Here's a paragraph from $arah Palin's
latest note, on Facebook:
Also this week, Alaskans will join Senators Murkowski and Begich in town hall meetings to discuss the current health care legislation. There are many disturbing details in the current bill that Washington is trying to rush through Congress, but we must stick to a discussion of the issues and not get sidetracked by tactics that can be accused of leading to intimidation or harassment. Such tactics diminish our nation’s civil discourse which we need now more than ever because the fine print in this outrageous health care proposal must be understood clearly and not get lost in conscientious voters’ passion to want to make elected officials hear what we are saying. Let’s not give the proponents of nationalized health care any reason to criticize us.This comes after her note last
Friday, where she made reference to "Obama's death panel".
Word salad apart, she sounds like an arsonist who admits to adding gasoline to the fire but defends himself by saying: "Ah, but I didn't light the match!"
The previously most famous "I didn't do it!" was the cover line when Squeaky Fromme appeared on the cover of Newsweek, dressed in some elf-type of costume, after attempting to shoot President Gerald Ford in 1975.
That Newsweek was displayed prominently at all of the twenty-plus check-out counters at the Beretania Street Safeway in Honolulu. From the front of the store, one could see row after rows of Squeaky. That Safeway, in fact, is not far from where a tall, lanky black teen then known as Barry worked scooping ice cream at the Beretania Street Baskin-Robbins.
P.S. $P's ghost's efforts to reframe gun-toting shouters as "conscientious voters' passion" comes a bit late, dontcha think, after the "death panel" and "pallin' around with terrorists" remarks. The horse has long left the barn, $P!
What? That muslin was born in Kenya, what was he doing scooping ice cream in Hawaii??
Oh, I get now. All part of the plan...
I must need to drink a little more coffee--my first impression was that Gail was being ironic. Weren't you Gail?!?
CC, I believe Gail was being sarcastic. If it is the same Gail I have seen posted elsewhere, she is not a troll.
CC from far away, I think Gail was being facetious...
I don't sense that she's anti-Obama, but rather that she passed an ironic comment to highlight the thinking of an ignorant right-winger.
I think so too. If she's the Gail I know, she was being sarcastic.
Emotions run high whenever $P is involved and people may overreact...
First Sarah riles them up with coded messages then she goes into CYA (cover your a$$) so when they do damage or harm to someone she can look surprised and say "who me, what did I do?"
CC, have your sarcasm detector checked please. How could that comment be taken as anything but a joke? I thought it was pretty funny by the way :-)
This is damage control. It was obviously pointed out to Palin and her incompetent staff that suggestions of "death panel" and "seniors & downs syndrome being unworthy of health care" were sure fire ways to spark emotional highs in some of the more lunatic fringe, and more than likely told her that fingers could be pointed directly at her should things get out of hand due to her tossing around such terms without consideration of what the consequences could be.
Even when trying to promote "civil discourse", Palin can't stop herself from calling the bill "outrageous". Sure, we need civil discourse in all areas of politics, but what's "outrageous" is how people like Palin make this difficult to achieve.
Word salad apart, she sounds like an arsonist who admits to adding gasoline to the fire but defends himself by saying: "Ah, but I didn't light the match!"
Interesting analogy.
What's up with that church fire investigation???
Sarah is so full of sh*t her eyes have changed color.
When people kill in her name, she may actually have to explain her incitement to riot and violence.
The fact is, Sarah Palin is an obvious and blatant racist. THAT is why she hates President Obama. She LOST to him based on her own blind mindless hatred.
This is all about whipping up the elderly and low information people, to scare them about the big black guy in THEIR White House.
Insurance companies practice "death panel" every day and have for years. Why don't people realize that SP doesn't care about anyone but herself ... her child is simply a tool?
Fight the insurance companies, they're behind all of this.
Palin junped on the bandwagon because someone turned her button on. She's simply a ventriloquist dummy.
BTW I also thought Gail was being facetious. patient with us. Many of us care about this a great deal and our sarcastic mode takes over rather quickly.
We realize there are horrible lies out there and it's difficult to counteract them. Since some of us use sarcasm as a tool, it just pops out sometimes. It's great in person but tends to get lost in the written word.
The special session is being held by Palin quitting creating the necessity for the legislators to confirm a new Lt. governor. She makes no reference to Campbell, where the focus should be
since there is no credible explanation for this appointment.
basheert -- remember that in 1984 miss sarah lost the miss alaska contest to a contestant of color.
in her mixed - up mind, she may still be looking
for a payback for that humiliation. (that contestant actually had a talent -- singing -- and miss sarah's looks didn't trump the winner's talent. oh dear.)
Thanks for the charitable comment. While you MAY be correct about SP, what about the rest of these HATEFUL HATING Repigs - Rick Perry, Jeff Sessions, Hayley Barbour John Boehner, Mitch McConnell ... not to mention the "ethically challenged" David Vitter, John Ensign, John Sanford and the C Street Band?
Good grief, THIS IS A POLITICAL PARTY? It is LED by Sarah Palin and a oxycodone addict Rush Limpballs. Every time these two fart, the right wing goes freako.
Just let it happen folks. The Republican Party of No is about to become the Republican Party of NONE.
The racism in this country is sickening - absolutely delusional. Welcome back to the Civil War, only it's not so civil.
Regina, got any room in France for a couple of expats?
My apologies to Gail, if she was being sardonic...
That's what I get for posting before having coffee.
Carry on ...
You're both very welcome!
funny Gail!
I wonder if he views his ice cream the same way we view our ice cream?
Is it "one of our flavors"
btw, he can't be black!
Just take a look at his mom!!
I think me has been following Trigs Grandmother the Quitter Gov, never quitting the grifter gig Sarah's sense of logic a little to long!
You Betcha!
Hi all, I just found out I had stirred a bit of controversy! CC no offense taken, SP is quite a lightening rod. Some grad students in political science will no doubt be writing dissertations on why!
Isn't it telling that the far right is SO absurd that people do often take a hoax like mine as potentially genuine. You see it with climate deniers all the time. Their excuses are so absurd it is hard to distinguish from pure satire!
- Gail
Thanks, Gail ... have a lovely day!
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