Sunday 8 November 2009

Celebrity Levi Johnston is back in town! (Videos) - UPDATE

Levi Johnston might not have a new girlfriend yet, but he is hardly alone!

The cameras are apparently with him all the time now - Levi watching Conan, talking to CNN about the twitter account and trying to meet up with Bristol and Tripp...

...and buying a Christmas present for Tripp!

Guys, don't get me wrong: I LIKE Levi Johnston. He is a straightforward, honest and sometimes witty and very funny guy - I just have great doubts that he is allowed to tell the truth regarding what we most care about: Babygate. But let's leave this issue for the moment. I am happy for him that he now has the attention he deserves and apparently has fun with his son, Tripp. He obviously adores him. I loved watching him showing off the pictures of Tripp - especially the one in the cowboy hat.

UPDATE (H/T Bree Palin): Levi arrived in New York for his Playgirl photoshoot, and he looks more confident by the day. Look at the cool Playgirl-bus waiting for him. Gawker wrote a funny report about his arrival and has some good photos ("The Penis has landed").

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  1. If you had anything to prove "babygate," you wouldn't have to pin your hopes on Levi Johnston.

  2. Thanks for this great update on Levi! He is obviously proud of his son.

  3. I'll bet that Conan invites Levi on THE TONIGHT SHOW now.

  4. WE AREN'T !!

    Go back two posts JC- I've left something for you.

  5. I think Levi is going to be in demand throughout the holiday season. Does he have a LEVI JOHNSTON 2010 calendar? Someone should get on that!

  6. I hope Levi gets to deliver the present and see that Tripp gets it.


    Letterman, Conan, 60 Minutes, Oprah, Barbara Walters, ABC/CBS/NBC morning shows ... it's all coming ...

  7. Rex and Tank, if you are reading here, seriously - How fast can someone create a Levi Johnston 2010 calendar??

  8. I love seeing Levi and I hope Bristol will show up with Tripp soon.

  9. Did someone say a Levi Calendar - I'd buy one of those!

  10. I'd be shocked if a calendar wasn't part of the package!

    Levi rocks!

  11. The Levi calendars should be in the stores NOW. But December would still work!

    Seriously, someone should get on that! (I'm kicking myself for not suggesting it as soon as SP's book was rushed into publication.)

  12. Someone email Rex and Tank.....tell them to look here and see that we are all serious. Go Levi!

  13. He could do a TV show, something like "Levi's Alaska." All about his adventures: The Palins, Tripp, the truck, hockey, stalking elusive sheep and bear. With a lot of Alaskan scenery, also, it could have a wide audience.

  14. I would by a Levi calendar for sure.

  15. Levi has more cred as an Alaskan than Sarah Palin will ever have.

  16. Sarah and Todd are the biological parents of Trig.

    Sarah couldn't get pregnant, again.

    A surrogate mother was used and Sarah and Todd's dna was implanted.

    Bristol is/was the surrogate.

    Either that or Sarah and one of ''the chosen ones'' from her church. i close?

  17. Anon 01:57

    A definite NO!

    However, that was probably the most original theory I have heard so far.

    Should we start a competition? The most outrageous Sarah Palin faked pregnancy theory? ;-)

  18. That interview with CNN puts a lot of pressure on the Palins to grow up and act decently.

  19. Michael Moore might get the job done concerning the Palins interfering with Levi's relationship with his son.

  20. Anon @ 01:57, that begs the question,


    SP and TP already had their littlest Palinbot, Piper, who was ready and willing to follow her mother everywhere, even if it meant getting out of school and getting behind big time on her education.

    They didn't NEED to produce a 5th Palin.

    And if we are to put any stock at all in what Levi said about what he observed in his months living at the Palin house -- and knowing that couples in their 40s not using IVF would have to mate like rabbits to get pregnant -- it seems a pretty dim chance that SP ovulated and serendipitously had a fertile egg impregnated to produce a zygote that eventually became TriG.

  21. Anon 02:17

    To my knowledge, the three-baby-theory unfortunately is a pure product of imagination.

    However, as somebody else said before, maybe it will be featured in Dangerous's new book "Three Babies" - you never know...!

  22. Great documentation in Levi's favor in case the visitation issue ever gets to court. Levi buying things for his kid, trying to visit him and not able to, etc. All recorded for the record on national TV for the world to see.

    The Palins are being one upped. Curious to see what their next move regarding this whole thing will be.

  23. Levi looks to be a strong closer! He is winning people over with his latest appearances. Who is winning the battle of late night? It's sure not Sarah.

  24. It's great that Hollywood is getting behind Levi

  25. Most outrageous Sarah Palin faked pregnancy story ever:
    Sarah announced her pregnancy at 7 months, while wearing short tight skirt, jacket and beautiful scarf disguise. She also told her her parents around this time. Sarah didn't show at all because she has very tight abdominal muscles. There are no photographs showing Sarah during this period of time, despite the fact that as governor, she was photographed nearly every day. The only photograph of pregnant Sarah showed up after she was nominated for VP, and the photo has a questionable date stamp.

    Sarah even fooled flight attendants on her return flight to Alaska, while in labor, leaking amniotic fluid. Even though the child was born a month premature and may have had health issues, he made his appearance in Sarah's office within three days of his birth.

    This is the most preposterous, outrageous Sarah pregnancy Sarah Palin Pregnancy story. I should have also included several versions of ultra sound, amniocentesis, where and when Sarah learned the results of the various tests, Willow's diagnosis of Down Syndrome and divine blessings in the description, also, too.

    As a personal note, after Sarah gave her Right to Life speech in Indianapolis, some people commented that an amnio would not have been done if someone intended to keep the baby all along. Fortunately, Sarah has responded to some of the on-line comments by explaining that the ultrasound results suggested doing the amnio. I rather liked the opinion offered on Mudflats that amnio would not have been done to determine Down Syndrome, rather DS is diagnosed by means of a blood test. Several versions of this story now exist, meaning that Sarah is capable of multi-tasking, meaning, living parallel lives and story lines at the same time.

  26. Anon @ 03:42, you beat me to it! I agree, the most preposterous outrageous fake pregnancy story is the one as told by Sarah Palin herself!

  27. BRAVO Anon 03:42!

    I think you have just won the price for the most outrageous pregnancy story! :-)

  28. That is the most outrageous story. No doubt!
    I also heard that her church had an exorcism because one of their members was single and got pregnant. She also heard voices. Never mind psychiatry, the woman was pronouned a witch. They had a prayer meeting and were so bold as to vote for a secret exorcism.

    So they secretly met at midnight. They boldly prayed to the Lord around "the witch" and started dancin and speaking in tongues in the moonlight. The women were writhing on the floor, the men danced in circles. A huge bolt of lightening struck the women as she lay on the floor. A blood curdling scream filled the room. The woman on the floor heaved and screamed while the minister told the demons to leave.

    Sarah was there as well. She screamed Lord, make away! Make away Lord! And the woman on the floor writhed and screamed. Sarah screamed "look the baby is coming!"
    Everyone got to their knees and prayed .

    This is where Trig came from.

    Is this story more outrageous than the "real" story? Or
    ............could it be close to the truth?

  29. @4:49 - That's pretty darn scary.

  30. Anon 04:49

    Also a terrific story, well done! Keep it coming!

  31. Just so you know, it was definitely fiction:) but it's a good story and who knows WTF they do in that pseudo Christian church. I am going to start my own novel about Sarah and it will be called "Witchcraft in Wasilla."

  32. I'd buy a Levi calendar.

  33. @4:49,
    Having seen some pretty scary videos of "demon exorcisms" at churches similar to the ones Palin has a history of attending, I have to say your story is frightening!

    It's scary that these churches are finding demons and witches all over the place, and I don't want anybody who thinks that way in charge of this country! In a Palin WH, not only would there be a "department of law", but also a "department of exorcism and spiritual warfare". Now THAT is horrifying!

    I can't wait to read your novel! It's National Novel Writing Month, NaNoWriMo - why did we not think of that in time to have a "best Sarah Palin novel" contest in honor of the occasion?

  34. Oh My God. I want to write a novel this month. I've got to stop commenting here so much. I need to write a bestseller and buy my husband a chateau. Sarah as motivated me. If she can have a turret, so can I.

  35. 05:40, you go, girl! If Sarah can write a 400 page book in a month, so can, oh, wait, right...

    Well, I still believe YOU can do it!

    I love it, ROFL! A turret on every house!

  36. I often ask myself if Sarah was inspired by Patrick and I's recent trip to visit Regina in September. Remember those lovely photos that Patrick posted of turret?

  37. Kathleen, that just might be! Or else it is some kind of Rapunzel setup for Bristol. Really, for the sake of Bristol, I hope it was the pictures of France!

  38. Is it just me or is a turret "out of place" and a little noveau riche for Wasilla, Alaska? It reminds me of the Berly hillbillies tv show. I think it looks ridiculous and shows how delusional she is.

  39. Piper: Mommy, please tell me my favorite bedtime story, please!
    Sarah: Piper, you know I'm busy writing speeches, and I have to get out another Face Book post tonight.
    Piper: Please, Mommy, just one more time, please, my favorite!
    Sarah: OK, but remember, this story is our special secret.
    Piper: Tell me where Trig came from; I love that story.
    Sarah: Well, you know that First Dude and I always wanted another boy so Track would have a brother. So, we prayed to the Great Stork, and we wished with all our hearts. The Great Stork told me that with four children and a full time job, it wasn't a good time for a baby. But we prayed and prayed, and then one day, I got off of an airplane and went into the hospital, and there he was, our baby Trig. All because of prayer.
    Piper: Now let's pray for a puppy. And, I want a pony, and a pet rabbit and a penguin and a flamingo....
    Sarah: Good Night Piper, please don't say your prayers.

  40. Levi has the IT factor. He is a diamond in the rough that is coming along so fine. He is available girls. Cougars, too. We are in need of a shift away from the crap of the last year or so. Alaska is astounding and deserves to be purged from the Palin corruption vibe.

    Levi has great potential and Alaska's business would be smart to see a shining star. I have said for the last Palin year I would never go to that tight ass loony land no matter how beautiful the exterior. That came after years of thinking the only cruise I could truly enjoy would be to Alaska and spend at least a month seeing the sights. Palin ruined those dreams. She showed me poison and fugly people.

    When I look at Levi I want to go on that dream cruise again.

    Bristol has the opportunity of a lifetime, I'd like to see her grow up. Give Tripp a Feliz Navidad.

  41. I'd buy Levi Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Christmas et al cards. Seasons Greetings! Happy Holidays! Plus a calendar.

  42. well, it's not a calendar, but this is my favorite picture of Levi:

  43. Leadfoot, awwwwww soooo dear.

  44. Thanks, Patrick, for sharing those videos. I do hope that things work out for him and his son. The baby should have equal right to bond with both parents and not be used as a pawn.

    So, back to babygate.

    All the photo and video evidence taken during her partial term in office does not support her allegations of a pregnancy. And if such evidence was laid out before a jury, she'd lose. She is trying to shut down all the talk by rewriting the story. Even adding stuff in an effort to convince others her allegations must be true. You did a great post about that, too!

    Thanks again. Keep up the good work!

  45. I, too, loved the videos. I wish Levi and Tripp the best of the precious babies first Christmas, it means so much. It would be wonderful to see Bristol joining family. The love is with the Johnstons. Palin people hold back and talk sh|t.

  46. Forever Anonymous8 November 2009 at 08:52

    The night reverend Murphy prayed for the lord to make a way for Sarah to reach power and spread her venom, Sarah had a dream.

    She heard applause and people chanting Sarah!, Sarah! She was standing on a stage and was about to get the Miss POTUS sash when the ceremony was interrupted by a stork being chased by flying pigs.

    The next morning Sarah called her doctor, she was feeling out of sort and was worried it may be because of the turkey neck she had swallow whole on thanksgiving dinner and she talked about her dream also.

    Doctor Cathy-Baldwin-Johnson told Sarah that it was common for women after 40 to have dreams like that, and that there was a strong indication there that Sarah was pregnant and should have an amniocentesis test immediately.

    Sarah drove to her doctor to discuss her options, and having reminder Dr. CBJ of her faith they agree on an ultrasound first.

    Sarah was scare knowing what flying pigs meant. She had told no one how much she wanted the POTUS sash she saw in her dream, Todd didn't know, no one would know what she ate on thanksgiving, she decided she would walk the talk to the technician and make her see little boys part; the pigs got the stork, but she could still get the sash.

    Five months later at an Easter egg hunting event a reporter asked Sarah to recount the thanksgiving episode, Sarah was reluctant and the reported said he only asked because her father had given those details.

    Sarah told him about the wild ride and the incredulous reporter asked Todd how come he didn't noticed the state his wife was in and Todd, God bless him, said that He did notice, but wanted to be discreet, he knew how hungry she had being before the food was delivered and how much she enjoys turkey on Thanksgiving.

    The interview was cut short by a phone call from France to the Palins, after she hung up Sarah said that pres.Sarkosky wanted to go aerial hunting with them and she asked Todd: "Why us?". Todd said "why not us".

  47. You guys are way off!
    Yes it's true, your little miss Sarah is not the birth mother. The fact still remains,it is a Palin birth. The question is, which one?
    What you people are missing is there is another Palin female. I know your gonna say; that's not possible,we covered all our bases. Sorry, but you would be quite wrong.(Drum roll please!) Trigg's mommy is Toad. You see the toad is really a toadett. Yes I am afraid it is true. Trust me as I have never told a fib in my life.
    Thank you for your support,and keep reading my FB page.
    Love and best wishes,
    Governor Samuel Palin

  48. Love the outrageous Palin baby storys, I think some one should start a blog where everyone can go and submit their own baby story, see how close we can come to the truth, nothing can be more outrageous than the one Sarah is telling, but what the heck we can try.

  49. hey Levi, You and your boy have the holiday of your dreams. I don't want to think that little guy would not have his first Christmas with his Dad. Being his birthday is so close it is a special time for him.

  50. Say NO to Palin in Politics8 November 2009 at 18:33

    Does anyone know how to find the transcripts for Entertainment Tonight? I read them a while back but can't seem to locate them.

    How can someone resist a guy that says his little boy is going to be "adorable" in his new hockey outfits.

    Also, too........I wonder how much Scarah info Kathy Griffen has forced out of Levi, lol. Betchya Scarah is afraid of that lady!

  51. re: anon@5:40 I'm trying to outline my future novel that takes place several years in the future.
    chapter 1: "The single-engine plane dropped down to the greasy surface of the lake and quickly slid towards the dock. As Sarah stripped off the ugly orange jump-suit, she could see through the cockpit window the accumulated turds lapping on the shore line. Toad had brought up a large black Hefty Bag from the belly of the plane and placed it in the seat. "Dud! You forgot my Naughty Monkees!" she sweetly shrilled, "And also,too, where's that cute red leather jacket I liked so well?" "Er, duh. Piper's wearing them today. She has a plan to increase lemonade sales by becoming "more iconic". The free book with every glass didn't go over so well." Well, Sarah could still get out the message to the bots with her new line of refrigerator magnets. Let Sherrie and Diana make those license plates! (to be continued...)
    I have a magnet for her to stick. It says "Its Very Hard To Un-ring a Bell"
    wv: tiessar (teaser!)

  52. Bristol and Sarah love Tripp and will do what is right for him. They will be mature and correct in handling Levi.

  53. @20:25 - Haven't seen the mature side of Sarah Palin yet. I look forward to it. She is already 45, however.

  54. Patrick:

    Has Gryphen responded regarding the Bristol is not the mother topic?

    This was important, I think. It would be great to get some clarity.

    Thank you in advance.

  55. Maybe he will appear on SNL this week in a cameo! There's a rumor Tina Fey will be playing SP again.

  56. "Not working. I'm done," he tells The Insider. "It's going to have to go to court. They just finally pushed me over the edge."

    I don't wish this on anyone, but it is necessary.

  57. WOW! This is going to be a huge media circus. Who's going to be the ringmaster? Will Nancy Grace cover it?
