Wasilla seems to be a fascinating place. Surrounded by breathtaking scenery, Wasilla itself cannot be described as a beautiful city. It has a very small population, around 10,000 in 2008. In 2000 the population was even smaller: 5,469. Four years before that, Sarah Palin was elected mayor of Wasilla, a part-time position.
So started her "executive" career. Sarah Palin hired a city administrator to run Wasilla. She must have found it too much hard work and needed some help.

In 2008, the mayor of Wasilla Dianne Keller gave an interview:
Jason Jones: Do you think being a small-town Mayor prepares you to be president of the United States? Mayor Dianne Keller: An unequivocal yes. JJ: How? Mayor: How? JJ: Let's say you have a problem with the fire department? What would you do? Mayor: The city of Wasilla doesn't manage the fire department. JJ: Ok, fine. Let's say there's something wrong with the school system? Mayor: We don't do the school system. JJ: Just pick any social service. Mayor: We don't do social services in Wasilla... JJ: Um, what do you do? Major: What do we do in Wasilla? JJ: Take me through the Mayor of Wasilla's day. Mayor: (nod, nod, nod), Just different, different things on different days...um, well Mondays at 10 o'clock we always have a staff meeting, and then, um, um, (long pause) every Thursday is a check-signing day, so I sign all the checks for the city of Wasilla--pay the bills...
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
Understanding Real America in Wasilla | ||||
I noticed that the mayor of Wasilla supervises the police department. For a small town, the crime figures don't look very encouraging.

Sarah Palin couldn't manage one department very effectively. Running the United States is a tad more complex than that.
We'll look into how running the state of Alaska enhanced Sarah Palin's qualifications for the "big job" in a future post.
So far, it's not looking too good.
Enjoy these pictures of Wasilla.

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