Wednesday 18 May 2011

Carla Bruni is not as good as Sarah Palin at hiding bumps...

There are rumours that Carla Bruni is pregnant with her second baby, due in October. The wife of Sarah Palin's good friend, president Sarkozy, is 5' 9" and very slim.

The Daily Mail reported:

As the wife of French president Nicolas Sarkozy made her way into the launch event for her illiteracy foundation she had quite a task hiding the obvious.

The 43-year-old wore a fitted dark jacket with a navy shirt and trousers - the dark colours failing to disguise her obvious condition.

Here's Carla Bruni, photographed in March and a couple of days ago:

She's 3 months pregnant and should have no trouble hiding her bump. As a former model, we would expect Carla to have very tight abs.

Perhaps Carla should have asked Sarah Palin for some advice. Sarah had an optional bump, enabling her to appear completely flat at 7 months. If Carla managed to look like Sarah did in the photo below, nobody would suspect she's pregnant and she could have hidden it from the public at least for another 8 months!

[Laura Novak tried to interview Pat Dougherty, editor of the ADN, about the pregnancy hoax. Very interesting...]