TMZ reports:
Sarah Palin has obtained a new restraining order against the stalker who's been terrorizing her family -- after the man allegedly made several disturbing threats ... including raping Sarah's daughter.
A judge in Anchorage made the new TRO official last week -- after Sarah claimed 19-year-old Shawn Christy had become more "brazen" in his threats to harm Sarah and her family ... and even rape her daughter.
It's unclear which daughter Sarah was referring to in the legal docs -- but she later mentions that the stalker targeted Willow in his threats and it "bothered [her] tremendously."
It doesn't end there either -- according to the docs, Shawn phoned Sarah's house calling her a "slut or whore" ... and Sarah's dad claims the family was so spooked they "made sure we armed ourselves."
There were variations on the same theme in the past:
Sarah Palin used some alleged threats of gang rape against Willow and Bristol as an excuse to move them away from Juneau.
From Going Rogue:
"In that first year, I was alerted to threats against Willow by students at her Juneau school, one particularly disturbing. Someone posted a note on an Internet site threatening to gang-rape her at school. I never felt safe for her after that. Later, the same thing happened to Bristol."
Read more about this : Officials: No record of threats on daughters Willow and Bristol
In 2009, David Letterman was depicted as a dirty old man who craked jokes about the statutory rape of Willow.

Last year Sarah Palin suggested that Joe McGinniss would get a kick out of peering through Piper bedroom window and watching her children swimming in Lake Lucille.

"Wonder what kind of material he’ll gather while overlooking Piper’s bedroom, my little garden, and the family’s swimming hole?"
Bristol Palin, in the witness box at the David Kernell trial:
“There was one [text message] that really scared me,” Bristol Palin testified in federal court. She said she was concerned when a bunch of boys called, claiming they were at her front door and needed to be let in.
“We live in the middle of nowhere in Alaska … in the middle of the woods.”
Why are sexual and other threats against her daughters such a reccurring theme in Sarah Palin's life? Why does she repeatedly paint an image where her daughters are the objects of men's fantasies?
TMZ appears to have obtained the information from Sarah Palin's camp. In her quest for eternal victimhood, Sarah Palin didn't request that details of the latest threat to one of her daughters remain confidential.
Who is sexualizing Sarah Palin's underage daughters? Who's conjuring up images involving sexual violence against her daughters again and again and again?
I find this recurring theme very disturbing.