Saturday 16 January 2010

New York Post: Bristol Palin received $ 100,000 for "In Touch Weekly" cover story - UPDATE!

Bristol Palin "In Touch Weekly" cover story

The New York post reports:

Sarah Palin and her daughter, Bristol, earned an eye-popping $100,000 for their new In Touch Weekly cover, sources say. For just eight hours' work at her own home, Palin pocketed nearly as much as her $125,000-a-year salary as Alaska governor. It seems her decision to quit her political role is making big financial sense. Palin also reportedly earns $100,000 per public-speaking engagement, while she has a multiyear deal as a Fox News Channel analyst. Reps for the magazine and Palin refused to comment on the deal. But in a classic example of closing the stable door after the horse has bolted, Bristol -- who gave birth to son Tripp in 2008 after a brief liaison with Playgirl-posing flop Levi Johnston -- told In Touch the experience has made her a born-again virgin and announced, "I'm not going to have sex until I'm married. I can guarantee it."

Palingates already reported on Monday that Bristol received a six-figure amount for the cover story, and we were quoted regarding this fact by the websites Jezebel and Salon.

We can confirm that the sum of $ 100,000 which the New York Post now reported is correct.

Why Bristol Palin has to get up at four in the morning every day, when it's so easy for her to earn large sums of money within a few hours, having a millionaire as mother at the same time, I will never understand...

$ 100,000 seems to be the "standard rate" which the Palin family charges for their appearances, because that's also the amount which Sarah Palin charges for speeches as her "standard fee".

If you pay Sarah Palin what she asks for, she will even turn up as a keynote speaker to events like the annual convention of the "Wine and Spirit Wholesalers of America" (WSWA), which will take place in April 2010 in Las Vegas. I am sure that Sarah Palin will have something really relevant to say about "greater synergies between suppliers, wholesalers and retailers". But be careful, Sarah! There will also be a "very popular Wine & Spirits Tasting Competition". Watch out that the gotcha media doesn't approach you after you have dutifully tasted the products of your clients!

The "New York Post" also mentions the expression "born again virgin" in their article which Palingates already had used before in the blog post about the "In Touch" story on Wednesday. I do hope that they didn't get the inspiration over here and then didn't give us credit? (wagging finger...) Ok, they are forgiven - this time. ;-)

As it seems appropriate on this occasion, I do hope that I will make you happy with this wonderfully old-fashioned video clip:



More fascinating news about the Tea Party Convention in Nashville which is supposed to take place in February 2010, how the organizer turned the convention into a "for-profit" event and who paid for Sarah Palin's $ 100,000 speaking fee - this comes directly from a RIGHT-WING blog:

BREAKING: Tea Party Nation’s Judson Phillips: “I Want To Make A Million From This Movement”

Embattled Tea Party Nation, Inc. owner Judson Phillips has been making the media rounds to defend his up-coming, February 4-6 conference at the Opryland Hotel in Nashville, Tennessee.

Disillusioned Tea Party volunteers are angry at Phillips for turning the grass-roots group into a for-profit venture without their consent and for charging more than $500 per person to an event that many worked for but can’t afford.

Local Tea Party insiders say that long-time Republican donor Bill Hemrick [he gave $1000 to the NRCC in late 2009 and to the Fred Thompson and Marsha Blackburn campaigns among others], owner of Upper Deck Trading cards, gave Judson Philips at least $50,000 and maybe the whole $125,000 to cover Tea Party Nation’s Sarah Palin speaker’s fee. This act led Tea Party activists to believe the Tennessee Republican Party has been involved in the closed-door organizing.

Meanwhile, all money made by the sold-out event will go straight to Tea Party Nation, Inc. while grassroots activists have donated their time to make the event happen.

Tami Killmarx, a nurse, and an original member of the Nashville Tea Party Nation Steering Committee says,” I don’t believe for an instant that this money that Judson Philips is making will go to anyone but him. He doesn’t have a PAC. He’s been promising to form a 527.”

He has done neither. Killmarx was asked to leave the Tea Party Nation group of volunteers and kicked off the Tea Party Nation social networking site for voicing her concerns. Her husband, Robert, was asked to leave soon after.

That’s not the only financial funny business Phillips is accused of making. Kevin Smith, the website developer who was never compensated for his work on the Tea Party Nation social networking site and who wrote an insider’s account of the Tea Party Nation dealings, says that Phillips called his account a lie, but offered no proof to the contrary. Smith asserted that Philips mishandled Tea Party funds by paying for expenses out of his wife Sherry’s PayPal account. Judson Phillips did not return my request for comment.

Smith says, “Judson has been very slick and deceptive about PayPal. He’s answered the wrong question. He had two different accounts. One was his wife’s account. After August, there was a TPN account.” Smith was paid from Sherry’s account.


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