Please be patient. I'm an amateur blogger without a decent program for managing photos, but I hope these three will do for comparing notes.
In your opinion, is the girl in the middle Bristol (left) or the ebay niece? (right)
Check nose, mouth and chin.
Over to you, gentle reader, what do you think? Poll on the right >>> (closed on April 4th, 15:10, with ebay niece as the clear winner)
I vote niece!
I vote NOT Bristol, maybe niece
I second that!
The noses 'do' look similar in a comparison on the SD blog, but then look at Bristols chin/lower face: It is slightly sloping backward, with the chin going a bit forward (very slight bulbish look), whereas the 'other' girls' chin and lower face kind of goes straight down, w/o the tiny bulbish look. (I call it 'bulbish look', because I do not want to call it 'fat', although it is fatty tissue)
...niece, but good try SP!
We're on to you now...but go ahead and deny it, we're use to that too!
Even though I was the one who sent a link to Palin's Deceptions claiming this was Bristol, I have to admit that I now believe I jumped the gun and this is definitely not her.
It might be the niece but now I am not sure of anything.
Hi Regina ... first time poster on your site. I've posted a couple of times on Audrey's site as CC.
In my humble opinion ... I think it is the niece, or maybe someone else but I do not think it is Bristol.
Not only do I not think it is Bristol ... but since darling Sarah loves these little games, I don't think she would put Bristol out there subject to any cameras. Especially since the whole Tripp issue is still festering amongst us "anonymous bloggers in PJs."
She is one piece of work ... and what I cannot believe, I know it has been stated repeatedly, is how she gets away with not doing any governing for the people of AK and why they don't impeach her a**
Not Bristol...more than likely niece.
This photo proves that it is definitely NOT BRISTOL
Definitely not Bristol.
The lips....they do NOT match Bristol at all.
It could be that niece, or maybe a different niece, but it is NOT Bristol.
Here are several more shots from the event and clearly...this is the ebay girl
Actually this is a better link for the photos showing it being the ebay girl!
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