Tuesday 28 July 2009

Sarah Palin really thrashed her guts

36 year old model Heidi Klum is expecting her fourth child in October. At a slightly later stage of pregnancy with her fifth child, Sarah Palin was in much better form...

Sloppy abs, Ms Klum!


  1. Excellent! You can't hide that under a scarf! Heidi K has been unmistakably showing for a while now and she isn't due for months yet. You don't just suddenly pop out with one week to go! I'll go bang my head against the wall now . . .

  2. There's something else coming ... isn't there? Please tell me so. Which GATE will it be?

  3. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3036697/#32177164
    Did anyone watch Hardball last night? Start watching the above video at about 5:30. Chris Matthews asks Pat Buchanan what has been said by the media that is not true about Sarah Palin.
    Pat Buchanan said the allegation was floating all over the place reported by the media that Bristol’s child, or rather the child she was born with down syndrome was actually Bristol Palin’s.
    This is the very FIRST time I have heard anyone mention the “allegation” on television, and bless his little black conservative heart, it came from Pat Buchanan!! Sort of like a Grandpa Heath moment with the water breaking! ROFLMAO!

    I hope the MSM will use this prime opportunity to discuss babygate now since, as they say in court proceedings, Pat Buchanan “opened the door”. Keith? Rachel? Shannyn? Anybody??? Go for it!!

  4. The majority of people have NOT heard about “babygate” because it is NEVER mentioned. I did not know anything about the fake pregnancy until I happened to stumble across Palin’s Deceptions sometime after the election. It was never mentioned on television news, nor in newspapers. To this day, it is rare that you can get any comment past the moderators even on Huffington Post, and not everyone reads the comments or it is buried among the hundreds of comments. Sure, everyone here and on Mudflats, Immoral Minority, etc. knows about it, but I did not discover the wonderful world of Alaskan bloggers until January of this year. Furthermore, the subject is taboo among any Palinistas or Palinbots and if it is mentioned, they quickly shoot it down with Trig’s supposed birth date of 4-18-08 and Bristol “about 5 months pregnant” at the RNC. That alleged birth date had many or all of us at Palin’s Deceptions thrown off until we realized Trig was born much earlier. I never saw the Desperate Housewives episodes about Bree’s fake pregnancy, which I believe gave Sarah the inspiration.

    One more thing, I believe Cathy Baldwin-Johnson did not know Sarah was going to pull this incredibly stupid fake pregnancy stunt until after Trig was born in January 2008. Sarah did not start the wearing of scarves until 2-19-08, and she announced she was 7 months pregnant the day AFTER McCain won the Republican nomination.

    Pat Buchanan opened the door by mentioning babygate on Hardball last night.
    This is a prime opportunity for MSM to swing the door wide open.

    WV: oustsher! Ousts her indeed!

  5. Heidi Klum is so perfect and proportional - on the Victoria's Secret runway, they call her "The Body" and she always has dropped the baby weight after her babies were born. So, Regina your side-by-side comparison above shows how strange Palin's pregnancy was with her shape-shifting baby bump.

    Another celebrity who's known for her fabulous body is Halle Berry and her baby bump at a comparable stage is more obvious than Sarah's even though I believe she has only had 1 child compared to Sarah's brood.

    Now that Sarah has maligned Hollywood and its "starlets" in her last speech as governor I hope Hollywood's Moms come out and question her very strange pregnancy and her "wild ride" story.
    Perhaps someone could make a You-tube video comparison of Sarah's baby bump pics comparing her to Heidi, Halle, Jennifer Garner and other Hollywood Moms. Has Ashley Judd been pregnant?

  6. Regina: She is so in better shape than Heidi b/c she tells us so and liars never lie!
    ProChoiceGrandma: That's a great hardball video for several reasons. I posted it on @ "Levi Johnston where are you?"
    Tummypad: You-tube video comparison, yes!

  7. I know the MSM reads these blogs. After all, you're the only actual investigative reporters anymore. It's time for them to step up to the plate and finally, once and for all, get this GREAT BIG LIE out in the open. The rest of the dominoes will fall at that point.

  8. Incredible comparison! Great idea to compare current moms-to-be to SP.

    To add to the comparison, since SP is short and Heidi is tall, the baby has even more room in Heidi than it would in SP, so in reality SP would look even bigger than Heidi.

  9. Well, I wonder whose '-gate' this one is now: Seems like ALL her tweets and official responses to the bloggers and ethics complaints have been scrubbed off the official AK site...


  10. @FEDUP!!!

    Really interesting observation.

    WV - bable

  11. Thanks, Regina, for continually posting Palin's fake pregnancy photos to prove Palin lied to constituents and the world about Trig.

  12. Slightly off topic - I do not believe Ashley Judd has been pregnant yet. But, she IS now going to HARVARD Kennedy school for some masters in public administration!!. She is a very very smart cookie. This came out right after Scarah belittled her as a starlet. Ashley right now is more well spoken than Scarah and will be more qualified for political office after this advanced degree is completed. IN YOUR FACE SCARAH!! Go Ashley! And she is fluent in French so she won't get punked by a French Canadien radio guy!!
