Friday 24 April 2009

Levi needs a makeover...

Poor Levi is not hot enough to be a model... Out of eight talent agencies, only one thought he could have a shot at it.

But he would need a major makeover... Come on, our Levi has good bone structure and is not the kind of guy you'd throw out of the house on a rainy Monday evening!

If the RNC had given him the "Sarah Palin treatment" during the campaign, Levi would have a good modelling contract by now. No high school diploma required, no obstacles in his way...

Just think how many diapers he could have bought for his offspring!

Go Levi!


  1. Did Levi get some of that Saks Fifth Avenue wardrobe from the RNC? Didn't Sarah fancy up her props?

  2. Sounds like Levi is getting better advice from Rex Butler and taking it than Sarah is getting from anyone. Of course, if it didn't suit her narcissistic needs, she wouldn't listen anyway. Levi is a doll. He doesn't need a makeover.

  3. Levi doesn't need a makeover, not really. At this point, and during this time, he needs to be "just Levi". He is coming across as likable, cooperative and caring.
    IF he chooses to go into modeling, he'll be fine. But it's just my opinion that he needs to stay just like he is now - for his upcoming court appearances.
    The "good guy" will come across which will be good for him.

  4. Nope. Not Heroin chic enough.
    Modeling just doesn't seem to be..."Him".

  5. I think Levi could totally have a small recurring role on FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS. They just got renewed for two more seasons. Some casting person should get on that!

    However, more likely is that Levi will stay close to his son and try to be the "hands-on" father that Bristol claimed he was.
