Monday 27 July 2009

Sarah Palin, God, Sarah Palin...


This is hilarious! Here's a taster:

People who know me know that besides faith and family, nothing's more important to me than the world I created in seven days.

Earth's mission? − to contribute to the Universe. It's really strategic IN the universe as the air crossroads OF the universe, as a gatekeeper of the universe.

This planet, blessed with air, water, wildlife, minerals, New Jersey, AND oil and gas. It's energy, you know what I mean? EN-ER-GY. I gave you energy.

People rag on me a lot. I mean a lot of people love me, but generally I get a lot of flak. It's pretty insane − my staff and I spend most of our day dealing with other people's PETTY grievances instead of progressing our planet now.

Please go and read the whole thing.


(H/T to Basheert)


  1. This is too, too funny!! Thanks so much for posting Regina. After all, we do have to maintain our sense of humor.

  2. Thank God that's not really God!

  3. O/T, but look at the hairline on this picture:
    Is she wearing a wig???

    It was taken at he quitter-picnic this last weekend (more pix here:
    LOL - my wv is quiders (as in quitters?)

  4. More O/T:
    I know we all know that Tripp is supposedly wearing (invisible, LOL!) glasses, but did you know that Piper does wear real ones? (Same source as above)

  5. I tend to not pay much attention to cardboard cutout children.

  6. Mrs TB: If you get a chance, head down to Jaco Beach - it's about 2 hours South - there are 2 National is Carara and the other is Manuel Antonio - Carara is our favorite -

    We also have a private guide in CR - a close friend who will take you anywhere you want in the country - Monte Verde, Arenal (which is still erupting) - and he does all our tours with us - all sorts of back country things.

    Enjoy - we generally are there in February! But you simply must find the CR crocodiles - they are totally amazing and HUGE and totally wild in the Tarcoles River! We do the croc tour just for the birdlife! It's also outside of Jaco...

    Have a fabulous time and NO Liberia Airport does NOT have an Admiral's Club - it's kind of a different airport isn't it?

  7. Oh my goodness Anon 2:53...I think she IS wearing a wig!?!

  8. I also, too, think she is doing a lot of coke or speed. My guess is loss, weight loss, constantly licking her lips, speaking fast enough to hyperventilate, paranoia...all point to substance abuse.

  9. Anonymous, at 28 July 2009 02:53, your pictures are beautiful--
    You have some excellent shots there. Could I ask what camera and lenses did you use for your pics, esp. those of the ducks posted July 3 and also of the flowers posted July 20?

    Did anyone watch Hardball 7/27/09? Start watching the above video at about 5:30. Chris Matthews asks Pat Buchanan what has been said by the media that is not true about Sarah Palin.
    Pat Buchanan said the allegation was floating all over the place reported by the media that Bristol’s child, or rather the child she was born with down syndrome was actually Bristol Palin’s.
    This is the very FIRST time I have heard anyone mention the “allegation” on television, and bless his little black conservative heart, it came from Pat Buchanan!! Sort of like a Grandpa Heath moment with the water breaking! ROFLMAO!

  11. Pat Buchanan's assertion that the Babygate rumors are untrue should be challenged. Does he have any proof?

  12. The majority of people have NOT heard about “babygate” because it is NEVER mentioned. I did not know anything about the fake pregnancy until I happened to stumble across Palin’s Deceptions sometime after the election. It was never mentioned on television news, nor in newspapers. To this day, it is rare that you can get any comment past the moderators even on Huffington Post, and not everyone reads the comments or it is buried among the hundreds of comments. Sure, everyone here and on Mudflats, Immoral Minority, etc. knows about it, but I did not discover the wonderful world of Alaskan bloggers until January of this year. Furthermore, the subject is taboo among any Palinistas or Palinbots and if it is mentioned, they quickly shoot it down with Trig’s supposed birth date of 4-18-08 and Bristol “about 5 months pregnant” at the RNC. That alleged birth date had many or all of us at Palin’s Deceptions thrown off until we realized Trig was born much earlier. I never saw the Desperate Housewives episodes about Bree’s fake pregnancy, which I believe gave Sarah the inspiration.

    One more thing, I believe Cathy Baldwin-Johnson did not know Sarah was going to pull this incredibly stupid stunt until after Trig was born in January 2008.

    Pat Buchanan opened the door by mentioning it on Hardball last night. This is a prime opportunity for MSM to swing the door wide open.

  13. It would be SOOOOOOOOO scary if Pat Buchanan actually was responsible for exposing her lies?

  14. O/T re the wig comment above:
    Regarding wigs and SP, if you go back to the infamous turkey video, you will find that there are times in the middle of the video where SP turns her head a bit, and you can see the very high forehead, with hair and bands suddenly appearing that have no visible roots.

    In the turkey video you can also see that funny little area at the top of the forehead, right where the apparent wig hair starts. You can also see that in the SP photo link from the picnic, referenced in the comment above. I am not sure if is the real scalp with very thin hair, or if it is the way the wig attaches.

    Maybe a lace cap wig? I got interested in wearing wigs for costuming purposes a while back and did some looking around, and realized after doing some research that quite a few women in the public eye do wear wigs or hair extensions, particularly those in fashion and musical performers. But not too many professional women pile on this quantity of hair...

    BTW, Keith Olbermann showed the "turkey interview" video quite a few times on his show, and it was my husband who first noticed the apparent "wig line" on SP in that video. And my husband is not the sort of person who normally notices things like that, but in this case it was pretty obvious.

    At the time we thought that SP had clearly enjoyed having her very expensive RNC supplied hair stylist and makeup artst on the campaign trail, and now that the election was over, she seemed to be trying to maintain the look, but not having the skills to do it...

  15. I posted this under the newer blog already:

    Well, I wonder whose '-gate' this one is now: Seems like ALL her tweets and official responses to the bloggers and ethics complaints have been scrubbed off the official AK site...
