Monday 30 March 2009

Sarah Palin quite contrary

Sarah Palin named Democrat Tim Grussendorf to the open state Senate seat representing the Juneau area, snubbing the choice of the local party.

She is rejecting Rep. Beth Kerttula, D-Juneau, the only name recommended to the governor by southeast Democratic leaders after Elton resigned to take an Interior Department position with the Obama administration in Washington, D.C.

Grussendorf’s selection must be approved by Senate Democrats.

Press release from Sarah Palin's office:

March 29, 2009, Juneau, Alaska - Governor Sarah Palin today named Tim Grussendorf as her designee to replace Kim Elton as the state senator from District B, representing the City and Borough of Juneau.

Grussendorf has worked as a commercial fisherman and serves as chief of staff to Alaska State Senator Lyman Hoffman. He is currently president of the Southeast Alaska Fishermen’s Alliance and a board member of the Northern Southeast Regional Aquaculture Association. Grussendorf is active in the Juneau community, volunteering his time to coach soccer and basketball teams. He is the assistant basketball coach at Floyd Dryden Middle School.

Grussendorf’s father, Ben Grussendorf, was a representative from Sitka and served as Speaker of the Alaska House of Representatives.

“Tim’s solid credentials and thorough understanding of the issues facing our state will serve his constituents well,” Governor Palin said. “I am confident he will be able to hit the ground running.”

Governor Palin said she appreciates the interest shown by so many qualified applicants for the position.

“It is encouraging so many dedicated Alaskans stepped forward to offer their services to the constituents of District B and the State of Alaska,” said Governor Palin. “I’m confident the good people of our capital city can look forward to Tim joining Representatives Kerttula and Munoz in fine service.”

Grussendorf is married with two teenaged sons who are involved in Juneau sports teams. He must be confirmed by a simple majority of Senate Democrats.

Sarah's appears to have a new hobby: antagonizing everyone. She won't discuss the stimulus package with the lawmakers, RNC staff are not good enough to pray with her and now she rejected the Democrats' choice for the vacant Senate seat.

I won't mention the media and the bloggers. Being at odds with them is an old hobby of hers.

Report from Juneau Empire and ADN.


  1. Tim was considered bt thr Dems, but didn't make the final cut because at the time he has not been registered as a Dem for a full year...sounds fair to me...

    I guess GINO wants to drag this out as long as possible in a "I am the BOSS, & what I say - goes" kinda way.

    Guess the new AG has his work cut out for him

  2. Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't she obliged to choose one of the people that the Dems are recommending because Elton is leaving?

  3. This Tim Grussendorf is the son of Ben Grussendorf - Member of the Board of Game - whose gut reaction to the Board's wildlife killing spree was to call it a "jihad by paramiliarty groups".

  4. ..that's the way it was done in the past, the Dems reccomend someone and the Gov would respectfully follow suit...but you know GINO she has a whole new BS'ing way about her....I don't think that she understand the POWER issue, that power is shared...that she is suppose to work with [not against] lawmakers in the interest of the State...

  5. I agree with Teal. I think this is a power demonstration by SP.

  6. Thanks, Regina, learning so much on your blog!!
    Helen -- "jihad by paramiliarty groups".

    Thanks...wonder what his views are regarding subsistence fishing and hunting? Or Pebble Mine issues or the tank farm at the base of that volcano,

  7. I wonder what Kim Elton himself thinks of Palin's designee/appointment of Grussendorf?

    The Juneau Democrats considered Grussendorf and another but dropped them from consideration because they hadn't been registered as Democrats for a full year.

    How can Juneau citizens feel that a political waffler will represent them adequately?

  8. So, if Grussendorf got offered a better choice, would he change back to Repug? I'm betting he would. What GINO has done here is just so......oh, what's the word........TRANSPARENT!! At last, she's been transparent in something. Clearly.

  9. One of the other blogs has nicknamed him "gruesomedork" ... rather clever don't you think?
