Monday, 14 September 2009

Sarah Palin's Babygate - by Patrick

Sarah Palin on March 26, 2008, barely three weeks before "giving birth" to her fifth child...

Why I know That “Babygate” Is Real –

And Why The Alaskan Media Has Failed

- Guestpost by Patrick -

Up until a year ago, nobody had ever heard about “Babygate”. Then, in September 2008, Audrey started blogging with “Palin’s Deceptions” and single-handedly, as a lone blogger, started the discussion going about an issue which has since then grown and inspired the creation of many other blogs. The “Babygate” discussion is still as relevant today as it was at the very beginning and there are very good reasons for this.

At the beginning of November 2008, my partner Kathleen and I became members of Audrey’s research team. Since then, and on an ongoing basis after we left the research team in June 2009, we have received deep insights into the background of “babygate”, and have been privileged to see information that in parts has never been disclosed to the public so far.

Babygate is real. I have seen enough information to openly say this in public without the fear of “reprisals”. Sarah Palin is not the biological mother of Trig.

Here are three pieces of inside information I would like to share with you.

In April 2009, Palin’s Deceptions received an email from a person containing the following story: In January 2008 in a confidential conversation with a prominent and well known member of the Republican Party it was revealed to her that Bristol Palin was pregnant, and that it was “common knowledge in Juneau” at this time. In a second email this person confirmed that this Republican had no reason to lie.

The person who wrote the email didn’t reveal an identity to us, just gave a first name. As a routine measure, in order to assess the validity of this information, we investigated if we could find out who the sender of the email was. To our surprise, we established through internet forensics with absolute certainty that this person is related to somebody who holds a very “high rank” within Alaskan society, including frequent appearances in the media (for example ADN and local TV).

It is clear that this woman is not willing to go on the record. The last sentences of her second email were: “I would like to say more or reveal who I am but at this point am afraid. The vindictiveness of this Governor is just unbelievable.”

We will of course under no circumstances reveal the identity of this person.

The second piece of information I would like to share with you is the following:

On April 8, 2008, 10 days before the “official birth of trig”, the user “jibegod” posted the following on the website “reddit”:

“On March 5th, 2008 Alaska's Republican Governor, Sarah Palin, announced to the media that she was 7 months pregnant with her 5th child. She is currently 44.

The controversy arises from two sources: First, Sarah Palin does not appear pregnant in any recent photographs. The announcement came as quite a shock to people who had worked closely with her, and have been quoted as saying that she did not appear pregnant whatsoever during the prior 7 months.

Second, Palin's daughter Bristol is 16 and attends an Anchorage high school. Students who have attended class with her report that she has been out of school for months, claiming a prolonged case of mono.

Apparently, this rumor has made the rounds in the upper echelon of the Alaska legislature, and is a closely guarded secret. As far as I know, this rumor has not been discussed by any media outlets, in Alaska or otherwise.

The points here are based mostly upon hearsay, and I'm not trying to destroy an innocent family. However, a Republican politician hiding a pregnant teenage daughter seems rather newsworthy.”

Here is the link:

We were of course very intrigued about the validity of this post, and again we researched the background of the poster “jibegod”. We discovered, again with absolute certainty, that “jibegod” has family connections to a lawyer in Anchorage, and we found evidence that this lawyer indeed has close connections to the “upper echelon of the Alaska legislature”. Therefore we came to the conclusion that the post by jibegod is credible.

Again, we would of course never ever compromise the anonymity of these people.

The third piece of inside information is also highly interesting, especially in the light of the recent “revelations” by Levi Johnston.

A very well known conservative politician in Alaska received the following email several weeks ago from a friend of his who works as an author in New York (telling him details about Sarah Palin’s book deal):

I am told by reliable sources, but don't know for a fact, that the deal is worth an initial $2 million, with various clauses that could take it higher if the book sells.
Customarily, one-quarter to one-third is paid on signing.
(I'm also told, less reliably, that she rushed into the deal in order to get money to pay off Levi and his family in return for a commitment to not talk about anything to do with the Palin family, including the question of Trig's parentage.)"
This speaks for itself.

So, is there enough to “believe” in “babygate”, in conjunction with all the photo evidence and other evidence we have collected over all these months?

In my opinion, the answer is “Yes”.

Admittedly, this is all “circumstancial” evidence. But by now, we have a lot of it. And we have a Sarah Palin who has up until today strictly refused to provide a birth certificate or any substantial medical documentation to the public (that is apart from the medical letter reputed to have been sent from Cathy Baldwin-Johnston and released by the McCain campaign on the eve of the 2008 Presidential election and which is discussed at length here:

– and who has a great interest in the fact that discussion of “Babygate” has been so far suppressed in the mainstream media.

Regarding the fact that Sarah Palin failed to follow requests to provide more documentation, see here:

And that leads us to the ADN and Pat Dougherty.

He is the editor of the only daily newspaper in Alaska with any importance. They pretty much have a monopoly.

And they have failed.

In autumn 2008, the ADN realised that the persistent rumors about Sarah Palin’s fake pregnancy were not going away. They appointed a journalist, Lisa Demer, to the story. She started to investigate, conducting interviews including Sarah Palin’s elusive doctor, Cathy-Baldwin Johnston and other people close to Sarah and her children. Demer even interviewed a blogger.

What was the result?

Pat Dougherty complained publicly in his editors’ blog that this investigation by the ADN, which was apparently designed to “exonerate” Sarah Palin, curiously received no support from Sarah Palin whatsoever.

And as a result, he decided to drop the story and decided not to report ANYTHING.

Pat Dougherty wrote about these issues in his editors’ blog for example here:

Is this what highly paid journalists in such cases are supposed to do? Sit in their offices and wait for the “evidence” to walk through their door?

I think not.

Several days ago I shot off an “angry letter” to Pat Dougherty, complaining about the lack of coverage. I also asked him whether the rumor was true that Sarah Palin apparently threatened to sue the ADN. I also mentioned the MTV video and Michael Carey’s interview from September 2008.

This is the response I received from Pat Dougherty:


What exactly is the evidence? Not what you think you see in a video, but evidence. Not what somebody told somebody who told you, but evidence. If we had the evidence, we'd report the story, but we don't have it. As far as I can tell, neither do you. Just for your information, rumors are often presented as facts; that doesn't actually make them facts. What makes a rumor a fact is verification with evidence.

And no, nobody threatened to sue us to stop a story that never existed. You should know, though, that people regularly threaten to sue us and that doesn't scare us or stop us. It's just another day at the office. Why? Because if they sue us and we can back up what we say with evidence, we win and they lose.


Sarah Palin’s faked pregancy is without any doubt a huge political scandal. Palin could still be a serious contender to become the next Republican presidential candidate. And this is a possible danger for the whole world, because elections are never fully predictable.

I want Sarah Palin exposed. She has no business in politics. And I urge every journalist to move their butts, get out there and finally start to investigate and ask the right questions to the right people.

I am certain that if they do this it won’t be long until they find what they are looking for.