Friday 10 April 2009

Sarah Palin sold out!

Organizers of the Vanderburgh County Right to Life dinner expect Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin will make an appearance before those buying overflow tickets to hear her speak to a southern Indiana anti-abortion group next week.

The 2,180 tickets for the dinner on Thursday quickly sold out, so the group decided to make 2,500 tickets available in the adjacent auditorium.

Dinner tickets were sold at $34.90.

Overflow tickets (bring your own food) are selling at $16.

It will be a two-ring Sarah performance. What a girl!

Story here.
Image: Jean-Louis Forain, 1852-1931



  1. Ick ... NO major ick.

    Preparing her 4 year run to overthrow Obama no doubt. She's going to need more than luck to even get the nomination.

    With luck, the Alaskans will not re-up her in 2010 which will make her run for anything virtually impossible.

    I pity her ...she is really a mess!

    Reg: I had to post "anonymous" on the thread below. Guess you were posting this while I was trying to post...and it kept kicking me off of my "login". My comment is the one about her "gay friend who made a choice". She is REPULSIVE.

  2. Wow, Sarah sells herself cheap...a dinner with Obama for a DNC fundraiser will cost you $2,500 a plate. What kind of dinner can you actually get for $34.90? Is it a "big sandwich" and cash bar?

    Stay classy Repubs...a BYOB (and food) fundraiser...

  3. Basheert,

    Just sign it as basheert when you have to post as anonymous and we would know the comment came from you...

    Maybe all anonymous should sign in some way, so we can tell one anonymous from the next!


  4. Oh, isn't great that Palin can still be a draw as a pro-Life conservative Christian at a fundraiser with the fundies, even after the Right learns she condones pre-marital sex by having her daughter's baby daddy live in their Lake Lucille home?

    The fair market value of that hypocrisy is priceless!

  5. Dinner Menu

    ARCTIC CAT Mooseburger
    Freedom Fries
    Levi Toast
    Pro-America Pudding Cup
    beverage: Republican Koolaid

  6. Hey you guys are really great today - the comments are hilarious.
    Guess we all have to laugh or we'd cry.

    My personal prayer was that she would go back to the Wild and Stalk something and fade away.

    I honestly believe John McCain is horrified with her....and I won't go anywhere with what I think Cindy the Heiress believes.

    My stepson is married to trash like this - it always smells no matter how much you launder it.

  7. Although she's going to be FAR to close to me next week for comfort, I also can't wait to see if being back in the lower 48 will inspire her to say some pricelessly ignorant things. I'm sure poor little Trig will be paraded around as a political prop again. But, oh gosh, Todd is going to be in Indiana with SP. WHO'S GOING TO WATCH THE KIDS!! Party time!

  8. Bristol will watch the kids - they're probably all hers anyway and SP sure had her hauling BabyTwerp around during the campaign.

    Maybe that is what SP thinks Bristol is good for?

  9. Maybe Bristol is going too. Maybe the whole fam damily is going - that is if the hosts did the "correct" thing and checked the "yes" box to" "Is the first family invited?"
