Someone left this comment on the last thread:
Anonymous said...
I don't know what your your mother-in-law looks like, but I have met some plump ladies who didn't look pregnant at all, just fatter. If one of these women didn't tell anybody that she was pregnant, it would be quite possible to surprise her acquaintances with a nine pound baby...
Many women manage to disguise their pregnancies and get away with it because nobody was paying attention, there are no photos to jog people's memories and it becomes irrelevant in the excitement of a new baby. That's not Sarah Palin's case. The very few photos that survived the scrubbing tell us a very different story. If you read all the posts and discussions about Babygate carefully, you will see that we base our suspicions regarding Sarah Palin's fake pregnancy on a lot more than just a couple of photographs. There are too many inconsistencies and her own account of events surrounding the pregnancy and delivery of Trig sound absolutely ludicrous.
Can all this circumstancial evidence be considered unequivocal proof that Sarah Palin faked her 5th pregnancy? Not yet, but we know we're on the right track.
As for taking the baby out early because the regular doctor was going abroad on vacation, that was your mother's choice, but I find it bizarre and I certainly wouldn't have done that. I'm glad you're a caring daughter, good for you.
Sarah Palin and Down's Syndrome
Sarah Palin, baby, fluids, risks and the doctor
A tout a l'heure.
Unless you have definite, unequivocal proof, you are only being a "birther". Yes, I do believe that Obama was born in the USA, and at least Sarah has been vetted more than tnan any politician right now. I believe that she gave birth to Trig, if not only because she had the "pregnant face". Regina, you must remember that face, when it is so swollen that you look at yourself in the mirror and wonder if it will ever become normal again. Since you have shown us pictures of your child, I think that you must remember that time, My MIL gave birth to my husband and no one knew she was pregnant and he weighed over nine pounds when he was born. My Mom was pregand with me and her doctor was leaving the country for vacation and I was "taken out" early because she was confortable with her obstetrician and even though my birth was "high risk" she wanted her doctor. I was supposed to be a child of "Pro-Choice" and my mom chose LIFE. I guess that it worked out for her because or all of her children, I am the one that takes care of her.
24 October 2009 06:22