would push the red button, look what she already does to people she gets mad at.

  7. Sarah's main problem is that she has no ethics. If she did it wouldn't matter how many people were tossing ideas into the pot- she'd know where she stands. Since Sarah always puts herself first that leaves her guessing on where to stand in order to try and set herself up in the right place for her own personal gain.
    Life is simpler when you ethics!!!
