Friday, 5 February 2010

3,000 pages of emails from Sarah Palin's administration released to MSNBC.COM - Search through the database! - Todd Palin acted as "Shadow Governor"!

Meet Todd Palin, former AK "Shadow Governor"!

+++Please note that many direct links to the emails in the Crivella West database have changed in the meantime, apparently due to technical reasons!
I have therefore uploaded the most important emails in this folder!+++

However, you can still search the MSNBC/Crivella West database containing 3000 pages of emails from Sarah Palin's administration with the following link:

Some of the links in this post don't work anymore, but the emails are all still available in the database.


Exciting news every day, we can hardly keep up!

MSNBC.COM has one of their best investigative journalists on the case - Bill Dedman, who once received a Pulitzer Prize for investigative reporting.

A first check of the emails by MSNBC.COM has already revealed that "first dude" Todd Palin acted as some kind of "Shadow Governor" - basically as a "No. 2" who gave orders to members of the administration on a regular basis.

MSNBC.COM has apparently spared no expenses and specifically created a fully searchable database for these emails which seems to work great - it's full of treasures! After only a few minutes a searching, I already made some very fascinating discoveries!

This thread will constantly be updated with the new findings!

Please let us know in the comments about your discoveries in the emails!

Please provide links to the PDF-documents which you discuss in the comments! This will make it easier for everyone to find the document. Many thanks!

In addition, please send all important findings also to Bill Dedman from MSNBC.COM:


Lets have a look at some nuggets now (constantly updated):

















Why not have another crazy baby name? (suggestion from a citizen)
















Sarah Palin in an email on September 5, 2007 about the Christmas pics for 2007 which were then taken on September 14, 2007: "The sooner the better on the Christmas pics! My kids are getting busier than ever and it will be impossible to have everyone together if it's not in the next couple of weeks - just for the day is good enough."

So, Sarah - your kids will get busier?

Did you mean - Bristol will get busier?

The Bristol whose belly looked liked this on the official Christmas picture which was taken on September 14, 2007 (FULL SET HERE):

Sarah Palin and family - official Christmas 2007 photo - taken on 14 September 2007

Want to see more of Bristol (comparison June 10, 2007 - September 14, 2007)?

Bristol Palin comparison June 2007 to September 2007 - pic 2

Bristol Palin comparison June 2007 to September 2007 - pic 1

Bristol Palin - Comparison 10th June 2007 - 14th September 2007

The pictures from 2007 were posted on myspace - download Bristol Palin's myspace comments from 2007 HERE.

Congratulations - you have just seen the mother of Trig! Only on Palingates. The greatest story of all, the story that the MSM has missed for about 1 1/2 years now!

You can also catch a glimpse of the pregnant Bristol as a member of the audience of the MTV-show in New York on October 8, 2007.

See the blog on Palingates about Bristol's attendance of the MTV-show with additional pictures!

Screenshot of Bristol in the MTV-audience on October 8, 2007:

Bristol Palin - pregnant MTV October 8 - 2007

There are press pictures available from the MTV-shown on which Bristol can be seen - they are collected IN THIS FOLDER.


Sarah knew exactly what she was doing regarding her already infamous "cabins":

"Also, Todd- what's the # for SmithBarney so I can get a list of all your 401 K plan holdings. And did Bristol and Willow get paid for comm fishing in '07? How much? And who were the fish buyers last season? And no changes in properties bought/sold last year, correct? The buying/selling took place in '06, 1 believe? And legally Deb Richter's name is off the cabin property, correct?"





These are some real tweets from Sarah Palin's favourite talk show host Eddie Burke:

twitter - Eddie Burke - Hitler did this once



INTERESTING! It seems that there was a film made at the "infamous" Fairbanks luncheon on February 15, 2008! See the item in the schedule regarding March 6, 2008 (email from February 27, 2008). So far, despite of enormous efforts on our part, no picture or other media of Sarah Palin with her kids from this event has ever been published. See also THIS EMAIL regarding this event which previously has been published.




Well, Todd - what about your wife being in labor at this day? Nothing to say about it? Huh?








This is the plot of the movie:

A tale told over four seasons, starting in autumn when Juno, a 16-year-old high-school junior in Minnesota, discovers she's pregnant after one event in a chair with her best friend, Bleeker. In the waiting room of an abortion clinic, the quirky and whip-sharp Juno decides to give birth and to place the child with an adoptive couple. She finds one in the PennySaver personals, contacts them, tells her dad and step-mother, and carries on with school. The chosen parents, upscale yuppies (one of whom is cool and laid back, the other meticulous and uptight), meet Juno, sign papers, and the year unfolds. Will Juno's plan work, can she improvise, and what about Bleeker?

Well, anyone should decide for him-/herself how to interpret this "event".

On this occasion, I would like to disclose something else: Several months ago, in the summer of 2009, I had a long and very pleasant phone conversation with former AK State Senate President Lyda Green. We talked mainly about Sarah's pregnancy with Trig and Troopergate.

Lyda Green told me in this conversation that she was in the same room with Sarah Palin on March 6, 2008 when Sarah announced her pregnancy to the public. In Lyda Green's opinion, Sarah didn't look pregnant at all. Lyda Green also confirmed to me that the rumors about Bristol's pregnancy already existed in Juneau back in December 2007 (so far to the tale that these are "internet rumors"). Lyda Green said to me that she herself doesn't know for certain if Sarah faked the pregnancy, and added: "If I knew, I would tell you."

I know that a comprehensive post about this issue is overdue. There is much more material we have collected - for example, we know that a top-Republican Alaskan politician, whose name we know, said in a private conversation in January 2008 that Bristol was pregnant - as a fact, NOT a rumor.








He writes to Sarah the next day, on April 18, 2008 (Trig's official birthdate):

Dear Governor Palin,

Yesterday evening as I was flying back to Juneau from a business trip in Seattle, I had the pleasure of chatting with you and your husband Todd in the Alaska Airlines boardroom. It seemed as though you were engrossed in a book so I spoke mostly with Todd and tried not to intrude on your opportunity to relax. Little did I know that your were in labor at the time. I'm impressed that you were gracious enough to speak with me even though you both obviously had much more important things on your mind. In retrospect, it would have been totally understandable if you had just asked to be left alone. My prayers will be with you, your new son and your family.

Sincerely, ...

Sarah Palin truly is a superwoman!



CLARIFICATION: Todd's message was a response to this correspondence - Todd didn't want to express that he is banned from talking to the staff of the State of Alaska!


This is the confirmation of the fact which we had already found in Bristol Palin's myspace comments from 2006/2007 - these comments can be downloaded here.


Sarah is extremely concerned:

"Who are 'they'? Who went to the bedroom, where else did they go?"

Apparently the AK department of law initiated it, but from this correspondence, the whole affair remains mysterious. Maybe it wasn't the department of law, but some "federal folks"...?




Sarah is happy about it. Great to know that Sarah's brother was involved in government business, too!


At first, we thought that these emails were written by Sarah's father, Chuck Heath Sr. But I am convinced now that this is not the case. They were written by Sarah Palin's brother, Chuck Heath Jr! He didn't really receive our attention so far.


More emails about Dairygate - and Chuck Heath Jr. is right in the midst of it:

Read more about Dairygate on Palingates HERE - the (old) scandal which is getting more and more interesting by the minute!


Did you ever wanted too see a screenshot of Meghan Stapleton's inbox? These emails are full of surprises indeed...

Well, here we are (LARGER PICTURE - CLICK HERE):

Meghan Stapleton Inbox Screenshot 2 small




The new database by MSNBC is getting extremely slow now and sometimes does not respond at all any more, which is not surprising, as the story now goes viral and the demand must be huge.

As an "emergency measure", I have uploaded 45 of these documents to an online folder, ready for download.

These are basically all the emails which are mentioned in my post.

This way, we can all continue to have fun!



Andrea Mitchell (MSNBC) reports:

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy


(she didn't do anything wrong, of course)
