Sunday, 27 September 2009

Shapeshifting Sarah Palin

Our friend Bree Palin came across some very good footage of Sarah Palin dated April 8, 2008. When we look at some screenshots from the video together with other pictures, it becomes very clear that Sarah Palin's "baby bump" changes shape and size in a very peculiar fashion.

I find the photos around April 8 particularly interesting. Either Sarah Palin ballooned from nothing into the square shaped belly, or the other way around, because the footage wasn't taken more than a couple of days apart...

By April 13, Sarah had obtained a better shaped belly and finally looked pregnant. But she must have shrunk again by April 17, because the air crew on the Alaska Airlines flight to Anchorage didn't think her stage of pregnancy was apparent, which Sarah Palin confirmed in an interview a couple of days after she "delivered" Trig.

Just a clarification – you flew commercial Alaska Airlines?

Palin: Yeah, yeah.

Reporter: And did -- This was something else I think I heard your father say I just wanted to clarify. Did you have to hide your pregnancy because you were so far along?

Palin: Well, you know I never felt nor do some people say I ever looked like I was that far along, um, so no purposeful way or need to hide that I was pregnant. Um, some, I know that some airlines would have uh, some hesitancy on letting maybe a nine month pregnant person get on board but it wasn’t nine months so, um, it was…

Reporter: And you didn’t tell them you were feeling something when you came back on the plane?

Palin: No need to because I wasn’t feeling at all like I was in labor in fact, you know I wasn’t one or maybe two contractions an hour that felt just like Braxton Hicks which I’d been having for months. That doesn’t constitute labor, so…

What a truly fascinating pregnancy...

(Way of Peace put the photos together, with respective dates. Please click to enlarge. Thanks WoP!)

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