Tuesday 28 July 2009

Sarah Palin's amazing pregnancy



  1. Applause...applause...

    That was great, Regina! Loved it. I really like the song, too. Buttercup in pictures with the dates!! Great job!

    Keep up the good work!

  2. Excellent!! I hope this video is spread far and wide. I'll do my part in sending this gem out and around. I also,too liked your choice of music.

    Thanks for doing this video!

  3. Now it's hitting mainstream, thanks to Pat Buchanan. Thanks, Pat! Let's see if the MSM follows up.


  4. Does anyone have any photos of her other pregnancies for comparison? just wonderin, also too

  5. Excellent work--the only thing missing is a picture of Bree from Desperate Housewives with a fork in her fake pregnancy belly. I'd put that at the end, with the title "Stick a Fork in Palin, She's DONE!"

  6. Palin's Deceptions has pictures of her carrying Track and Piper. It would be interesting to include those for comparison purposes.

  7. Stay on it, Regina. Don't give up. Can't wait to see how her supporters spin it when the truth finally comes out. Great video!

  8. Great job!
    (One little suggestion: At the end, could you mention that the airline attendants did not see 'what stage of pregnancy she was on April 17 - i.e. she had 'forgotten' her fake belly?

  9. ...there is no way that SP could have gotten into a plane...

    1st she'll have to past thru TSA...believe me post 911, she and her belly would have been noticed.

    The fact that no one noticed or remembers speaks to the fact that the belly was not the size shown in 'that' BIG OLD BELLY picture, the one she tried to force feed us.

    Its not like a plane full of big belly women were traveling on Alaska Air.

    Maybe now, that she has ran away from the hard work, the media will follow thru....it is about time.

    YES regina, repeat this [photo] mantra often!

  10. So...what about the Elan vidoe where she was so smug about how she had hid it cuz her abs wer so tight? If she had gone through airport security looking like the one and only photo where she actually looks pregnant someone would have noticed. I am of the belief that that photo was manufactured after there were many questions about her being Trig's mother. It's the only photo without a coat or a scarf and THE ONLY one where she actually looks pregnant. The rest all look too flat and to small. Give it up Palin. We are on to your LIE.

  11. Thanks to Pat Buchanan, people become interested again in "Babygate":


  12. Loved the video Regina! Great job! Don't I remember seeing a picture you had up of Palin when she was pregnant with Track? She had a red top and was HUGE.

    That would be a revealing add to the video. Showing that when she was in her twenties, her abs were MUCH looser than in her forties and after having four other children. Great ab work.

    Yup, this pregnancy WAS truly amazing. LOL!

  13. Brilliant. Now we all must pull together and see that Regina's video gets as many viewings as possible. The more viewings the more likely MSM will pick it up.

  14. Love it, ROTFL buttercup! I don't know how you do it all, Regina, keep on keepin' on.

  15. Excellent post Regina! You know, I think this is the only thing old Pat Buchanan ever did that I approved of!
    I sure hope Rachael and KO pick this up and run with it. Rupert may have to buy Sarah her own island to get away from all this. I am loving it!!

  16. Loved the video! Yours and BreePalin's are exactly what we need to get out there.
