Friday 17 April 2009

Levi Johnston, Sarah Palin and a rude awakening

Levi's attorney, Rex Butler, said:

"...trying to make the young man look like a deadbeat father, and, you know, they may have a rude awakening one day if he tries to get custody."

This photo of Levi with Trig was displayed, together with other photos of Levi being a hands-on father to Tripp, on the Tyra Banks show.

Mr Butler's statement and the stray photo put together could be a gentle warning to the Palins. Levi knows where the bodies are buried.

The Palins should heed the warning, work out some fair arrangement for visitation and keep their mouths shut.

Rude awakening indeed...

Go Levi!


  1. Regina

    The "rude awakening" message was received loud and clear. Chuck and Levi are now BFF’s-father-says-he-didn’t-attack-levi

  2. Yes indeedy. A warning shot right across the bow.

  3. I seriously wish that Levi would come clean on everything. He probably will have to if it gets to a custody battle.
    The fact that a teenager wants to be part of his son's life is something Levi should be credited with.
    I think Lady Nailpins is certifiable. If he truly knows where the bodies are buried, she'd better watch it, she is not exactly in charge here.

  4. Basheert - You comment actually scares me. lol
    Seriously, if you think about what you said and the fact that Palin doesn't have ethics, is delusional and does what she thinks is best for Sarah- if Levi does have bomb-shells to drop he better not wait because something just might happen to him in the meantime. (Doesn't Palin's thinking kind of remind you of crazy "cheerleading mom' taking out the competition ?)

    If Levi does have some info- he'd better not wait and see how things play out in a custody case. If he's holding out, hoping Palin will come around- he's wasting his time. Sarah doesn't change or learn from her past mistakes. She certainly is not going to admit to any wrong doing in regards to how she treats Levi.

  5. I hope they already have done some paternity tests on either one of the kids...

    I agree with you, anon at 17:36. He better make sure he has his back covered REAL well - because SHE will not hit him, but one of her hench(wo)men... An 'accident' is so easy to stage...
    I hope Mr. Butler has everything on tape already.

  6. This picture, this picture. This is NOT the picture of a young man holding his potential BROTHER-IN-LAW!! This is a young father holding his newborn baby.

  7. Dianne:
    THIS is a picture of Levi holding TRIG, NOT TRIPP. Mercede (his sister) is off to the right side, it has been cropped. This is a series of pictures that were taken last FALL in SP's kitchen. He is holding SP's "baby" TRIG.

  8. I also feel that Sarah better start hoping that her daughters don't grow up to be real women- because they'll all have quite the tell-tale books to write about her someday. I imagine that are lots of dirty secrets- and SARAH RAGES behind those closed doors.
