Thursday 9 September 2010

Bristol Palin's Prom Pregnancy-Gaffe - Which pregnancy was it, Bristol? Bonus: Bristol's "prom date from hell" in 2006

Guest post by Blueberry Tart

On Jay Leno’s program last week, Bristol Palin said that she didn’t attend her prom because she was pregnant.

At the 1:50 mark:

That was a pretty surprising comment, and perhaps a bit less scripted than the remark that her mom was out hunting ;-) She could easily have said, “because my baby brother was just born,” or “because I had mono for five months,” or “because I wasn’t attending school and neither was Levi,” but instead, she said she missed it because she was pregnant. Thanks, Bristol! It is always nice to get a new clue straight from the horse’s mouth (so to speak), so now we can add this one to the many other clues that we have amassed over the past two years.

Let’s see how this information compares to what we know about when Bristol was pregnant:

She can't mean the 2009 prom, because Tripp was born months before her senior prom took place; she was photographed with him in graduation garb that spring. So she must be referring to the prom in the spring of 2008. Which prom? There were four proms in the Mat-Su Valley, but there is no indication that Bristol attended any other school in the valley than Wasilla High School. According to the school calendar, Wasilla High School has only one prom each year, and in 2008 it was on April 19th (H/T to PUAAN and others). The other proms in the valley were earlier, except for prom at the alternative Burchell HS: Palmer High School - April 5th; Colony High School- April 12th; Wasilla High School - April 19th and Burchell High School - April 25th.

I do not have the date of the Anchorage West High School prom, but it was referred to as “last weekend” in an Anchorage Daily News post on Sunday, April 27th – so I infer that it was the weekend of the 19th as well. If so, it appears that “her prom” was on Saturday, 4/19/08.

However, we already know that, by her own and Levi's accounts, they didn't know she was pregnant until May. Here is a quote from People Magazine: "Bristol found out she was pregnant at the beginning of May last year, just weeks after her mother, then 44, gave birth to her fifth child—son Trig." So it seems safe to assume that she did not know she was pregnant with Tripp on the date of any of the possible proms. Hmmm.

Next, let’s compare the prom date(s) to what we know about her pregnancy. Her family reported that her due date was December 18th and that Tripp was actually born on 12/27. If so, then Tripp was conceived around April 5th. Bristol probably would not have even realized that she might be pregnant by the time of the proms just two weeks later.

Also, girls don’t generally decide on prom day whether they are going or not. This is a big event that is usually weeks or even months in the planning, including shopping for a gown, shoes and accessories, appointments for getting hair and nails done, etc. The boys usually rent tuxedos, order flowers and arrange for limos. Attendees buy tickets ahead of time, and may plan post-prom parties. Often, there is some serious money involved, at least from a teenager’s perspective. In other words, you don’t usually decide at the last minute whether you’re going to the prom or not.

So, taken out of any context, this remark by Bristol is interesting in its own right. It seems very doubtful that she would have planned to go to the prom but cancelled at the last minute because she would not have known she was pregnant yet. But perhaps she had already put these plans aside, because she was pregnant earlier than the reported time of the Tripp pregnancy.

Let’s go back and take a quick look at some other things that we know were happening in Bristol’s life around that time. What was happening around April 19th? Of course we know that the family announced Trig’s birth just the day before. It seems like that would be pretty memorable!

We also know that Bristol had appeared pregnant in late summer-early fall 2007, and then disappeared from view. We have read MySpace comments indicating that she was sexually active in the spring of 2007 and that in May, Sarah confronted her after a phone call that led her to believe Bristol was pregnant. In late June, Bristol called herself a “slut” and left the comment “:( now im a mother duck for that baby!”

Download Bristol's myspace comments from 2006/2007 HERE.

Bristol Myspace 2

More context: Bristol’s friends were aware of the pregnancy rumors in late 2007, as was an Alaska State Senator, Lyda Green. Another prominent Republican politician in Alaska even mentioned it as a fact in a conversation in January 2008 that Bristol was pregnant.

Sarah herself tried to dispel the rumors in February 2008, in a conversation with Bill McAllister. A blogger on reported on the Bristol pregnancy rumor in a post written on April 8, 2008 and said she was going to high school in Anchorage.

Bristol left Wasilla High School midway through the 2007-08 school year. By some accounts, she had a five-month long “case of mono.” As we have reported previously, Heather Bruce confirmed (in the book Trailblazer by Lorenzo Benet, p. 182, 183) that Bristol lived with her while going to Anchorage West HS. This extended stay with Aunt Heather had to be during the 2007-08 school year, because it was reported before the 08-09 school year took place.

What Palingates knows through their own research is that Bristol disappeared from public view in fall 2007 and “re-appeared” in Anchorage in January 2008 and attended classes in Anchorage in January and February 2008. However, at the beginning of March 2008, Bristol “vanished” again. In addition, there are reports that Bristol was very upset because of the fact that Sarah announced her pregnancy on March 5, 2008.

Several media outlets have later connected Bristol’s stay in Anchorage with her pregnancy – however, how could it have been the “Tripp” pregnancy, when she stayed in Anchorage several months before she got pregnant with Tripp?

Inside Edition aired a report on 9/2/08 stating that “Halfway through the school year, about the time Bristol discovered she was pregnant, she transferred to another high school.” This obviously refers to the 2007-08 year, as it was published in early September 2008.

The Washington Post reported that Bristol went mid-school-year to live with her aunt in Anchorage, finishing at the city's West High School. The principal of the Wasilla High School also confirmed that Bristol transferred from there halfway through the 2007-2008 school year.

The National Enquirer reported this as well, with some additional details: “When Sarah found out the teen was pregnant by high schooler Levi Johnston, she was actually banished from the house. As part of the cover-up, Palin quickly transferred Bristol to another high school and made her move in with Sarah’s sister Heather 25 miles away!”

Thanks to Lorenzo Benet’s biography “Trailblazer”, we also know when Bristol returned from Anchorage to Wasilla: It was in May 2008 (p. 188).

It seems to us that these media outlets assumed that Bristol was banished because of the Tripp-pregnancy, but they did not “connect the dots.” It could have not been the Tripp pregnancy.

So, now we have Bristol herself saying that she missed her prom because she was pregnant. This cannot refer to the pregnancy with Tripp, according to the information we have. Bristol did not know she was pregnant with Tripp until May 2008, but all the proms were in April. It’s another one of these “curiosities” which catch our attention and raise many questions. Obviously the pieces of the stories that the Palins have presented do not add up. Thanks again, Bristol - please keep talking!


Addition by Patrick:

However, there is more interesting news:

Talking about Bristol Palin and her proms, we DO know that Bristol went to a prom in 2006. We also know who her prom date was. Our research team, which played a decisive role in this discovery, has dubbed him "The prom date from hell."

If you have a 15-year-old daughter, you might be interested to know what the background of her prom date looks like - especially if you live in a place like Alaska.

Well, one thing is for sure: "Mama Grizzly" Sarah Palin definitely did not care about who her daughter Bristol was "paling around" with in 2006 - which provides another good insight into her mediocre "skills" as a mother.

Bristol's prom date in 2006, a guy who we will call "J", probably would have had a pretty normal upbringing- had he not grown up in the drug-infested environment of Alaska.

A very dangerous environment which should make mothers very cautious when it comes to the friends of their children.

Here is a picture from his public myspace, showing him and Bristol going to the prom in 2006 (we have blurred J's face on all the pictures):

J at prom day - Bristol - blurred 2

Pictured with Track on the same day:

J at prom with Track - blurred

At this point J already had a serious conflict with the law. About one year earlier, in March 2005, he was convicted of "Leaving the scene of an accident - involving injury/death" and sentenced to a fine and to a not insignificant jail term:

J charges

The exact circumstances of this incident are not known.

Which is apparent from his own presentations on myspace and from our further research is that J was deeply involved in the drug culture in Alaska.

This is a picture of J smoking hash, published by himself on his public myspace:

J smoking - blurred

The comments which were left on the smoking picture at J's myspace start in October 2006, so it was probably taken not a long time after J went to the prom with Bristol.

One of the 13 comments on this "smoking picture":

Tabitha Burton myspace comment - name blacked out

For more info about Tabitha Burton, see below.

We know from further research that J spent about 9 months in drug rehab in California. He proudly presents the "Certificate of Completion" of his drug rehab on his myspace:

J certificate of rehab completion - edited

It's a small world in Alaska, and J is also very good friends with Mercede Johnston:

J with Mercede - blurred

J is pictured together on the following photo with Tabitha Burton, who currently is in major trouble, as she is one of the accused in a sensational case of double-murder in Alaska. The trial is still ongoing.

J with Tabitha Burton - blurred

Tabitha Burton in court
Tabitha Burton in court on March 4, 2009

However, it is far from certain at this point that Tabitha Burton is guilty of the alleged crime, as it is possible that she was just an "innocent bystander." But what we know for certain is that the reason for the murders was a substance which I would call "the curse of the Valley" and which is said to be no stranger to some of Sarah Palin's children themselves: Oxycontin.

With this curse surrounding you, it would be better for you if you looked out for your children and who they associated themselves with. Otherwise, you are far from being a "Mama Grizzly."

The upside of this story is that the young man in question who was Bristol's prom date in 2006 finally appears to be getting his act together and has recently joined one of the forces.

With the beginning of his "new life", he should probably also be thinking about cleaning up his myspace profile. ;-)


Just a thought:

Imagine a black dude smoking hash like J in the picture, knowing another black girl pretty well who was accused of double murder - and having been at the same time one of the prom dates of the Obama children.

I know that the Obama children are still too young, but just imagine.


Please note that "J" is not Jeremy Morlock and not Johnny Chandler (who have both been mentioned in the media before). We didn't reveal the identity of "J" because he has started a new life, there is no reason at this point to make his identity public.

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